のあ いちい ワールド

ここは、物書き「のあ いちい」の、人間世界とそれ以外の宇宙人について多くふれるブログです。

The era of open contact has begun

2024-12-27 10:25:03 | 神・ET・人間

After the winter solstice,
people are divided into those who connect to the world of souls
and those who continue to live in the world as before.

You could say that those who connect to the world of souls 
are living in a modern-day Jomon period.

It is a world where we cherish nature and connect with all animals, insects, plants,
and other creatures, and coexist with them.

If we continue to wage war and destroy nature and the creatures on earth,

what will happen to the Earth?

If that happens,humanity on earth...

Now is the time to open your hearts and live the Pleiades' way of life, one of love rather than conflict, as a ray of hope.

We are now entering an era of open contact with intelligent life forms on Earth and in the universe.

Just like in the Jomon period.

Even if they send you news,
you won't notice the signs unless your hearts are open.


Live in the present and・・

2024-12-15 17:00:34 | 神・ET・人間
Live in the present and be grateful for the present!
It would be great if we could do this !

We don't know what tomorrow will bring.

Ordinary people living in the three-dimensional world

can't see the five-dimensional world, so they can't easily believe in it.

Caught between their ego and their soul, they hesitate about what to do.

Even if they decide to be born on this earth, 
and are told that they are the ones who make the final decision,

because they are programmed to lose everything at birth,

they cannot even recognize that they are on this earth of their own volition.

Has anyone ever taught you these secrets ?


2024-12-10 12:22:33 | 神・ET・人間
On the way to the convenience store

On my way home from the drugstore

I saw someone coming towards me, but then I couldn't see them anymore.

As I was walking, I felt someone behind me, so I turned around,
and there was definitely a person about 20 meters behind me.

when I turned around about 10 seconds later,
the person had disappeared.

I wondered if I was imagining things,
but maybe I was wrong.

I could see things that I couldn't see,
and things that I could see could disappear.


Space beings

Underground people

Going back and forth between the third dimension and another dimension...

LX(Little X)

End the urban legend now !

2024-12-06 15:47:22 | 神・ET・人間
From planets in the solar system

From the distant stars and star clusters

And above all, from the depths of the ocean
They are coming
Currently, there are vehicles called UFOs and UAPs.

Among them, there are giants and some species similar to the Japanese.

The fact that this reality has not been made public in Japan up until now has led to the public remaining ignorant.
That's a lie.

☆Open contact has begun.

2024-12-02 20:03:34 | 神・ET・人間
Open contact has begun.

Of course, humans are not the only beings living in this universe.

Not all beings have a human-like appearance, and humans may appear to them as strange creatures.

The Pleiades and Sirius may not be so surprised that they faint when we encounter them.
Either way, we should be prepared.

There may actually be a surprising number of Japanese people today
who have encountered various non-human intelligent life forms!
