one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


2022 Chistmas Songs 20 Andrea Bocelli and Alison Krauss - Amazing Grace

2022-11-25 20:46:56 | music 音楽
Andrea Bocelli and Alison Krauss - Amazing Grace

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2022 Christmas Songs 19 Yo-Yo Ma, Alison Krauss - The Wexford Carol (Video)

2022-11-25 20:41:03 | music 音楽
Yo-Yo Ma, Alison Krauss - The Wexford Carol (Video)

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デジカメ3枚目 すっぽ抜け安全靴 21年前 La troisième photographie

2022-11-25 20:22:04 | 20年前10年前
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C'est la troisème photographie par l'appareil photo numérique. Je l'ai acheté au 16 de novembre en 2002.
This is the third photograph with the digital camera. I bought it on the November 16 in 2002.
(日本大学理工学部、神田駿河台、KandaSurugadai, Chiyoda ward)
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20年前 西新宿の雨模様 À Shinjuku-ouest il y a 20 ans

2022-11-25 20:16:28 | 20年前10年前
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Il y avait beacoup de jours de pluie dans le novembre de 2003.
We had a lot of rainy days in the november 2003.
(西新宿、NishiShinjuku, Shinjuku ward))
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10年前 鍋焼きうどん弁当 le bento de les pâtes cuites en terrine

2022-11-25 20:05:38 | 20年前10年前
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La problem était le longtemps pour la cuire.
The problem was important. The cooking time was so long that we should lose half time of the lunch time.
(石川町、Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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ツワブキ Les rigulaires

2022-11-25 19:53:45 | Plants(植物)
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Elles fleurissent pour longtemps.
The japanese silver leaves flower for a long time.
(タマス、阿佐谷南、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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青梅街道五日市街道ジャンクション La jonction

2022-11-25 19:36:21 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
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Je me troune à la jonction en mon jogging.
I always turn around at this junction on my jogging.
(梅里、Umezato, Suginami ward)
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(ガンバ)ラネBAR Le bar

2022-11-25 19:21:53 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)
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Je ne visitais pas là. Je le passe devant en ferant du jogging.
I haven't visit there. I always pass it by on my jogging.
(青梅街道、梅里、Umezato, Suginami ward)

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