meters per second: m·s-1[upper case] or m/s
meters per second: m·s-1[upper case] or m/s
[0004] As feature sizes have become smaller, the demand for higher aspect ratios, defined as the ratio between the depth of the feature and the width of the feature, has steadily increased to 20:1 and even greater.
[0036] The ratio of the intensity of light transmitted through a film to the intensity of light incident on the film is known in the art as the transmission level T of the film.
福田昭のデバイス通信(287) Intelが語るオンチップの多層配線技術(8)、EE Times Japan
集合族(family of sets)
「LaTeX コマンドの筆記体(\mathcal
「TeX コマンドは、花文字が mathscr
、筆記体文字が mathcal
Unicode Character “𝒟” (U+1D49F)
"the foot of the perpendicular from A to segment CD, or simply, the foot of A on CD," Perpendicular, Wikipedia
"For some reason, “multiplied with” has begun to be used," Which is right, "multiplied by" or "multiplied with"? Quora
Fraction (Wikipedia)
A fraction (from Latin fractus, "broken") represents a part of a whole or, more generally, any number of equal parts. When spoken in everyday English, a fraction describes how many parts of a certain size there are, for example, one-half, eight-fifths, three-quarters. A common, vulgar, or simple fraction(*常分数)(examples: {\displaystyle {\tfrac {1}{2}}} and {\displaystyle {\tfrac {17}{3}}}
) consists of a numerator displayed above a line (or before a slash(*スラッシュ)), and a non-zero denominator, displayed below (or after) that line. Numerators and denominators are also used in fractions that are not common, including compound fractions, complex fractions, and mixed numerals.
The entire fraction may be expressed as a single composition, in which case it is hyphenated, or as a number of fractions with a numerator of one, in which case they are not. (For example, "two-fifths" is the fraction 2/5 and "two fifths" is the same fraction understood as 2 instances of 1⁄5.(*ハイフンの有無で意味が変わる) Fractions should always be hyphenated when used as adjectives. Alternatively, a fraction may be described by reading it out as the numerator "over" the denominator, with the denominator expressed as a cardinal number. (For example, 3/1 may also be expressed as "three over one".) The term "over" is used even in the case of solidus(*=slash)fractions, where the numbers are placed left and right of a slash mark. (For example, 1/2 may be read "one-half", "one half", or "one over two".) Fractions with large denominators that are not powers of ten are often rendered in this fashion (e.g., 1/117 as "one over one hundred seventeen"), while those with denominators divisible by ten are typically read in the normal ordinal fashion (e.g., 6/1000000 as "six-millionths", "six millionths", or "six one-millionths").
The process for designing an insulation cutting and stripping blade according to the present invention will be explained in connection with FIGS. 4 and 6. A cutting angle D2 of 36 degrees has been determined to be optimum for all size insulated conductors. Gathering length W is matched to the existing industrial standard for a particular size insulated conductor. Gathering angle D1 is calculated according to the mathematical formula(*定冠詞)##EQU3## where
The magnitude of slip may be represented by a value. For example, a unitless expression of slip error (Se) may be calculated by relating a speed of traction device 16 (St) with respect to machine 10 and the speed of machine 10 (Sm) with respect to work surface 12, according to the mathematical formula(*定冠詞): Se = 1 - (Sm / St). Thus, zero slip (e.g. St = Sm) may correspond to a slip error value of 0, and complete slip (e.g. Sm = 0 when St > 0) may correspond to a slip error value of 1. It is contemplated that the expression of slip error may alternatively be represented as a fraction of machine or driven speed, a percentage, and/or any other value, if desired. It is further contemplated that zero slip may or may not be desirable and that it may be beneficial to monitor and allow slip within a predetermined range.
This invention relates generally to internal combustion engines having electric-actuated fuel injectors that inject fuel into combustion chambers of the engine. More particularly it relates to a system and method that uses several variables, including injector control pressure and the duration of an injector-actuation signal applied to the fuel injectors, in a process that calculates, by a mathematical formula(*不定冠詞), the quantity of fuel injected by a fuel injector during an injection, and that calibrates each fuel injector by adjustment of the formula.
In physics and engineering, any characteristic curve that shows the relationship between certain input and output parameters, for example:
nth, kth, ithの例:
the jth columns of the ith rows are as follows
n-th, k-th, i-thの例:
One can see that the normal density allocates little probability mass to the regions far from the mean ("has thin tails")(Wiki, Kurtosis, 尖度)
Log-log plots are an alternative way of graphically examining the tail of a distribution using a random sample.(Wiki, Power law、冪乗則)
It is assumed here that a random sample is obtained from a probability distribution, and that we want to know if the tail of the distribution follows a power law (in other words, we want to know if the distribution has a "Pareto tail")(Wiki、パレート分布)
tail index: 裾指数
To say that "Figure F is inscribed in figure G" means precisely the same thing as "figure G is circumscribed about figure F". (from Wikipedia, inscribed figure)
Let (put) ..., then ...