株式会社 マイコンシェルジュ代表取締役 一般社団法人 地域創生グローバル人材支援協会理事の三浦真さんをお迎えしました。三浦さんは、インバウンド観光で広島を盛り上げる活動をなさっています。東広島出身で東京の大学を卒業後は、アメリカの大学に留学したり、コンサル系の仕事でアジアを頻繁に行き来しながら、2001年に起業。コロナ禍のリモートワークを機に広島に拠点を移し、地元のインバウンドツーリズム業界でネットワークを広げ、昨年秋、呉に会社登記を移されました。
今日は、平和公園でVRツアーを外国人に体験していただくMy Travel Buddyの取り組みについて、主にお話いただきました。爆心地から一番近いレストハウス地下で被爆された野村英三さんや多くの被爆者の方の証言や写真をもとに作られた映像を旅行者にゴーグルを着用してみていただくツアー。通訳ガイドの解説をききながら。現在の穏やかな平和公園を見比べながら平和の大切さを体験していただくツアーです。
加山雄三の「海 その愛」でした。
According to the lunar calendar of Japan, February 3rd marks the eve of the first day of spring.
Someone, usually Dad wears a mask representing a demon while the rest of the family pelts him with beans,
shouting "Oni wa soto!"( Out with the devil!!) , "Fukuwa uchi !" (In with good luck!")
In a wish for good luck, everyone eats one bean for every year of their age.
This tradition is said to stem from the days when demon terrorized townspeople at night.
So don't miss it when you come to Hiroshima.
A torii gate is always found at shrines.
It may be vermilion and made of wood or stone. Miyajima has both.
The torii represents the "boundary" between the ordinary(secular) world and the sacred world.
Passing through it purifies you.
Before passing through the gate, you should make a bow to show respect to the deity enshrined there.
You had better take off your hat, too.
So, why vermilion?
Many English speaking people don't understand the word "vermillion", it's like a red-orange.
Vermilion is a color of good fortune.
It symbolizes the sun and is said to be the color to pray for a good harvest and to ward off evil.
Group of 7の略。 フランス、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、日本、イタリア、カナダの7か国と
Hiroshima is attracting a lot of attention as the G7 Hiroshima Summit will be held from May 19 to 21
this year. We are expecting a significant recovery in inbound demand after the summit.
What is G7?
G7 stands for group of 7.
The leaders of the seven countries of France, the U.S., the U.K., Germany, Japan, Italy, and Canada, and the leaders of the European Union (EU).
The G7 is an international conference attended by the leaders of G7.
It is held every year, and it has been seven years since the Ise-Shima Summit was held in Japan.
After the Ise-Shima Summit, Ise Jingu Shrine and Mikimoto Pearl became quite the topic of conversation.
Also, the number of tourists and the number of international conferences have increased.
At the G7, global issues such as the world economy, regional affairs, and climate change are discussed.
Amidst the growing uncertainty about the world situation, the summit to be held in Hiroshima is expected to send a strong message toward world peace.
In preparation for the Hiroshima Summit, high school students in the prefecture are making a counting board, and elementary school students in Hiroshima City will be making a welcome board.
The summit is expected to send out a strong message of world peace from Hiroshima amid the anxiety surrounding the world.