


2020-02-22 11:40:58 | 日記

一年半後,我張貼我的早餐準備狀態,而不是今天的早餐。 愛知縣牧野參加了由池綠公園主辦的Shikashi原木製作。 首先,用電鑽在木頭上鑽一個洞。 它完成了,把一棵樹,其中串出菌絲。 明年秋天,我們將有美味的原木香菇。

The situation of preparations of the breakfast which will be 1 year and a half later now instead of today's breakfast, post. Aichi prefectural Makino participates in shiitake mushroom wood making of pond Ryokuchi-park sponsorship and has come. First I make a hole in a wood by an electric drill. The tree which made spawn sink into there is driven in, and, finish. Good wood shiitake mushroom is planning to be growing in autumn of next year.
