


2020年01月25日 | 雑感
武漢肺炎(2019、a novel coronavirus:2019-nCo)の患者数の公式発表には問題ある。
Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV:early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions」によれば、感染者数を164,602から 351,396と推測している。

There is a problem with the official announcement of the number of patients with Wuhan pneumonia (2019, a novel coronavirus: 2019-nCo).
First, you need to see a hospital to get a “confirmation decision” that you are infected with a coronavirus. However, the number of patients is so great that it is difficult to consult. If a visit to the hospital reveals a coronavirus infection, the hospital will report it to the Wuhan Health and Health Commission. The committee then reviews for infection. And only the patients approved by the committee will be judged as "confirmed." ... If you do not have "confirmed", you will not be able to enter the hospital. Is not counted. It counts in the category "Unknown pneumonia". There is no fever at the stage of the examination, and even after receiving the prescription and returning home, if the condition worsens and dies, it will result in “unknown pneumonia”. In other words, the number of patients announced by the Chinese government, together with the economic growth rate of 6%, is a political and hopeful figure and does not represent the actual situation.
According to "Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV: early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic predictions", the number of infected people is estimated to be 351,396 from 164,602.