心のハンドル操作方法 幸せに生きるための教習所


Mental illness comes from clinging to old ways of thinking

2024年11月21日 | Japanese Psychiatry hospital(日本の精神科医療)

Mental illness is caused by clinging to old ways of thinking. If you change your way of thinking, your behavior will change and you will be able to adapt to society.
There is a term called trauma-informed care.

Trauma apparently means wound, and humans can get hurt or be hurt as long as they are alive.

However, if you get hurt and become disheartened, thinking "how unfortunate I am," and stop acting out of fear of injury, your thoughts and values ​​will stop at the level they were before you were injured.

In other words, your growth will stop.

Nothing will change if you stay at home all your life thinking "I'll be happy if I don't get hurt" or "I'll be happy if I don't die."

If you don't go out because you're afraid of falling, you will be bedridden for the rest of your life.

If you stay at home and don't go out into society, you will not even be able to meet your needs for food, clothing, and shelter.

You will eventually have no choice but to starve to death or commit a crime and live in prison.

Cognitive behavioral therapy and assertiveness training are used to change such fixed ideas.

Nowadays, people learn social and interpersonal skills by correcting their own thinking habits and practicing ways of thinking that will work in role-playing.

>>>>>>>【Humans can't change easily】

These skill exercises are effective to a certain extent, but in reality, humans can't change that easily.

Why is that?

Humans want stability and comfort, so they don't want to make the effort to throw away old ways of thinking and start new things.

In fact, in the old NES game Super Mario, there is a trick called infinite multiplication.

I've attached a video.

【SUPER MARIO BROS.】WORLD 3-1 (Infinite Multiplication)
It's a trick to earn points easily, but if you think about it now, it's a waste of time, "just a chore."

>>>>>>>>【If you stick to a winning pattern, you will be studied and lose】

Humans don't want to use their brains.

If you leave them alone, they will get lazier and lazier, and will only do things like energy-saving work.

If you stick to a method just because it "worked once," it will no longer work. Here is one example.

Costco first opened in Japan in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1999, but more than 20 years have passed since then.

Costco sells large-lot products at low prices and displays them like a warehouse, reducing stocking costs and labor costs to increase operating profits.

They also gained popularity by offering a service where customers could eat freshly made hot dogs, pizza, ice cream, etc. at extremely low prices.

However, Japanese supermarkets such as Lopia, Trial, and Lamu quickly copied the same thing and started selling similar products, and Costco's dominance collapsed.

It can be said that consumers have begun to think, "It's not worth the trouble of going to Costco and buying a yearly membership card that costs nearly 5,000 yen."

>>>>>>>>【Winning patterns seen in Jiro-style ramen】

Mega-sized portions were popular in Jiro-style ramen, but now convenience stores, family restaurants, and ramen chains are also selling large and mega-sized items.

In other words, a characteristic of modern society is that when someone succeeds, others quickly copy them.

And even if you succeed once, if you cling to that formula for success, it will taper off.

Indeed, the world is destined to go through periods of rise and fall, and will soon fall apart if it does not grow and change.

>>>>>>>>【To overcome trauma, grow and live your best life in the present】

Going back to the point, we unconsciously live our lives clinging to past experiences such as "what went well" and "what failed."

If that method worked well, there would be no problem, but the environment around us and the way people think change, so the formula for success no longer works.

When the formula for success no longer works, people are shocked and frustrated.

The more you have achieved up until now, the more you cannot let go of your successes, and your self-esteem and vanity will crush you, leading to social withdrawal and depression.

The important thing in life is not to cling to your successes,

but to fail and get back up again and again.

There is a saying that goes, "It's not failure, it's experience!"

That is why it is important to have the fighting spirit and the desire to challenge yourself to get back up until the end of your life.

>>>>>>>> 【How to live without losing motivation】

But where does the motivation to "get back up again and again" come from?

You can maintain high motivation by having a firm purpose and pushing forward toward your goal.

① Have a dream.

② The other is to "spend time with someone who is a bundle of motivation."

What kind of person is a bundle of motivation?

Are they passionate leaders like Shuzo Matsuoka, who was once popular?


The entity that is like a mass of motivation is "God" who created the heavens and the earth and all things.

By getting closer to God, humans are filled with "motivation".

They are "overflowing with love".

If you are dominated by negative thoughts like "I don't want to start over again", your life is over.

It's never too late to start, and humans grow by continuing to work hard every day.

There is no rule that one day you will be chosen as a superhero and save the world, or that you will mutate and become stronger like Pokemon.

>>>>>>>>>> [There is no easy way to succeed in this world]

People who have achieved results spread "easy and profitable methods" that seem to have been done quickly and easily, and turn them into business materials, so they hate themselves and give up when they "don't get results right away".

The Bible also tells the story of Joseph who worked hard and prayed to God, and became the prime minister of Egypt.

By discarding old thoughts and always thinking new ones, you will be energized to live each day to the fullest.

I think the way to do this is to get closer to God.

I think that problems of the heart can also be solved by getting closer to God every day, renewing your thoughts, and taking a new step without being trapped by old memories, successes, or failures.

There is a man in Japan who has actually gotten closer to God and accomplished something that no one else in this world has been able to do.

His name is Rapt, the author of the Rapt Blog.

Here is an article that describes Rapt's way of life, his painstaking efforts, and the wonderfulness of living with God.

"RAPT Paid Article 440 (February 1, 2020) Only by constantly changing and growing in accordance with the Lord can we always succeed and prosper, no matter how drastically the world changes. https://rapt-neo.com/?p=52362"

I hope that anyone who is stuck on a problem in life will read the Rapt blog, gain the mental toughness to try again and again, and carve out a path for themselves in life.

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