

リバティーメトロンの記事より トランプの足を引っ張る背後の勢力は?

2019-09-11 19:27:36 | 政治



Update: ‘Dark money’ networks funnel billions to undermine Trump policies, nominations

Leftists who often refer to dark money as the “enemy of democracy” apparently have no problem using it when it comes to attempting to subvert President Donald Trump’s immigration policies and judicial nominations, reports say.

George Soros has funneled tens of millions of dollars to open borders groups which file lawsuits against Trump’s immigration policies, Michelle Malkin charged in her new book “Open Borders, Inc: Who’s Funding America’s Destruction?”

George Soros. / Photo by Niccolò Caranti / Creative Commons / CC BY-SA 3.0
Wikipedia defines dark money as: “political spending by nonprofit organizations . . . that are not required to disclose their donors. Such organizations can receive unlimited donations from corporations, individuals and unions. In this way, their donors can spend funds to influence elections, without voters knowing where the money came from.”

Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) has given millions to the ACLU, which has filed lawsuits attempting to stop nearly all of Trump’s immigration policies. The leftist ACLU is taking its fight against the president’s border wall to the Supreme Court.

According to Malkin, Open Society Foundations donated more than $50 million to the ACLU to end mass incarceration. In one particular instance, Soros’s group gave $100,000 to ACLU’s Idaho chapter to “conduct outreach, strengthen protections, and empower immigrant, refugee, Muslim, and indigenous communities in Idaho who are feeling threatened in a culture of rising hate.”

Malkin notes that OSF has donated more than $3 million between 2016 and 2017 to the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a D.C.-based organization that has launched a slate of lawsuits and amicus briefs against the Trump White House. The group’s litigation work includes fighting Trump’s “immigration enforcement and screening measures, repeal of DACA, and termination of a temporary amnesty program called Deferred Enforced Departure for 4,000 Liberian immigrants fighting to stay here permanently.”

※DACA:Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals 若年(幼少)移民に対する国外強制退去の延期措置

Meanwhile, Demand Justice, a dark money group which has received millions in funding from Soros, was formed in May 2018 to oppose Trump’s judicial picks.

The group, which is led by Brian Fallon, the press secretary for Hillary Clinton’s failed 2016 presidential campaign, “was at the forefront of the battle against Justice Brett Kavanaugh and continues to go after him to this day,” Joe Schoffstall wrote for the Washington Free Beacon on Sept. 9.

Between April 1 and June 30 of 2018, Demand Justice received $2.5 million from Soros’s Open Society Policy Center.

Demand Justice “does not disclose its donors and is a project of the Sixteen Thirty Fund, .....
デマンド・ジャスティスは「資金提供者の情報を開示しない、そして、 シックスティーン・サーティ基金の計画......

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リバティーメトロンの記事から 中国がトランプの落とし穴を掘っている

2019-09-11 08:20:27 | 政治



‘We are in real trouble’: Gertz indicts ‘engagement’ policy; China wants U.S. to dump Trump

While the policy of “engagement” with China incorporated by past administrations was leading to utter failure, Beijing was focusing on becoming a military and economic power that would become a major threat to the United States, a leading reporter on China and its military said.

“It’s going to take all of America’s will, policy focus, and effort to mitigate that threat,” Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz told Fox News host Tucker Carlson on Sept. 6. “We are in real trouble. China is on the march.”

Gertz notes in his new book, Deceiving the Sky: Inside Communist China’s Drive for Global Supremacy, that China is working to stop the re-election of U.S. President Donald Trump en route to becoming the world’s dominant military force.
ガーツは彼の著作「@Deceiving the Sky:(副題)共産主義中国の本心は、世界の覇権を握りたいということである」の中で、「中国が世界の支配的軍事力となるための道筋をつけるために、ドナルド・トランプ合衆国大統領の再選を阻もうと画策している。」と書いています。

“They are already working in the farm states,” Gertz told Carlson. “They are working against the whiskey industry in the United States to undermine Trump. They want a different president.”

Gertz is a veteran security correspondent for The Washington Times. He contends that Democratic presidential candidates are wrong to say climate change is the greatest “existential threat” to the United States when China “is fast accumulating more military and economic power.”

Chinese supreme leader Xi Jinping, Gertz said, “has shifted the old policy of Deng Xiaoping, which was ‘bide our time, build our capabilities.’ They are now out front. He has something called the China Dream, which is really a Chinese communist nightmare. They are doing this Belt and Road Initiative, which is a cover for military and economic expansionism around the world.”

The U.S. policy of “engagement” to open China up and turn it into a “benign, free-market, open system” was a gamble that has “utterly failed,” Gertz said, pointing to Chinese theft of nuclear secrets following increased military cooperation with the United States during the Bill Clinton administration.

“They ended up stealing nuclear secrets on every deployed U.S. warhead. That technology was then spread to Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and other places,” Gertz said. “We helped their missiles and now their missiles are aimed at our cities. They have an array of long-range, short-range, and intermediate-range missiles. This is a real problem.”

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