one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


Noel 2004-12 (コムサのリース)

2004-12-19 09:25:15 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Firstly I look up this ornament, the lights are off and it is a moss green ring.
I think it's chic and I don't realize it could be illuminated.
This shop is near the Tokyo station(東京駅). It faces the Chuoh Street(中央通).
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feuilles rouges (紅葉)

2004-12-19 09:24:03 | Plants(植物)

I found this red maple in the factory of the Japan Railway East company.
It has no damage on the leaves. There is few trees which has no damage on it's leaves in the colored leaves season. I am happy to take a picture of it.
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feuilles rouges 2(紅葉5日後)

2004-12-19 09:22:59 | Plants(植物)

Five days lator, the reddness spreds all over the leaves.
And more five days lator, all the leaves have fell down.
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poissons (寿司屋の店先)

2004-12-19 09:21:44 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

In front of a susi-restaurant of Nishi-Shinjuku(西新宿) they display their fish.
Walkers look them with a little fear. Someone can not stop touching one of them.
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la biblioteque (永田町文庫)

2004-12-19 09:20:49 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The sign on the wall says "The Library Nagatacho(永田町文庫)."
In the shelves there are not so many books which were presented by members of the National Diet.
It seems to me what the modern Japanese culture is.
This underground place is a corner of a subway station.
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toast comme pizza(ピザトースト)

2004-12-19 09:19:45 | Foods(食)

Almost twenty years ago, I was charmed with Pizza-toast and visited lots of coffee shops to taste it. During the half a year, I kept having Pizza-toast. (At some shops they call the same toast "Italian toast") But one day this charm was dispelled. The new spell was "C-R-O-I-S-S-A-N-T".
After 20 years' absence, I order this one. I remember I like this menue.
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2004-12-19 09:18:30 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Monja is a soul food of Tokyo down-town dwellers.
Persons who were born and grow up in the down-town loves Monja in their childhood. But alomost of Tokyo people who was born and grow up out of the down-town have few experiance to taste it. I have had it only two times in my life.

When I go to work at the sites of down-town, I look for a Monja-place.
There are many Ramen places , beef bawl places and humberger shops.
I can have found few Monja places.
So one Sunday I visit Tsukisima(月島=Moon Island). They call there a Mecca for Monja eaters. And here I am. I can find only Monja places. They said there are more than a hundred of Monja places in the narrow square.
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coin du lieu (LAの街角)

2004-12-19 09:16:13 | LA

Even native L.A. boys would lost their way. It seems to me places has same appearence.
If there had been a degital camera in those days, I would have taken pictures every five minutes during the town driving.
And I could upload more wonderful pictures of there.
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