one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-14(ブルーライツ

2004-12-22 21:23:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

These years the blue lights illumination has become popular.
It is not so cold in Tokyo winter that nobody feels cold feeling of blue light
in ornament.
This illumination is in front of the Pacific Hotel at Siba(芝).
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ginko jaune (黄葉銀杏)

2004-12-22 21:22:11 | Plants(植物)

This yellow maidenhair tree is in the Shiba park(芝公園).
It hides the Tokyo Tower in its back.
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noix de ginko(銀杏拾い)

2004-12-22 21:21:04 | Plants(植物)

A boy and his old mother are picking up a ginko nuts in the Shinagawa Shrine(品川神社). An old gardener piles up giko nuts for the neighbors.
An old woman says these nuts are bigger than those of any other places.
I come up here to look for red leaves of maple. Around here in the Edo era people visited for the beautiful red leaves of maples and sea views.
Now I can find no maple tree and no view of Tokyo bay.
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matin de Shinjuku(西新宿早朝)

2004-12-22 21:18:59 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Before six o'clock in the morning, there are lots of people and cars in Nishi-Shinjuku(西新宿).
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Maison Hori(堀商店)

2004-12-22 21:17:55 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

This hardwares shop is the most high quality hardwares makers in Japan.
One of the famous client is the British embassy in Tokyo. When its key and lock system was broken, no hardware maker but Hori-shouten could use for them.
The model was one of one hundred years ago. Nobody but the Hori could make the copie. Nobody knows how much it costed. This building is the east end of the
Red Brick Street(赤レンガ通り) of Shinbasi. The west end is near the Daimon(大門) which is the big gate of Zohjohji(増上寺).
I like waliking through this street.
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2004-12-22 21:17:05 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

One day I come across a curio market at the north square of Shinbashi station (新橋駅). Almost of goods are no valuable. I find nothing to buy.
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jet d'eau dans un nuit(夜の噴水)

2004-12-22 05:43:55 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

A fountain is lit up in the Hibiya park(日比谷公園).
There is a few people stop their walking to watch the fountain.
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rue de L.A.(普通の道)

2004-12-22 05:41:30 | LA

This is a ordinery distance between runnning cars. It seems to me the cars are in car race. As I used to this distance, I get panicked on the road after when I back to Japan.
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