


2021年08月14日 | 雑感




وحسب مصدر مطلع، فإن المسؤولين الإسرائيليين أطلعوا بيرنز على تقارير استخبارية شملت معطيات تدل على تقدم بالغ في البرنامج النووي الإيراني في الفترة الأخيرة. ووفقاً لهذه المعطيات، فإن إيران تجاوزت الالتزامات المنصوص عليها في الاتفاق النووي لعام 2015. ويسمح لإيران بتخصيب كمية يورانيوم بمستوى 3.67 في المائة وجمع كمية تصل إلى 300 كيلوغرام. وحسب تقديرات إسرائيل، فإن بحوزة إيران 10 كيلوغرامات مخصبة بمستوى 60 في المائة، و140 كيلوغراماً مخصبة بمستوى 20 في المائة، و2500 كيلوغرام مخصبة بمستوى 4 في المائة.


Iran is allowed to enrich uranium to a concentration of 3.67%, but as reported in the media, the Iranian nuclear issue is in a state of quasi-war involving the intelligence and cyber-physical forces of Israel, the US, and the UK, and it continues to produce enriched uranium.

If Trump had been re-elected, the Iranian issue would have been resolved by early 2021. If the Iranian issue had been resolved, the conflicts in the Middle East would have naturally subsided, and in particular, the Taliban, which has been stepping up its offensive to conquer Afghanistan after the withdrawal of U.S. troops, would have been able to stabilize Afghanistan with the help of Iran. The same can be said for North Korea and China, where President Trump would have been able to find a place to land. For Japan, the changes in Taiwan policy made by the Trump administration have contributed greatly to the establishment of a security system for Japan and Taiwan. This blew the constitutional issue and the collective security issue out of the water, and quickly elevated the defense strategy to an expanded version of the national defense strategy that includes Taiwan. And the defense budget lost its 1% quota, which was a major step forward in strengthening the nation's defense capability.

Now, Iran's current enriched uranium holdings include 2,500 kg of uranium with a permitted enrichment level of 3.67%, 140 kg of uranium with an enrichment level of 20%, and 10 kg of uranium with an enrichment level of 60%. Uranium enrichment is carried out at the enrichment plant in Faldo under the threat of Israeli cyber attacks. On August 10, a fire broke out at a petrochemical complex on Kirk Island in the Persian Gulf. On August 10, a fire broke out at a petrochemical complex on Kirk Island in the Persian Gulf, the cause of which is still unknown.