one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-11 (4℃のツリー)

2004-12-17 09:10:38 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The first view of only this tree was not so good. I passed this shop without taking picture. But at the second time, at a little distance, I am shocked to watch the tree with the entrance ornament. This ensemble is so so nice.
(@ 4℃ 銀座 Ginza)
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feuilles jaune 2 (紅葉写影)

2004-12-17 09:08:48 | Plants(植物)

At the evening when the leaves fall down completely, I watch back all of the pictures of these trees on my display. I know the day of this picture is the most beautiful colores of this tree.
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voiture pour election(選挙に行こう)

2004-12-17 09:07:18 | nocategory(雑)

"Let's vote!"
I have no hope or illusion for this kingdom. This campaign car for election seems me a little ironical and sad. The National Diet is poisoned with the hereditary political families who was supported by voters. Why Japanese support the sons or daughters of the previous members? Why Japanese are so cold against the new blood candidate?
This attitude against the new commer and for the famous names is not only for politics but for all of culture of Japan. It seems to me Japanese has tendency for progess no more.
It could be said the days of economical developement have been passed and everybody have no desire to make the nation more rich. Instinctly everybody could see more richness would need the militarism for the next wars.
Let's keep ourselves in peace as a pig!
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herbes folles(日陰の雑草)

2004-12-17 09:02:23 | Plants(植物)

The same weeds have another color and face in the shadow of a tall building.
Both of the faces make me feel the power of will for life.
I am here , I live now and I will live tomorrow. Nobody know which would come, bad thing or good thing. Don't worry the bad thing before it come!
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trompettes angelique(エンジェルトランペット

2004-12-17 09:00:31 | Plants(植物)

I loved this flowers when I had no camera with macro lenz system.
The bigness of this flower satisfied my desire to taking a photography in which I could see a flower full in the paper.
Angel-trumpette is a big flower. So I loved it.
Now my digital camera can take a macro picture. I can take a thing as big as two piece of postal stamps. Now I can take a picture of small and tiny flowers.
Whenever I take or see Angel-trumpette, I cannot stop remember the days I loved it. Now I like this flower.
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chat dans le parc de voiture(参議院駐車場の猫)

2004-12-17 08:58:37 | cats(猫)

The cat seems himself safe in the car park of the House of Councilors.
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verdatres (参議院駐車場)

2004-12-17 08:57:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Over the cat are there a big view of autumn.
(@ car port of the House of Councilors)
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Ultra-man champigon (ウルトラマンキノコ

2004-12-17 08:56:33 | LA

As sprinklers water lawns on the sidewalks thoroughly, fungi grow well.
I find one in the morning and I can not look it out in the evenig.
In the next morning, I find new ones.
In L.A. I run a bicyle through the town to look for fungi every morning.
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