心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


Mental Health and Welfare Centers have a dual role with Public Health Centers.

2024年08月01日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

Mental Health and Welfare Centers have a dual role with Public Health Centers.


(精神保健福祉センターと保健所による2重行政を翻訳 https://blog.goo.ne.jp/ikemenmassan/e/a4f84f96b50b30e141b86cb724334249)

In a word, their role is

"security role to prevent socially vulnerable people from causing problems in the community by monitoring them."

Did I explain it well?

Socially vulnerable people are the poor.

Examples include people who cannot work, people who want to work but cannot find work, people who do not work (hikikomori), and homeless people.

Public Health Centers played the role of preventing such socially vulnerable people from rebelling against politics or becoming desperate and turning to crime.

However, "Mental Health and Welfare Centers" were established to further increase the monitoring function of socially vulnerable people.

The trigger for their establishment was the "#ReischauerAmbassadorStabbingAccident" in 1964.

In Osaka, a 19-year-old young man who had a history of visiting a psychiatric hospital attacked Ambassador Reischauer with a knife. The incident was widely reported in the media, leading to public opinion that "don't let crazy people run wild."

The following year, in 1965, the Mental Health Act was amended to "strengthen the authority and monitoring system to forcibly hospitalize socially vulnerable people who cause problems in psychiatric hospitals by administrative (prefectural governor's order)."

This system remains in the current law as of 2023 as "emergency hospitalization" and "reporting system."

However, the community-based comprehensive care system promoted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare also includes psychiatric care, and a gap is beginning to emerge between the legal system and the administration.

Even now, as a negative legacy, psychiatric wards and nursing care beds remain as a system of "looking after people in the hospital until they die" so that psychiatry and geriatric care cannot be completed at home.

With the improvement of life-prolonging technology, the number of elderly people in a bedridden vegetative state who cannot express their will and are unable to express their will due to the use of artificial respirators and tube feeding has increased.

The government also allows psychiatric hospitals to run a business of isolating and housing the poor and hikikomori.

In other countries, social workers are in charge of social issues such as socially unfit people (people who are reclusive and do not work) and poor elderly people who have long since exceeded their healthy life expectancy and need daily care to extend their life.

In other words, in developed countries, the government tries to solve social issues as political issues rather than leaving them to the medical system.

However, Japan has concealed social issues in buildings such as hospitals and facilities by giving them arbitrary illnesses, using medical expenses, and admitting them to hospitals.

The government has given hospital and facility managers, who are cooperating in the concealment and silence,

① permission to a business model that makes profits just by isolating and keeping them alive, and

② the power and status of doctors and medical welfare workers.

Because medical care is not for sickness or anything, but for the socially vulnerable, a contradiction arises, and stress accumulates over that contradiction, which is the cause of the current abuse in hospitals and facilities.

There is a system error.

A system where humans hurt other humans. It is nothing short of a demonic system.

Do you know why this demonic system was born?

It is because "common sense is wrong" and "society is built on wrong common sense."

It is important to live a long and healthy life without getting sick.

But can we say that "long life = happiness"?

We Japanese have always been hidden from "true happiness as humans,"

and have been brainwashed into thinking that "living a long life is a good thing, even if you are in a vegetative state or bedridden."

Is this true? Why is the human lifespan set at 100 years?

We humans have something to do with our 100-year lifespan, but no one tells us what it is.

Because we live in an atheistic society that does not believe in gods, in Shintoism and Buddhism, where "the devil is worshiped as a god," no one can answer the questions "#What is a human being?" and "#How should we live our lives?".

Social problems are born from the roots of the country's unique culture, that is, its "ideology."

If each and every person lives with the "right way of thinking as a human being," society will change.

The answer is in the RAPT blog.

"RAPT Paid Article 284 (June 11, 2018) The purpose for which we humans were born into this world is for the salvation and growth of our souls. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=47936"

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