

Where is gonna come a time when someone asks me what I can do

2016年07月19日 | 雑感
I do not have a very good answer now.

The question is what do i wanna be able to say in 5 years.

So, what is it gonna be?

I can make the best fucking coffee in the city?
I can make the best fucking ad campaign in japan?
I can improve your brand value in the world better than anybody else could?

Look at how Mike Ross quit saying that he helped rick people in stead of helping people that nobody else cared to help.
that is the right attitude.

I hated advertising for applying art to commercial purpose.
now it seems cool how advertising campaign mix science and art to deliver product, San ad.
Shit, i do not know. Brand consulting in the third world?
I need something to add on that.

Besides, i see nothing to help that statement coming out of mouth if i kept doing what i do now.

i need to get my shit together.
I really need to think and figure out who the fuck i really wanna be.

the answer is inside me. I just need to figure that out.
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