


2021年08月26日 | 雑感







The Taliban has captured the world's attention by taking control of Afghanistan.
However, there is a growing danger that the next crisis will occur. It is Iran, the neighbor of Afghanistan.
Iran has not succumbed to repeated sabotage, assassination, and cyber attacks by the Israeli intelligence agency Mossad and Unit 8200, and continues to produce enriched uranium as usual, and is one step closer to producing nuclear weapons.

Currently, Iran has 2,500 kg of uranium with a permitted enrichment of 3.67%, 140 kg of uranium with an enrichment of 20%, and 10 kg of uranium with an enrichment of 60%.

Israeli Defense Minister Gantz has said that the materials for nuclear weapons will be ready in about two months, and he has called for the necessity of a plan to prevent Iran from possessing nuclear weapons, and Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Kohavi has pointed out that Iran-related expenses account for 6% of the defense budget for the next fiscal year, and that Iran's possession of nuclear weapons is dangerous. He pointed out that Iran's possession of nuclear weapons is dangerous.
He has also said that a military strike against Iran should be conducted.
Israel has already penetrated Iranian airspace many times with its F35 stealth fighter jets, and has the skill, technology, and capability to carry out air strikes at any time.

And Israel will bomb several nuclear facilities, including Natanz, before dawn in September and October.
In advance, 8200 troops will deceive Iran's air defense systems and interfere with communication with missile systems.
Mossad's sabotage teams will guide the air strikes, while the sabotage activities will be carried out simultaneously with the air strikes.
Naturally, Unit 8200 will conduct a massive cyber attack.
The method of simultaneously conducting cyber attacks and sabotage is called "cyber-physical attacks.

The timing of the military operation will be easier to do if there is an incident that attracts the world's attention, for example.


スパイクタンパク質は、典型的な「病原性タンパク質」である~Peplomer is SARS-Cov2 Spike Protein.~

2021年08月16日 | 雑感




※論文:「SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2




最後に、新型コロナウイルスのスパイクタンパク質は、エイズの原因であるHIVと同様に、糖鎖という物質で覆われており、これが免疫を回避する重要なツールとなっている。(新型コロナウイルスの遺伝情報にはHIVのエンベロープタンパク質と類似のコードが4つほど特定されているようだ)この辺りは、論文「Beyond Shielding: The Roles of Glycans in SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein」をご参照ください。 この糖鎖に関しては、このレポートを、お読み頂けると理解が深まると思います。因みに、スパイクタンパク質の糖鎖は、血液中の血小板と結合する性質があり、免疫システムは、単独で存在する筈の血小板に異質なタンパク質がついていると当然攻撃して分解してしまう。ワクチン接種者は、スパイクタンパク質を体内細胞が大量に産生し続け、これが血液中に排出されるので、最終的には血小板が不足することになる。血友病のように血が止まらない影響は、臓器からの出血が止まらない現象となって現れる。特に生殖可能な人には心配なことだ。


Peplomer is SARS-Cov2 Spike Protein.

Vaccination for the new coronas is underway, but so is research on the new coronas. This is synonymous with the study of the common cold, where coronaviruses, adenoviruses, and rhinoviruses, which no one had tried to study before, have suddenly become targets, and research is being conducted at god speed and on a large scale, resulting in the discovery that the new corona is also a blood disease, not a respiratory disease. 

A study by the University of California and the Salk Institute published a paper claiming to have elucidated the mechanism by which spike proteins cause damage to blood vessel cells even in the absence of the virus. Spike proteins alone cause damage to vascular endothelial cells through downregulation of ACE2 and result in damage to mitochondria. In other words, it disrupts the molecular signaling of ACE2, damaging and fragmenting mitochondria, and this fragmented debris travels through the body, causing hematological and lymphatic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and invading the brain to cause neurological diseases. There is a lot of talk about sequelae after a new corona infection, but if cell fragments invade the brain and damage the brain's neural network, sequelae will be caused. 

The paper: "SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE 2".

The most important point of this study is that it was found that the spike protein alone causes the above diseases, and the mechanism of adverse reactions and adverse events after vaccination was clarified in this study.

There is a concern about the risk of introducing mRNA encoding spike proteins into the body through vaccination and having them produced. Uridine, one of the bases in the mRNA, has been artificially replaced with methyl pseudouridine, which boosts the production of spike proteins dozens of times more and avoids the normal immune response (i.e., it does not become a target for nucleic acid degrading enzymes). Once the mRNA is taken into the cell, a certain number of mRNAs are encapsulated in the tiny exosomes that the cell discharges and delivered to organ cells in the body.

In the organ cells, the mRNAs produce spiking proteins, according to the clinical trial protocol of Pfizer and Model. In my opinion, this is an image of humans becoming a spike protein manufacturing factory. Mr. Akashiya said that the reason why he doesn't vaccinate is because it would change his body. I think this intuition is the right sense. 

To add, there are medical professionals who point out that reverse transcriptase transcribes the genetic information of the mRNA encoding the spike protein into DNA, thus replacing the human body with a homeostatic, or lifelong, spike protein-producing body. As with AstraZeneca's vaccine, the incorporated mRNA code could be passed on from generation to generation to offspring. The spiked proteins may not result in healthy and long-lived offspring as they cause a variety of diseases. Well, since human DNA contains a lot of information about past viruses, I hope that this will not be a serious problem.

Finally, the spike proteins of the new coronaviruses, like those of HIV, the cause of AIDS, are covered with sugar chains, which are an important tool for evading immunity. (It seems that the genetic information of the new coronavirus identifies about four codes similar to those of the HIV envelope protein. For more information on this glycan, see this report. For more information on this glycan chain, please read this report.

The glycans of the spike protein bind to platelets in the blood, and the immune system naturally attacks and breaks down platelets that are supposed to exist alone if they have foreign proteins attached to them. In the case of vaccinated individuals, the spike protein continues to be produced and released into the bloodstream, eventually leading to a shortage of platelets. The inability to stop bleeding, as in hemophilia, is a symptom of inability to stop bleeding from external organs, such as injuries. This is especially worrisome for those who are fertile.


2021年08月14日 | 雑感




وحسب مصدر مطلع، فإن المسؤولين الإسرائيليين أطلعوا بيرنز على تقارير استخبارية شملت معطيات تدل على تقدم بالغ في البرنامج النووي الإيراني في الفترة الأخيرة. ووفقاً لهذه المعطيات، فإن إيران تجاوزت الالتزامات المنصوص عليها في الاتفاق النووي لعام 2015. ويسمح لإيران بتخصيب كمية يورانيوم بمستوى 3.67 في المائة وجمع كمية تصل إلى 300 كيلوغرام. وحسب تقديرات إسرائيل، فإن بحوزة إيران 10 كيلوغرامات مخصبة بمستوى 60 في المائة، و140 كيلوغراماً مخصبة بمستوى 20 في المائة، و2500 كيلوغرام مخصبة بمستوى 4 في المائة.


Iran is allowed to enrich uranium to a concentration of 3.67%, but as reported in the media, the Iranian nuclear issue is in a state of quasi-war involving the intelligence and cyber-physical forces of Israel, the US, and the UK, and it continues to produce enriched uranium.

If Trump had been re-elected, the Iranian issue would have been resolved by early 2021. If the Iranian issue had been resolved, the conflicts in the Middle East would have naturally subsided, and in particular, the Taliban, which has been stepping up its offensive to conquer Afghanistan after the withdrawal of U.S. troops, would have been able to stabilize Afghanistan with the help of Iran. The same can be said for North Korea and China, where President Trump would have been able to find a place to land. For Japan, the changes in Taiwan policy made by the Trump administration have contributed greatly to the establishment of a security system for Japan and Taiwan. This blew the constitutional issue and the collective security issue out of the water, and quickly elevated the defense strategy to an expanded version of the national defense strategy that includes Taiwan. And the defense budget lost its 1% quota, which was a major step forward in strengthening the nation's defense capability.

Now, Iran's current enriched uranium holdings include 2,500 kg of uranium with a permitted enrichment level of 3.67%, 140 kg of uranium with an enrichment level of 20%, and 10 kg of uranium with an enrichment level of 60%. Uranium enrichment is carried out at the enrichment plant in Faldo under the threat of Israeli cyber attacks. On August 10, a fire broke out at a petrochemical complex on Kirk Island in the Persian Gulf. On August 10, a fire broke out at a petrochemical complex on Kirk Island in the Persian Gulf, the cause of which is still unknown.