one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


枝と水 Les branches et l'eau

2022-11-09 22:36:39 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
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La pièce de l'eatu Zenpukuzi.

(善福寺池、The Zenpukuzi pond, Zenpukuzi, Suginami ward)
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善福寺池 La Zenpukuji pièce de l'eau

2022-11-09 22:30:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
220708091zve.jpg ISO 100 24mm f/90 1/200s

(Zenpukuji pond, Zenpukuji, Suginami ward)
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インコの羽毛 La plume de la perruche

2022-11-09 22:16:10 | birds, fish and others(生物)
220708038tg5.jpg ISO 800 100mm f/4.9 1/125s
La perruche est élevée pour l'investigation de la pollution de l'air.
The macaw is kept for the investigation of the air pollution.
(荻窪警察署、The Ogikubo police office, Momoi, Suginami ward)

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杉並区役所 La mairie d'un arrondissement Suginami

2022-11-09 22:06:26 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
220708013sve.jpg ISO 100 24mm f/5.6 1/80s

(The Suginami ward office, Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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中野車庫 Le Nakano depôt d'autobus

2022-11-09 21:59:25 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
220705007zve.jpg ISO 100 24mm f/8 1/640s

(都営バス中野車庫、Nakano, Nakano ward)
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2022-11-09 21:40:43 | nocategory(雑)
C'est mon petit carnet.
This is my note-book.

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