one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-17 (合わせ鏡)

2004-12-25 20:34:24 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

I said to Mr. Ginger, "I have already taken pictures for uploading my blog. So I have no idea to take photo of this ornament. "
When I find the escalator stopped early in the morning, I get an idea.
A infinitive world of double mirror is there!
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Noel 2004-18 (鏡魔法)

2004-12-25 20:33:10 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

This magic can be seen in the early morning at the Passage of Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷).
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feuilles jaune(紅葉と川面)

2004-12-25 20:31:46 | Plants(植物)

Around noon the tide is sleeping in a canal of Eastern Tokyo.
A few leaves on branches of cherry trees is resting with no wind.
No walker, no photographer but me is watching the water on the bank.
A leaf would fall and drift away on the ebb in this night to the bay, may be.

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Noel 2003-02 (オペラシティのツリー

2004-12-25 20:30:41 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I was looking up this tree at the table of a sweet place.
When I took pictures, I walked up the steps to be among the people who was directing the lens of portable telephon camera.
The photogenical good position is the same for everybody.
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rayon d'or(朝の彫像)

2004-12-25 20:29:39 | nocategory(雑)

In the corner of the yard of the East JR factory, a statue is warmed up with the morning sun.
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coin ensoleille(薄日の日溜り)

2004-12-25 20:28:39 | cats(猫)

With a short time of the weak sun in the afternoon of the end of fall.
Beside the window pane is it enough to warm up a black cat.
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2004-12-25 20:27:41 | cake(ケーキ)

It needs to be big volume for a cake of the afternoon coffee after a light lunch at 11 o'clock.
Shiodome (汐留) is a nice place for cake-eaters.
But it is the problem there is few places I can enjoy cakes with reasonable price.
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quartier residence(住宅街)

2004-12-25 20:25:22 | LA

Early in the morning people do not walk out from their home.
I am alone running on the bicycle.
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