``2018-05-24 Antidepressants damage sperm DNA! https://e-dansei.com/archives/138''
When you visit or are admitted to a psychiatric hospital, you are prescribed and administered psychotropic drugs, called drug therapy.
These drugs never solve mental problems or worries.
The effects of the drugs destroy brain function, and you are only in a state where you ``decrease your thinking ability'' and ``cannot think'', which makes you ``no longer worried''.
And because of the various side effects of psychotropic drugs, you are unable to live your daily life properly.
As a result, your worries increase, the amount of medication increases, you spend your time in a daze, and your personality level gradually declines.
There are a hundred disadvantages and no advantages.
I would like to talk about the theme of this article, ``infertility and sterilization by psychotropic drugs''.
There is a ``hidden reason'' for administering psychotropic drugs to people diagnosed with mental illnesses, other than for sedative purposes.
This is due to the "eugenic ideology," which aims to eliminate recessive genes, in other words, for the purpose of sterilization. (Many psychiatrists do not know that eugenic ideology and psychiatry are connected.)
Eugenic ideology is famous for being a national policy promoted by Hitler during Nazi Germany, but its roots go back to ancient Jewish chosen people ideology.
Hitler believed that unknown diseases and disabilities were caused by the crossbreeding of recessive genes, and thought that sterilizing people with diseases and disabilities was the best public health measure, in order to "eliminate all diseases from this world."
In the same way, he recommended sterilization for criminals.
It's a scary story.
The chosen people ideology is the "way of thinking of Jews who believe in the devil."
It is a value system that says that "races other than Jews are livestock. You can do anything to livestock (goyim)."
(※As an aside, the origin of the Japanese word "goi" (garbage) may come from "goyim" (goyim).)
As one of the ways to realize the ideology of superiority, Japan has also implemented a "sterilization policy" to eradicate weak individuals and genes with low productivity.
In fact, until very recently, Japan has a history of sterilization of patients with leprosy and mental illness.
・・・・・・ (Article reprinted below)
Supreme Court rules that the former Eugenic Protection Law was unconstitutional and orders the government to pay compensation, July 3, 2024, 7:30 p.m. https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240703/k10014499611000.html
The law allowed forced sterilization even without the consent of the individual due to mental or intellectual disabilities. At the time, it was believed that disabilities and diseases of parents were inherited by their children, so the article clearly stated that the law would "prevent the birth of inferior offspring."
・・・・・・・・・(end of reprint)
In this way, the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare sterilized the socially vulnerable through surgery.
In the United States, pedophile offenders are given "scientific castration," which involves the injection of drugs to rob them of their reproductive abilities.
・・・・・・・・・("Chemically Castrating Pedophiles: State Law Passed in Alabama, June 12, 2019 https://www.bbc.com/japanese/48604586")
On the 10th, the state of Alabama in the United States passed a law requiring some pedophile offenders to undergo chemical castration.
People convicted of sexual assault against minors under the age of 13 will be given a drug to suppress their sexual desire one month before they are released on parole from prison.
The length of time the drug will be administered will be decided by the court. The cost of the drug will also be borne by the inmate.
Alabama is the seventh state in the United States to allow chemical castration of sex offenders.
The bill to require chemical castration was introduced by Republican Rep. Steve Hurst, who said he was inspired by a group that advocated for young children who had been sexually assaulted.
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Alabama has criticized the bill. President Randall Marshall said, "It's unclear whether chemical castration works or whether it's even medically proven."
"If Alabama were to start experimenting on humans, I think it would violate the U.S. Constitution."
What is chemical castration?
Chemical castration is a procedure in which a drug is administered by pill or injection to suppress the production of the male hormone testosterone, reducing sexual desire.
Once the drug is stopped, testosterone is produced again.
In 2009, a chemical castration test scheme was conducted in the UK using volunteer prisoners. The experiment involved prisoners with "strong sexual desires and sexual fantasies."
According to criminal psychologist Don Grubin, prisoners who participated in the experiment reported that their lives had been changed.
In 2016, Indonesia passed a law allowing pedophiles to undergo chemical castration, receive prison time without mitigation, or face the death penalty. The Indonesian Medical Association criticized the law as "harmful" and "violating human rights."
In July 2011, South Korea also passed a law allowing chemical castration for pedophiles.
(Alabama introduces chemical castration law)
・・・・・・・・・ (end of excerpt)
In fact, taking psychotropic drugs (antipsychotics called SSRIs and major tranquilizers) for a long period of time can cause hormonal abnormalities in men, leading to erectile dysfunction (ED), ejaculation disorders, and azoospermia. (See article in headline)
Some men who have been hospitalized for a long time bring pornographic magazines to the ward and report that they masturbate and ejaculate without any sperm.
It has been written that such side effects can occur with long-term administration of drugs.
・・・・・・・・・・・・(『Substance/Drug-Induced Sexual Dysfunction - Heart Clinic|Kokoro no Hanashi https://www.e-heartclinic.com/kokoro-info/special/eat_22.html』)
Medicines that can induce sexual dysfunction
Antidepressants, antipsychotics, hormonal contraceptives
Several drugs used in psychiatry have an effect on sexual performance. The most commonly reported side effect of antidepressant use is difficulty with orgasm or ejaculation. Decreased libido and erectile dysfunction are less frequent. Non-psychiatric drugs can also be associated with sexual dysfunction. These include cardiovascular, cytotoxic, gastrointestinal, and hormonal drugs.
・・・・・・・・・・・・(Reprint ends here)
Long-term administration of drugs plays a part in reducing the population.
Mentally ill people, who must continue taking drugs until they die, are unknowingly being targeted for sterilization.
Castration also makes dogs and cats docile.
The idea is that castration can "calm down" or "change the personality" of people who are difficult to handle in society.
Perhaps they are trying to prevent the number of offspring from increasing because the number of people with such genes and personality traits increases due to eugenic ideology, which would disrupt social order and make it difficult to control them.
In any case, people who do not even consider humans to be human are at the heart of pharmaceutical companies and the government, and they write unfounded data as "medical evidence" and publish it in academic papers and medical textbooks.
The reality is that modern medicine is carried out by people who have passed national exams by cramming their heads with this distorted knowledge.
The carelessness, irresponsibility, and authoritarianism of so-called doctors and experts in coronavirus infection countermeasures speaks for itself.
The way psychiatric care is conducted, with long-term isolation and drug administration, is the very essence of supremacy and must be dismantled.
It is no wonder that the common sense of this world was created by the devil.
Please read the following article to find out more about the fact that the ruling class of this world are devil worshippers.
"The reality is that many devil worshippers have multiple personalities and have been abused since childhood. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=19219"
I sincerely hope that people with problems can live without being deceived by psychiatric care.