one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-19(消えたサンタクロース)

2004-12-26 18:55:56 | nocategory(雑)

Three weeks before Christmas, a hotel pull down its big Santa Claus ornament.
The baloon of Santa Claus suffers a damage with the strong wind.
So the Christmas ornament of this hotel is only this electric illumination.
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Shinjuku d'ouest(西新宿)

2004-12-26 18:54:57 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

It is a fresh feeling when I could find a wonderful strange view in the town which I used to seeing.
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tete de lion(波止神社の獅子頭)

2004-12-26 18:54:00 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In the Tsukiji marcket(築地市場) there is a shrine.
The name is Wave Stopper Shrine.
This place was a beach in Edo era.
There was a fishman's village.
The people had been annoyed with a high tidal wave.
So they invited a Protector god and built a shrine for the god.
This lion head is for the festival of New Year.
There are three giant lion heads in this Shrine.
Now I can walk there in 10 minutes from the Shinbashi station.
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riz au curry(クラッシックカレー)

2004-12-26 18:53:05 | Foods(食)

The appearence of this curry plate is so classic.
I remember the curry of my family cooked with mom in my childhood.
The taste is far diffrent from my mother's dish.
It is very hot but not so salty. I think it is so delicious.
They name this cook "Classic Curry".
This place is near the Shinbashi(新橋) station.
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gateau de "Kinkan"(金柑のショートケーキ)

2004-12-26 18:52:00 | cake(ケーキ)

Japanese's most popular cake is this type.
In japan it is called "Shohto Kehki(short cake)".
In cake shop they sell Shhto Kehkis more than any other kind of cake.
But I have never had a cumquat short cake.
This is a original cake of this cake shop.
This shop is in Hibiya(日比谷) near the Shinbashi station.
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Rue de Briques rouges(赤煉瓦通り)

2004-12-26 18:51:13 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Red Brick Street crosses the town Shinbashi(新橋)west to east.
The eastern end is infront of the Hori Firm.
Beyond the western end it is Shiba(芝) town near the Black Gate(黒門).
The sidewalk is covered with red bricks.
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usine de train(電車工場)

2004-12-26 18:50:27 | sky/weather/season

I look up a tree and sky in the East J.R. rolling stock center in Ooimachi(大井町).
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trottoir (石油プラントの歩道)

2004-12-26 18:49:40 | LA

I am running with my bicycle on a sidewalk outside of a petrol plant in Los Angels.
I remember this road is the dengerest in Los Angels. There occurs traffic accidents on this road more than any other roads of L.A.
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