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Cet endroit est Tokyo en 2003. Sa maman viendrait t'emmener tôt.
This place is not Nankin. Your mam would come to hug you soon.
( I don't remember at what subway station we were, then.)
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Le repas me rappèle le repas dont j'ai mangé à Sendai il y a soixant ans.
The dish reminds me the bowl de fried pork at Sendai sixty years ago.
(八王子、Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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La vue du Nikon Salon Shinjuku est merveilleuse.
The view from the Nikon Salon Shinjuku is fantastic.
(ニコンサロン新宿、Lタワー27階、NishiShinjuku,Shinjuku ward)
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La tour Sky-Tree @ le Nikon Salon.
The Sky-Tree tower from the Nikon Salon Shinjuku.
( L タワー27階、ニコンサロン、NishiShinjuku、Shinjuku ward)
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J'achète beaucoup des libres dans le magasin de temps en temps.
I am used to buy many second-hands books at this bookshop.
(阿佐谷北、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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Il n'y a pas deux saumon dans le repas d'ordinaire.
They don't serve two salmon on the ordinaire morning dish.
(ひおき、品川駅改札内、Shinagawa station, Minato ward)