one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-15(東京駅のX’mas

2004-12-23 05:22:59 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

When I walk in the Tokyo station for changing line, I hear girls are singing a christmas song. I walk out the ticket barrier to find a girl chorus before the Christmas Tree. For half an hour they are singing.
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kakis (柿の実)

2004-12-23 05:19:58 | Plants(植物)

I am eating my lunch box at a park near one of the canals of eastern Tokyo.
I happen to see kaki fruits in the park. After a lunch I enjoy taking photos.
This kaki is the first tree in this autumn in good position for taking pictures.
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fruites (ランタナの実?)

2004-12-23 05:18:49 | Plants(植物)

I don't know exactly the name of this fruits but think it may be those of "Rantana". In the back of the fruits there are yellow flowers.
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Noel 2003-01 (クリスマス仕度)

2004-12-23 05:17:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the square of the Opera city in Hatsudai(初台オペラシティ)they works for standing a tall christmas tree. They must set electrical codes around the tree. Sometimes they sit head by head to calculate the electrical saftyness.
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jet d'eau 2(夜の噴水2)

2004-12-23 05:17:03 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

For the sakeness of slow shutter the water turns white gold.
For a while I forgett the time passing with watching it on the liquid crystals.
(@ 日比谷公園 Hibiya park)
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escalier mecanique(エスカレーター)

2004-12-23 05:16:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the tube of the escalator of Tokyo station(東京駅), everytime I can enjoy the the visual magic. Everybody would sing, " I can't stand no more."
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metro interompu(地下鉄事故)

2004-12-23 05:14:58 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the terminal station, Asakusa station(浅草駅) it occurs accident with points.
All of the train of Subway stop in the Ginza line (銀座線)at around 8 o'clock in the morning.
From 8 to 9, subway train comes every two minutes.
The entrance barriers are closed and passenger must wait.
A man sitting in this picture is searching the escaping route on the internett with his portable telephone. Many other people do so.
(@ 地下鉄銀座線新橋駅 Shinbashi Subway station)
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champions (キノコの歩道)

2004-12-23 05:10:03 | LA

In the late Summer I run my bicycle on this sidewalk to count the fungi.
But in the foggy autumn season I can find no fungi.
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