のあ いちい ワールド

ここは、物書き「のあ いちい」の、人間世界とそれ以外の宇宙人について多くふれるブログです。

The time has come to reveal

2025-01-20 18:45:07 | 神・ET・人間
The time has come to reveal what has been hidden for so long.

That humans were created and controlled by the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki migrated to the Pleiades to avoid the Orion Wars.

Although the name varies from country to country, the same god exists.

The Jomon people once scattered around the world and then returned to Japan.

What do the many gods refer to in Japan ?

What does it mean for an Emperor to have descended from heaven ?

What do the myths that remain common to the world tell us ?

What kind of intelligent life exists on Earth and beyond ?

What kind of beings are gods, angels, dragon gods, and spirits ?





2025-01-01 19:39:10 | 神・ET・人間
occulta:ラテン語で 隠されたもの occulto: 秘密にする


The time has come for what has been hidden to be made public.

Gods, aliens, angels, underground people, spirits, dragon gods,
Japanese gods, Hindu gods, Sumerians...

Every day, ordinary people on Earth are being made aware
of them.

Open contact has begun,
and more and more people are getting on their vehicles
and going to unknown places to other dimensions...

Some people are talking to trees, plants, insects, and giant rocks...

Or even dolphins...

It is no longer rare for people to be able to see spirits and souls.
Some people are able to contact them...

Yes, what has been hidden is coming to the surface.

Common sense up to now is being overturned.

The Earth will undergo drastic changes.
