
⑰キング夫人は また話しを続けていた。「でもね、私もね、二十歳若くたってかまいませんのよ。今の娘(こ)は私たちの頃よりもずっといっぱい楽しんでいるようですもの。もちろん一線を越えてしまう娘もいますけどね ―」
原文: Mrs. King was talking again. ”Just the same, I wouldn’t mind being twenty years younger myself. seems to me they have more fun than we used to. Some of them go too far, of courseー"
"Let me tell you, Mrs. King," Mrs. Dennis interrupted, her breathing short and rapid, "I'll have no carrying on around this house. I'm bringing my daughter up clean and decent."
Mrs. King laughed, a little embarrassed, "Oh, I didn't mean your girl, of course, but you know how kids'll do."