のあ いちい ワールド

ここは、物書き「のあ いちい」の、人間世界とそれ以外の宇宙人について多くふれるブログです。


2024-05-28 10:57:09 | 神・ET・人間
Until a year ago, there was little awareness of reincarnation.

Another world, that is, a return to space.

And if you wish, you can reincarnate on this earth.

I also learned that even now, there are people all over the world who have reincarnated to this earth from other planets.

I don't just think of it as knowledge, but now I feel it as a reality.

Once you pass away, your soul will do what it wants.

A world where there are no lies, either about yourself or others.

Do you want to be reincarnated to this 3D world on Earth again ?
Or do you want to be reincarnated on another planet ?

If you wish to reincarnate on another planet, you will need to firmly connect with your higher self and be liberated from money and the material world. By early July 2025.

