one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo



2004-12-29 15:40:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Every walkers stop walking infront of this giant display in Ginza.
It is ironical for the rival brand. The best position of seeing the display of Chanel
is on the sidewalk in front of the rival brand shop.
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oiseau dans canal(運河の水鳥)

2004-12-29 15:38:36 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Water birds flock together on the surface of a canal. It is misterious how to choose a canal by birds. They sleep under the same bridge in a same canal.
There is no bird in other canals near here.
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2004-12-29 15:36:19 | what?why?(ん?)

I could only understand this as "We shall get back the pain(痛み) in your life."He wants to say, I could understand, " We shall repair the damage(傷み)in your life."
This sign would be seen in front of the Sumiyosi Station(住吉駅).
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T. Inoh(伊能忠敬住居跡)

2004-12-29 15:35:14 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Tadataka Inoh is the first person who walked along through the side of waters in Japan. It was in Edo era. He made maps of all of Japan with exactness as much as maps of the present time. As he was a officer of the Edo gouvernment, he dwelled in Edo. He lived here. This place is near the Monzen-Nakacho station(門前仲町駅). The first step of his long long trips for more than 30 years were always here.
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camelia (寒椿)

2004-12-29 15:34:22 | Plants(植物)

Beside a canal I find a camellia with no damage.
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2004-12-29 15:33:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In a park beside a canal a signpost stands.
It tells me the past hightide levels and the hight of bank.
What is AP?
This abbriviation scares me to almost dead. I could find no English words in mymemory.
After a wave serching, I find it comes from Arakawa Peil.
There is another abbrivation, TP; Tokyou Peil.
I consult all of dictionaries I have. I have now more than twenty English dictionaries. There is no word as PEIL.
I have ever seen the way to spell Tokyou.
I scan my brain beyond English words and get an idea!
This must be German word. Yes, it is. Peil is the German word as water level.
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2004-12-29 15:32:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

At the BigCamera shop in Yurakucho(有楽町), people gathers to get something.
I find it is for a free calender of 2004.
Of course I get one, too.
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2004-12-29 15:31:29 | LA

Cypress fits a ordinary home view well in Los Angels.
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