

Article 17, PCT

2020-04-30 20:53:20 | 条文

Article 17
Procedure Before the International Searching Authority

(1)  Procedure before the International Searching Authority shall be governed by the provisions of this Treaty, the Regulations, and the agreement which the International Bureau shall conclude, subject to this Treaty and the Regulations, with the said Authority.
(1) 国際調査機関における手続は、この条約、規則並びに国際事務局がこの条約及び規則に従つて当該国際調査機関と締結する取決めの定めるところによる。

(2)(a)  If the International Searching Authority considers(認め)


(i) that the international application relates to a subject matter which the International Searching Authority is not required, under the Regulations, to search, and in the particular case decides not to search, or
(ⅰ) 当該国際調査機関が、当該国際出願の対象が規則により国際調査機関による調査を要しないとされているものであると認め、かつ、当該国際出願について調査を行わないことを決定したこと。

(ii)   that the description, the claims, or the drawings, fail to comply with the prescribed requirements to such an extent that a meaningful search could not be carried out,
(ⅱ) 当該国際調査機関が、明細書、請求の範囲又は図面が有意義な調査を行うことができる程度にまで所定の要件を満たしていないと認めたこと。

(*「明細書、請求の範囲又は図面が所定の要件を満たしていないため、有意義な調査を行うことができない」の方がいいんじゃないかなあ~?まあ意味は同じだと思いますが。「所定の要件を満たしてない("failure")、どのくらい満たしてないか("to such an extent")と言うと、有意義な調査ができないくらい」("could not be carried out")直訳:「明細書、請求の範囲又は図面が、有意義な調査を行うことができない程度にまで(できない程)、所定の要件を満たしていない」)

the said Authority shall so declare and shall notify the applicant and the International Bureau that no international search report will be established.

(b)  If any of the situations referred to in subparagraph (a) is found to exist in connection with certain claims only, the international search report shall so indicate in respect of such claims, whereas, for the other claims, the said report shall be established as provided in Article 18.
(b) (a)に規定するいずれかの事由が一部の請求の範囲のみとの関連においてある場合には、国際調査報告は、当該請求の範囲についてはその旨を表示するものとし、他の請求の範囲については次条の規定に従つて作成される。

(3)(a)  If the International Searching Authority considers(認める)that the international application does not comply with the requirement of unity of invention(単一性の要件)as set forth in(に定める)the Regulations, it shall invite the applicant to pay additional fees(追加手数料の支払を求める). The International Searching Authority shall establish(作成する)the international search report on(について)those parts of the international application which relate to the invention first mentioned in the claims ("main invention")(請求の範囲に最初に記載されている発明(「主発明」)に係る部分)and, provided the required additional fees have been paid(に支払われた場合には)within the prescribed time limit, on those parts of the international application which relate to inventions in respect of which the said fees were paid(追加手数料が支払われた発明に係る部分).
(3)(a) 国際調査機関は、国際出願が規則に定める発明の単一性の要件を満たしていないと認める場合には、出願人に対し追加手数料の支払を求める。国際調査機関は、国際出願のうち、請求の範囲に最初に記載されている発明(「主発明」)に係る部分及び、必要な追加手数料が所定の期間内に支払われた場合には、追加手数料が支払われた発明に係る部分について、国際調査報告を作成する。

(b)  The national law of any designated State may provide(定めることができる) that, where(場合)the national Office of that State(当該指定国の国内官庁が)finds(認める)the invitation(求めを), referred to in subparagraph (a), of the International Searching Authority justified(正当であると)and where the applicant has not paid all additional fees(出願人が追加手数料を支払わなかつたために), those parts of the international application which consequently have not been searched(調査が行われなかつた国際出願の部分は)shall, as far as effects in that State are concerned(当該指定国における効果に関する限り), be considered withdrawn(取り下げられたものとみなすこと)unless a special fee is paid(特別手数料を支払つた場合を除くほか)by the applicant to the national Office of that State.
(b) 指定国の国内法令は、当該指定国の国内官庁が国際調査機関による(a)の求めを正当であると認める場合に、出願人が追加手数料を支払わなかつたために調査が行われなかつた国際出願の部分は、当該指定国における効果に関する限り、出願人が当該指定国の国内官庁に特別手数料を支払つた場合を除くほか、取り下げられたものとみなすことを定めることができる。



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Article 16, PCT

2020-04-29 20:52:19 | 条文

Article 16
The International Searching Authority(国際調査機関)
(1)  International search shall be carried out(行うものとし)by an International Searching Authority, which may be either a national Office or an intergovernmental organization(政府間機関), such as the International Patent Institute(国際特許協会), whose tasks include(任務を有する)the establishing(作成)of documentary search reports(資料調査報告)on prior art(先行技術についての)with respect to inventions which are the subject of applications(出願の対象である発明).

(2)  If, pending the establishment(設立されるまでの間に)of a single(単一の)International Searching Authority, there are several(二以上の)International Searching Authorities, each receiving Office(各受理官庁は) shall, in accordance with the provisions of the applicable agreement(関係取決めに従い)referred to(に規定する)in paragraph (3)(b), specify(特定する)the International Searching Authority or Authorities(一又は二以上の国際調査機関)competent for(管轄することとなる)the searching of international applications filed with such Office(国際出願についての国際調査).

(3)(a)  International Searching Authorities shall be appointed(選定)by the Assembly. Any national Office and any intergovernmental organization satisfying the requirements referred to in subparagraph (c) may be(ことができる)appointed as International Searching Authority.

(b)  Appointment(選定)shall be conditional on(条件とする)the consent(同意を得ること)of the national Office or intergovernmental organization to be appointed and the conclusion of an agreement(取り決めが締結されること), subject to approval by(承認を得て)the Assembly, between such Office or organization and the International Bureau. The agreement(取り決めには)shall specify(明記する)the rights and obligations of the parties(当事者の権利及び義務), in particular(特に), the formal undertaking(公式の約束)by the said Office or organization to apply and observe(適用しかつ遵守する)all the common rules(すべての共通の準則)of international search.

(c)  The Regulations prescribe(規則に定める)the minimum requirements(最小限の要件), particularly as to manpower and documentation(人員および資料), which any Office or organization must satisfy before it can be appointed and must continue to satisfy while it remains appointed(選定される前に及び選定されている間満たしていなければならない).

(d)  Appointment shall be for a fixed period of time(一定の期間を付して行う)and may be extended for further periods(選定期間は更新することができる).

(e)  Before the Assembly makes a decision(決定する前)on the appointment of any national Office or intergovernmental organization, or on the extension of its appointment(選定期間の更新), or before it allows any such appointment to lapse(選定期間の満了前に), the Assembly shall hear(意見を聴取)the interested Office or organization(当該国内官庁又は当該政府間機関)and seek the advice(助言を求める) of the Committee for Technical Cooperation(同委員会)referred to in Article 56 once that Committee has been established(技術協力委員会が設置されている場合には).



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2020-04-29 13:03:42 | 英語特許散策

Embodiments of the method can also be used in methods for image recognition of an image from a plurality of images, such that the matched attributes of said at least one set of matched attributes, and pertaining to said image, will be associated to said at least one recognized object on said respective reference images.


Portable transaction terminal includes a processor, an imager configured to produce a digital image of a payment card using a source of continuous light, the imager being operably linked to the processor, and an image recognition module that performs image recognition and that is configured to produce or extract data for a transaction, from the digital image of the payment card, using the processor. The portable transaction terminal is configured to enter the data for the transaction that is produced or extracted, and wherein the data for the transaction is communicated and processed.

[0105] In response to determining at decision point 1126 that at least one distance range of exclusion relative to remaining image content has not been defined, or upon identifying the object as the image obstruction based upon its location within the distance range of exclusion at block 1134 (FIG. 11B), the process 1100 makes a determination at decision point 1136 as to whether to use of image recognition processing to identify objects as image obstructions is configured. In response to determining that use of image recognition processing to identify objects as image obstructions is configured, the process 1100 performs image recognition of objects within the field of view of the at least one camera lens at block 1138. At block 1140, the process 1100 compares recognized objects within the field of view of the at least one camera lens with image items within a database of configured obstruction images. As described above, where a user image omission profile is configured, a reduced number of comparisons may be performed. As such, the process 1100 may compare recognized objects within the field of view of at least one camera lens with a subset of the image items within the database of obstruction images configured within the user image omission profile for omission from captured images at block 1140. At decision point 1142, the process 1100 makes a determination as to whether at least one image item within the database of obstruction images matches the object located within the image foreground. In response to determining that at least one image item within the database of obstruction images matches the object located within the image foreground, the process 1100 identifies at least one object within the field of view as an image obstruction at block 1144.

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2020-04-29 12:23:00 | 英語特許散策

FIGS. 11-14 are flow charts of illustrative processes involved in some embodiments of this invention. FIG. 11 is a flow chart of an illustrative process for recording multiple copies of a program. Process 1100 begins at step 1102. At step 1105, the interactive television application determines whether to record multiple copies of a program.


For example, the interactive television application may determine whether to record multiple copies of the program by default (e.g., when the feature for recording multiple copies of all scheduled programs is enabled). As another example, the interactive television application may receive a user instruction from user input device 16 whether to record multiple copies of a program.


In still another example, the interactive television application may determine whether to record multiple copies of the program based on the program's recording priority. If the interactive television application determines that multiple copies should not be recorded, process 1100 moves to step 1140. Otherwise, process 1100 moves to step 1110.


At step 1110, the interactive television application determines whether user equipment 10 has the capability to record multiple copies of the program of step 1105. For example, the interactive television application determines whether user equipment 10 will have enough tuners available at the transmission time of the program to record multiple copies, and if recording device 14 or another device will have enough space to record the copies of the program.


If the user equipment has the capability to record multiple copies of the program, process 1100 moves to step 1130 where the interactive television application directs recording device 14 or another device to record multiple copies of the program.


[0027] Accessories for tablet devices have become quite common. Today typical tablet accessories are passive in nature, the majority of which simply function to protect the screen, or perhaps support the tablet in some specific orientation.


Although some devices such as Bluetooth headsets and keyboards do have limited interactive capability the majority of accessories are limited to more basic tasks. These accessories can be improved by including at least some of the following features: (1) a power source; (2) a communications protocol; (3) an input method; and (4) an independent storage medium.


[0004] Semiconductor LEDs are widely known solid-state lighting elements that are capable of generating light upon application of voltage thereto. LEDs generally include a diode region having first and second opposing faces, and including therein an n-type layer, a p-type layer and a p-n junction.


An anode contact ohmically contacts the p-type layer and a cathode contact ohmically contacts the n-type layer. The diode region may be epitaxially formed on a substrate, such as a sapphire, silicon, silicon carbide, gallium arsenide, gallium nitride, etc., growth substrate, but the completed device may not include a substrate.


The diode region may be fabricated, for example, from silicon carbide, gallium nitride, gallium phosphide, aluminum nitride and/or gallium arsenide-based materials and/or from organic semiconductor-based materials. Finally, the light radiated by the LED may be in the visible or ultraviolet (UV) regions, and the LED may incorporate wavelength conversion material such as phosphor.


Referring again to FIG. 2, during use the instruction processing apparatus may receive an embodiment of a bit range isolation instruction 112. By way of example, the bit range isolation instruction may be received from a memory or from software.


The bit range isolation instruction may represent a machine instruction or control signal that is recognized by the instruction processing apparatus. The bit range isolation instruction may include an opcode or other instruction identifier.


The instruction processing apparatus may have specific or particular circuitry or other logic (e.g., software combined with hardware and/or firmware) that is operable to store a result in response to and/or as specified by the bit range isolation instruction.


The pulse generator module 62 may include the capability to modify the electrical stimulation pulses, such as by adjusting the pulse width and/or amplitude of the electrical stimulation pulses. When pacing the heart, this may help tailor the electrical stimulation pulses to capture the heart of a particular patient, sometimes with reduced battery usage.


For neurostimulation therapy, adjusting the pulse width and/or amplitude may help tailor the therapy for a particular application and/or help make the therapy more effective for a particular patient.


[0035] In essence, switching between two streams at the decoder side is equivalent to performing the splicing of two streams directly in the decoder buffer 132. Steps must be taken to ensure that this is correctly done and will not cause any buffer problems (overflow or underflow).


Indeed, neither the HD encoder 111 nor the SD encoder 121 have the ability to monitor the buffer 132 level in the HD decoder 131 actually performing the stream switch.


Both encoders assume that the decoder buffer level matches exactly the buffer level of the HD decoder 210 buffer model after a pair of stream switches (HD-to-SD and SD-to-HD).


In other words, buffer levels of HD decoders (such as decoder 131) before and after each series of switches should match the buffer level of the HD decoder model 210 maintained by the HD encoder 111, whether they do perform the switches or not.


As used herein, the term "gene" is to be taken in its broadest context and includes the deoxyribonucleotide sequences comprising the protein coding region of a structural gene and including sequences located adjacent to the coding region on both the 5' and 3' ends for a distance of at least about 2 kb on either end and which are involved in expression of the gene.


The sequences which are located 5' of the coding region and which are present on the mRNA are referred to as 5' non-translated sequences. The sequences which are located 3' or downstream of the coding region and which are present on the mRNA are referred to as 3' non-translated sequences. The term "gene" encompasses both cDNA and genomic forms of a gene.


A genomic form or clone of a gene contains the coding region which may be interrupted with non-coding sequences termed "introns" or "intervening regions" or "intervening sequences." Introns are segments of a gene which are transcribed into nuclear RNA (hnRNA);


introns may contain regulatory elements such as enhancers. Introns are removed or "spliced out" from the nuclear or primary transcript; introns therefore are absent in the messenger RNA (mRNA) transcript.


The mRNA functions during translation to specify the sequence or order of amino acids in a nascent polypeptide. The term "gene" includes a synthetic or fusion molecule encoding all or part of the proteins of the invention described herein and a complementary nucleotide sequence to any one of the above. 


1 . The multiplicity of display elements (imagers) 220 have the capability of modulating multiple images in different directions as described in the previous embodiments,

1  .  複数の表示素子(イメージャ)(220)は、前の実施形態で説明したように、異なる方向に複数の画像を変調する機能を有し、  

[0024] Referring now to Figure 3 , there is illustrated, in planar view, a wearable electronic ophthalmic device comprising a sensor in accordance with the present disclosure. The ophthalmic device 300 comprises an optic zone 302 and a peripheral zone 304.


The optic zone 302 may function to provide one or more of vision correction, vision enhancement, other vision-related functionality, mechanical support, or even a void to permit clear vision. In accordance with the present disclosure, the optic zone 302 may comprise a variable optic element configured to provide enhanced vision at near and distant ranges based on signals sensed from the ciliary muscle.


The variable-optic element may comprise any suitable device for changing the focal length of the lens or the refractive power of the lens based upon activation signals from the sensing system described herein. For example, the variable optic element may be as simple as a piece of optical grade plastic incorporated into the lens with the ability to have its spherical curvature changed.


The peripheral zone 304 comprises one or more of electrical circuits 306, a power source 308, electrical interconnects 310, mechanical support, as well as other functional elements.


[0041] The nose 460 of the cassette is positioned adjacent the die assembly 200. The die assembly 200 further includes an insert 500 which is pressed into the die assembly, and is not held in place by any fasteners. It includes threaded holes to allow jack bolts for removal.


The insert has flanged ends 502 which are positioned in the slot ends 506. The insert 500 has a front sealing edge 510 that is positioned in the insert slot 504. The insert 500 functions to seal the die edges to prevent leakage, particularly near the edges of the die. As pressure increases in the die assembly, the insert is pushed further into the die, resulting in the insert sealing edge 510 forming a seal with the die.


The invention also proposes a base station for a radio access network of a radio communication network, and comprising i) radio transmission means having the function to emit radiofrequency signals intended for radio (communication) terminals, ii) a terrestrial repeater of the type of that introduced above and suitable for delivery of the first (analog) RF signals to be broadcast, and iii) frequency multiplexing means for the first RF (analog) signals and the second RF (analog) signals received in order to broadcast frequency multiplexes towards the radio terminals.

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Article 15, PCT

2020-04-28 23:08:39 | 条文

Article 15
The International Search(国際調査)
(1)  Each(各)international application shall be the subject(対象とする)of international search.

(2)  The objective(を目的とする)of the international search is to discover(発見すること)relevant prior art(関連のある先行技術).

(3)  International search shall be made(行う)on the basis of(基づいて)the claims, with due regard to(妥当な考慮を払ったうえで)the description and the drawings (if any(*訳なし)).

(4)  The International Searching Authority referred to in Article 16(次条に規定する)shall endeavor(努める)to discover as much(多くの)of the relevant prior art as its facilities permit(可能な限り), and shall, in any case(いかなる場合にも), consult(調査する)the documentation(資料)specified in the Regulations(規則に定める).

(5)(a)  If the national law(国内法令)of the Contracting State so permits(認める場合), the applicant who files a national application(国内出願をした)with the national Office(国内官庁)of or acting for(ために行動する)such State(当該締約国)may(できる), subject to the conditions provided for(定める条件に従い)in such law(国内法令), request(請求)that a search similar to(類する調査)an international search ("international-type search(国際型調査)") be carried out on(について)such application.

(b)  If the national law of the Contracting State so permits, the national Office of or acting for such State(当該締約国の国内官庁または当該締約国のために行動する国内官庁)may subject(付する)any national application filed with it(当該国内官庁)to an international-type search.

(c)  The international-type search shall be carried out by the International Searching Authority referred to in Article 16(次条に規定する国際調査機関であって)which would be competent for(管轄したであろうとされるもの)an international search(国際調査を)if the national application(国内出願が)were an international application(国際出願として)and were filed with the Office(国内官庁にされたとしたならば)referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b)((a)および(b)に規定する). If the national application is in a language which the International Searching Authority considers(認める)it is not equipped to handle(処理することができない), the international-type search shall be carried out on(に基づいて行う)a translation(翻訳文)prepared(作成)by the applicant in a language prescribed(所定の言語であって)for international applications and which the International Searching Authority has undertaken to accept(認めることを約束しているもの)for international applications. The national application and the translation, when required(必要な翻訳文), shall be presented(提出)in the form prescribed(所定の形式)for international applications.



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Article 14, PCT

2020-04-28 23:03:03 | 条文

Article 14
Certain Defects in the International Application(国際出願の欠陥)
(1)(a)  The receiving Office shall check(点検)whether the international application contains(含まれ)any of the following defects, that is to say:

(i)  it is not signed(署名がない)as provided in the Regulations(規則の定めるところによる);

(ii)  it does not contain(ない)the prescribed indications(所定の記載)concerning the applicant;

(iii)  it does not contain a title(発明の名称の記載);

(iv)  it does not contain an abstract(要約);

(v)  it does not comply(満たされていない)to the extent provided in the Regulations(規則に定める程度にまで)with the prescribed physical requirements(所定の様式上の要件が).

(b)  If the receiving Office finds(発見した場合)any of the said defects((a)のいずれかの欠陥), it shall invite(求める)the applicant to correct(補充する)the international application within the prescribed time limit, failing which(補充をしなかった場合には)that application shall be considered withdrawn(取り下げられたものとみなし)and the receiving Office shall so declare(その旨宣言).

(2)   If the international application refers to(言及)drawings which, in fact(実際には), are not included(含まれていない)in that application, the receiving Office shall notify the applicant accordingly(その旨を通知)and he may furnish(提出)them within the prescribed time limit and, if he does(所定の期間内にその図面を提出した場合には), the international filing date shall be the date on which the drawings are received(受理)by the receiving Office. Otherwise(その他の場合には), any reference to the said drawings shall be considered non-existent(ないものとみなす).

(3)(a)  If the receiving Office finds(認めた場合)that, within the prescribed time limits, the fees prescribed under Article 3(4)(iv)(第三条(4)(iv)にいう)have not been paid(支払われていない), or no fee prescribed under Article 4(2) has been paid in respect of any of the designated States(いずれの指定国についても), the international application shall be considered withdrawn and the receiving Office shall so declare

(b)  If the receiving Office finds that the fee prescribed(所定の手数料)under(にいう)Article 4(2) has been paid(支払われている)in respect of one or more(一又は二以上)(but less than all(がすべての指定国については支払われていない)) designated States within the prescribed time limit, the designation(指定)of those States in respect of which it(手数料)has not been paid(支払われていない指定国)within the prescribed time limit shall be considered withdrawn and the receiving Office shall so declare.

(4)  If, after having accorded(認めた後)an international filing date to the international application, the receiving Office finds(認定した場合), within the prescribed time limit, that any of the requirements(いずれかの要件)listed(掲げる)in items (i) to (iii) of Article 11(1) was not complied with(満たしていなかった)at that date(その国際出願日において), the said application shall be considered withdrawn and the receiving Office shall so declare.



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2020-04-28 14:19:07 | 英語特許散策

[0060] When the WTRU 102 has a valid scheduling grant in a subframe, in which the WTRU 102 may transmit control signalling, the control signalling may be time multiplexed with data on the PUSCH. Example mappings of CQI/PMI, RI and HARQ ACK/NACK on PUSCH are shown in Figure 2. As shown, resource blocks (RBs) 205 may be transmitted over slot 0 206, and slot 1 270 over, for example, 1ms.

WTRU102が、WTRU102が制御シグナリングを送信できるサブフレームにおいて、有効なスケジューリングのグラントを有する場合、制御シグナリングは、PUSCH上でデータとともに時分割多重化され得る。CQI/PMI、RI、およびHARQ  ACK/NACKのPUSCHへの例示的なマッピングが、図2に示される。示されるように、リソースブロック(RB)205は、スロット0  206およびスロット1  206を介して、たとえば1msにわたり送信され得る。

The HARQ ACK/NACK 220 may be transmitted on resources next to the PUSCH reference symbols (RS) 210. The RI 230 may be mapped next to the resources reserved for ACK NACK 220 transmission. The coding of the ACK/NACK 220 and RI 230 may be based on repetition coding or simplex coding with optional circular repetition.

HARQ  ACK/NACK220は、PUSCH参照シンボル(RS:reference symbol)210の隣のリソースで送信され得る。RI230は、ACK/NACK220の送信のために予約されているリソースの隣にマッピングされ得る。ACK/NACK220およびRI230の符号化は、任意選択の循環する繰り返しを有する、繰り返し符号化またはシンプレックス符号化に基づき得る。

In an embodiment, to meet the performance targets for ACK/NACK 220 and RI 230 transmissions, a substantial portion of PUSCH resources may be devoted to 1-bit or 2-bit ACK/NACK 220 and RI 230.


[0010] For example, the determining of the at least one preferred view perspective associated with the 3D video is based on at least one of a historically viewed point of reference and a historically viewed view perspective. The at least one preferred view perspective associated with the 3D video is based on at least one of an orientation of a viewer of the 3D video, a position of a viewer of the 3D video, point of a viewer of the 3D video and focal point of a viewer of the 3D video.


The determining of the at least one preferred view perspective associated with the 3D video is based on a default view perspective, and the default view perspective based on at least one of a characteristic of a user of a display device, a characteristic of a group associated with the user of the display device, a directors cut, and a characteristic of the 3D video.


For example, the method (or implementation on a server) can further include, iteratively encoding at least one portion of the second portion of the 3D video at the first quality, and streaming the least one portion of the second portion of the 3D video.


In SCMA, data is spread over multiple time-frequency tones of OFDMA resources through multi-dimensional codewords. Sparsity of codebooks used in SCMA helps to reduce the complexity of joint detection of multiplexed SCMA layers by using message passing algorithm (MPA) . In general, each layer of SCMA has its specific codebook set. Low density spreading (LDS) is a special case of SCMA. LDS as a form of multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) is used for multiplexing different layers of data.


As opposed to SCMA which uses multi-dimensional codebooks, LDS uses repetitions of the same quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) symbol on layer-specific nonzero position in time or frequency. In applications of LDS, signatures are used to spread data. As an example, in LDS-orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (LDS-OFDM) a constellation point is repeated (with some possible phase rotations) over nonzero frequency tones of a LDS block.


The shaping gain of multi-dimensional constellations is one of the advantages of SCMA over LDS. The gain is potentially high for higher order modulations where the repetition coding of LDS shows a large loss and poor performance.


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2020-04-28 13:42:17 | 英語特許散策

In order to avoid boiling totally the amount of VP in the reaction was halved to 19.6 % for the next two experiments. The effect of allyl content was also investigated. For 410 the allyl level was 170 μπιοΐ as for all previous experiments while for 431 the allyl content was 82 μιηοΙ/mL. By reducing the VP concentration the boiling was avoided but the reaction solution still became very viscous and was spun around the stirrer. This problem also had to be solved in order to get a production-friendly recipe.


[0010] Still another object is to provide, in combination with the apparatus and related upward collapse process of using that apparatus for producing an optical fiber preform, a preform measurement capability with a camera system and a patterned background. A related object is to provide an automated, non-destructive, and production-friendly measurement of waveguide geometrical properties. Still another related object is to provide a value-added guarantee of waveguide quality for users of the preform and a potential opportunity to fine tune optical fiber draw.


[0215] Improvement of mango fruit production in Florida may be achieved using cultivars that have shown excellent field performance when grown in South Florida. Several potentially advantageous cultivars for the Florida growing environment include:
Tommy Atkins  red/yellow fruit color, standard by which all cultivars are judged
Keitt  pink/yellow fruit color, large fruit size, excellent fruit quality
Kent  red/yellow fruit color, large fruit size, excellent productivity
Haden  red/yellow fruit color, excellent fruit size and quality

  トミーアトキンス(Tommy Atkins)  果実の色は赤/黄、全ての品種の判断の標準
  キーツ(Keitt)  果実の色はピンク/黄、果実サイズ大、果実の品質に優れている
  ケント(Kent)  果実の色は赤/黄、果実サイズ大、生産性に優れている
  ヘイデン(Haden)  果実の色は赤/黄、果実のサイズと品質に優れている。

[0006] Ceramic materials are typically superior to polymers in many aspects related to durability. Of the ceramic materials, oxide ceramics are particularly useful because they are highly manufacturable, often have high environmental resistance, and can have good mechanical properties. Unfortunately, there are virtually no known oxide ceramics that are hydrophobic. A notable exception is silicalite, a zeolitic polymorph of SiO2 [E. M. Flanigen, J. M. Bennett, R. W. Grose, J. P. Cohen, R. L. Patton, R. M. Kirchner, and J. V. Smith, “Silicalite, a new hydrophobic crystalline silica molecular sieve,” Nature, v. 271, 512 (1978)]. For that material the specific crystal structure is highly important because amorphous SiO2 has a very low, hydrophilic wetting angle. However, the synthesis conditions required to form zeolite crystals can limit the range of applicability of those materials as hydrophobic surfaces and the porosity of zeolite crystals makes them less desirable for applications requiring durability.

セラミック材料は通例、耐久性に関する多くの観点でポリマーより優れている。セラミック材料のうち、酸化物セラミックスは特に有用である。酸化物セラミックスは、生産性に優れ、大抵は高い耐環境性をもち、良好な機械的特性を持ちうるからである。残念なことに、疎水性である酸化物セラミックスはほとんど知られていない。注目すべき例外は、シリカライト、即ちSiO2のゼオライト状多形体である[E.M. Flanigen, J.M. Bennett, R.W. Grose, J.P. Cohen, R.L. Patton, R.M. Kirchner, and J.V. Smith, “Silicalite, a new hydrophobic crystalline silica molecular sieve,” Nature, v.271, 512 (1978)]。この材料にとって、アモルフォスSiO2は非常に低い親水性濡れ角を有するので、特有の結晶構造が非常に重要である。しかし、ゼオライト結晶を形成するのに必要とされる合成条件は、これらの材料を疎水性表面として適用できる範囲を制限し、またゼオライト結晶の多孔性がゼオライト結晶を耐久性の必要な用途に望ましくないものにしている。

The covers, enclosures, jackets or sleeves of the transformer are made of non-magnetic material having good thermal conductivity such as aluminium or copper. Aluminium is preferred for the covers, enclosures, jackets or sleeves because it is economical and easily available and has got good casting property and mass producibility. A typical thickness of 2 - 5 mm for the covers, enclosures, jackets or sleeves is preferred so as to minimise eddy current losses. The slits in the covers, enclosures, jackets or sleeves provide discontinuity to the current flow and thereby prevents short circuit in the transformer.



*highly manufacturable

A highly manufacturable low cost DC-to-DC power converter uses a control circuit constructed from a '555 type timer IC and a precision voltage reference. The output of the '555 timer is used to drive a MOSFET transistor that alternately energizes and de-energizes a primary winding of a transformer, thereby energizing secondary windings of the transformer. The voltage at the secondary windings is rectified and filtered to form the regulated output supply voltages. A feedback control signal is generated based on a difference between a reference voltage and the a regulated output supply voltage. Based on the feedback control signal, a control window is established within the '555 timer that determines the charging and discharging times of a capacitor. Since the charging and discharging times of the capacitor are exponential, changing the feedback control signal changes the control window, which in turn changes the charging time with respect to the discharging time. While the times change with respect to each other, the sum of the charging time and the discharging time remains relatively constant, so the oscillation frequency remains relatively constant. Accordingly, the present invention achieves pulse width modulation (PWM) type control at a cost much lower than the cost of commercially available controller ICs.

It is the primary object of the present invention to provide Eprom and EEprom cell and array structures and processes for making them that result in cells of reduced size so their density on a semiconductor chip can be increased. It is also an object of the invention that the structures be highly manufacturable, reliable, scalable, repeatable and producible with a very high yield.

Ceramic materials are typically superior to polymers in many aspects related to durability. Of the ceramic materials, oxide ceramics are particularly useful because they are highly manufacturable, often have high environmental resistance, and can have good mechanical properties. Unfortunately, there are virtually no known oxide ceramics that are hydrophobic. A notable exception is silicalite, a zeolitic polymorph of SiO2 [E. M. Flanigen, J. M. Bennett, R. W. Grose, J. P. Cohen, R. L. Patton, R. M. Kirchner, and J. V. Smith, “Silicalite, a new hydrophobic crystalline silica molecular sieve,” Nature, v. 271, 512 (1978)]. For that material the specific crystal structure is highly important because amorphous SiO2 has a very low, hydrophilic wetting angle. However, the synthesis conditions required to form zeolite crystals can limit the range of applicability of those materials as hydrophobic surfaces and the porosity of zeolite crystals makes them less desirable for applications requiring durability.

[0074] The methods of the invention produce citric acid crosslinked carboxymethylcelluloses which combine both physical and chemical cross-linking and which have good mechanical properties, long term stability in dry and swollen form and good retention capacity and biocompatibility.

The crosslinked carboxymethylcelluloses of the invention exhibit good media uptake properties, high tapped density, high elastic modulus and cost effective production.

Further, the crosslinked carboxymethylcelluloses have rapid media uptake kinetics in body fluids.

[0006] Though alloys such as R88DT and R104 have provided significant advances in high temperature capabilities of superalloys, further improvements are continuously being sought.

For example, high temperature hold time (dwell) capability has emerged as an important factor for the high temperatures and stresses associated with more advanced military and commercial engine applications.

As higher temperatures and more advanced engines are developed, creep and crack growth characteristics of current alloys tend to fall short of the required capability to meet mission/life targets and requirements of advanced disk applications.

It has become apparent that a particular aspect of meeting this challenge is to develop compositions that exhibit desired and balanced improvements in creep and hold time (dwell) fatigue crack growth rate characteristics at temperatures of 1200°F (about 650°C) and higher, while also having good producibility and thermal stability. 


[000168] Comparative coating 1 was made from a sample of the polymer of Comparative Example lb.

Coating results are shown in Table 9 below. Draw down is the maximum line speed attainable during stable coating.

Neck-in is the shrinkage in the width of the web in comparison to the die width at fixed line speed (100 m/min).

Lower neck-in and higher draw down are both very desirable.

Lower neck-in means better dimensional stability of the web which, in turn, provides better control of the coating onto the substrate.

Higher draw down means higher line speed which, in turn, means better productivity.

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2020-04-28 11:44:27 | 英語特許散策

[0001] The present invention relates to a can decorator apparatus and method.


[0001] This disclosure relates generally to aircraft radomes and, more specifically, to improved aircraft radome apparatuses and methods.


The invention relates to devices and methods for removing tissue from body passageways, such as removal of atherosclerotic plaque from arteries, utilizing a high-speed rotational atherectomy device.


Aspects disclosed herein generally relate to an apparatus and method for detecting a driver's interest in a visual advertisement by tracking driver eye gaze direction such that an audio advertisement that is generally associated with the visual advertisement is provided to the driver.


This disclosure, in general, relates to apparatuses and methods for loading sensor substrates with amplified polynucleotide particles.


Some embodiments of the present disclosure relate to visualization apparatuses and methods for visualizing a position of a wound interface during negative pressure wound therapy. Some embodiments of the present disclosure relate to pressure sensing, feedback, and control systems for preventing compartment syndrome during application of negative pressure wound therapy or any therapeutic treatment of wounds. Other embodiments of the present disclosure relate to methods and apparatuses for controlling the rate of closure of a wound.


 The invention relates to devices and methods for removing tissue from body passageways, such as removal of atherosclerotic plaque from arteries, utilizing a high-speed rotational atherectomy device.


The present disclosure concerns an apparatus and method for fabrication of solid three dimensional (3D) articles of manufacture from energy curable materials. More particularly, the present disclosure concerns a way of optimizing the speed and output quality of a three dimensional (3D) printer that utilizes photocurable resins.


The present invention relates generally to apparatus and methods for treating stenoses, occlusions, or other lesions within a body lumen, such as an artery or other blood vessel, and, more particularly, to apparatus and methods for flaring or otherwise expanding stents, prosthetic valves, or other prostheses deployed within a body lumen, such as a branch vessel including an ostium extending from a main vessel or trunk.


The present invention relates to an apparatus and method for the correction of scatter in a radiographic system, and in particular to such an apparatus and method in which an anti-scatter grid is not used.


Embodiments provide devices and methods for sensing physiological signals. More particularly, embodiments provide devices and methods for sensing physiological signals while stimulation therapy is being conducted.


The invention relates to systems, devices and methods for removing thrombus and soft plaque material in an anatomical conduit. More specifically, a thrombectomy device and method that may be used in conjunction with adjunctive devices and methods such as atherectomy and/or angioplasty.


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Article 13, PCT

2020-04-27 20:33:11 | 条文

Article 13
Availability(入手の可能性)of Copy(写し)of the International Application to Designated Offices(指定官庁による)
(1)  Any designated Office may ask(要請することができる)the International Bureau to transmit to it a copy of the international application prior to the communication(の送達に先立って)provided for in Article 20(第二十条の), and the International Bureau shall transmit such copy(その写しを)to the designated Office as soon as possible(できる限り速やかに)after the expiration of one year(一年を経過した後)from the priority date. 

(2)(a)  The applicant may, at any time(いつでも), transmit(送付することができる)a copy of his international application to any designated Office.

(b)  The applicant may, at any time, ask(要請)the International Bureau to transmit a copy of his international application to any designated Office, and the International Bureau shall transmit such copy to the designated Office(その指定官庁に)as soon as possible.

(c)  Any national Office(いずれの国内官庁も)may notify(通告することができる)the International Bureau that it does not wish to receive (の受領を希望しない旨)copies as provided for in subparagraph (b)((b)の写し), in which case(この場合には)that subparagraph((b)の規定は)shall not be applicable(適用しない)in respect of that Office(その国内官庁については).



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Article 12, PCT

2020-04-27 20:24:20 | 条文

Article 12
Transmittal(送付)of the International Application to the International Bureau(国際事務局)and the International Searching Authority(国際調査機関)
(1)  One copy(一通)of the international application shall be kept(保持)by the receiving Office ("home copy(受理官庁用写し)"), one copy ("record copy(記録原本)") shall be transmitted to(送付され)the International Bureau, and another copy(他の一通)("search copy(調査用写し)") shall be transmitted to the competent(管轄)International Searching Authority referred to in(に規定する)Article 16, as provided in the Regulations(規則の定めるところにより).

(2)  The record copy shall be considered the true copy(正本とする)of the international application.

(3)  The international application shall be considered withdrawn(取り下げられたものとみなす)if the record copy has not been received by(受理しなかった場合は)the International Bureau within the prescribed time limit(所定の期間内に).



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2020-04-27 17:28:57 | 英語特許散策

[0046] Plastisols in accordance with the invention are useful in the production of sheet stock or films, flooring, tents, tarpaulins, coated fabrics such as automobile upholstery, in car underbody coatings, in moldings and other consumer products. Plastisols are also used in medical uses such as blood bags and multilayered sheets and films, tubing, footwear, fabric coating, toys, flooring products and wallpaper. Plastisols typically contain 40 to 200 parts by weight, more typically 50 to 150 parts by weight, more typically 70 to 120 parts by weight, more typically 90 to 110 parts by weight of plasticizer per 100 parts of dispersed polymer particles. PVC plastisols are usually made from PVC that has been produced by emulsion polymerization.


Different settings of a suspension may be required depending on the specific drive mode in order to ensure an optimal, safe driving behavior.

When the drive mode is changed, the settings of the suspension are often no longer favorable for the new drive mode. The driving safety of the motor vehicle is then diminished.


[0016] Described herein are various embodiments of a galley system for an aircraft configured to supply cooling air to a cart compartment of a galley monument, or simply galley, for cooling galley carts. Various embodiments provide cooling ducts of the galley system that are arranged to reduce a size or footprint of the galley monument, which may provide additional space in the passenger compartment, such as for adding additional room for passenger seating and/or additional leg room. Various embodiments provide an efficient cooling environment for the galley carts using an arrangement of supply and return ducts in the cart compartment to allow efficient air-over-cart cooling of the galley carts.


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2020-04-27 17:17:46 | 英語特許散策

[0040] The reinforced portion 33 can further comprise a rake surface 36 formed in the insert peripheral surface 24 and over which chips (not shown) from a cut workpiece (not shown) flow, and can also comprise reinforced sidewalls 38 extending from the rake surface 36 and terminating at the intermediate portion 34.


[0041] Each rake surface 36 can lie in a plane perpendicular to the insert first and second sides 22A, 22B. The rake surface 36 can be formed with a chip-control arrangement 40. A chip control- arrangement means an arrangement configured for forming and/or directing and/or breaking a chip (not shown) of a workpiece. In this example, the chip-control arrangement 40 comprises a recess 42.


The slotting cutter 10 is provided with a plurality of cutting insert receiving pockets 20 formed about the perimeter of the cutter body 12. It will be appreciated that most any suitable number of pockets 20 may be formed about the perimeter of the cutter body 12, depending on the desired material of the work piece to be cut and the diameter of the cutter body 12. In the illustrated embodiment, the slotting cutter 10 includes seven pockets 20 equally spaced about the perimeter of the cutter body 12.


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2020-04-27 16:13:57 | 英語特許散策

[0069] A similar simulation was later carried out with variation in the point angle with different helix angles. The results of this simulation are shown in Figure 3. The experiment was carried out at three different feed rates - a minimum, minimum +33%, and minimum +66%. These feed rates represent the speeds that different dentists using the tool in hand drilling applications may apply. Speed was maintained at a constant level. The results show that a point angle of about 130° gave the least increase in torque as the feed was increased. Because clearance angles are not expected to have an influence on torque, standard primary clearance angles are used. The clearance face will not come into contact with the bone during the drilling operation. As long as clearance is sufficient to avoid contact of parts of the point other than the cutting edge during drilling, values may vary. Table 1 below summarizes the point angle-helix angle combinations tested to determine optimum helix angle, per the graph of Fig. 3 showing the results.


[0041] As best shown in Fig.8, the bore-cutting edges 364 define a tip angle ^TP with respect to a plane 374 that is perpendicular to the central axis 102. The tip angle ^TP may be selected such that the tip end 110 has a relatively bunt feel so as to limit any damage that the tip end 110 might inflict on soft tissue in the event that the tip end 110 penetrates through the back side of the bone. As described above, the tip angle ^TP, the number of bore-cutting edges 264, and the length of the bore cutting edges 264 may define, at least in part, how sharp or how blunt the tip end 110 of the tip 104 feels. A smaller tip angle ^TP defines a tip end 110 that may feel blunter than a larger tip angle ^TP. Further, a tip end having a larger number of bore-cutting edges, and hence a larger contact surface area, may have a blunter feel than a tip end having a smaller number of bore-cutting edges. It will be recognized that embodiments of the disclosure may have as few as one bore-cutting edge or more than one bore-cutting edge.


[0043] Each lip-relief facet 360 extends on a trailing side of a land 352 at varying lip- relief angles ^LR relative to the plane 374 and provides a clearance for the bone screw to purchase the bone. The lip-relief angles ^LR vary between the inner cutting-edge end 366 and the outer cutting-edge end 368. In this embodiment, each lip-relief facet 360 has a concave curvature, although, in alternative embodiments, each lip-relief facet 360 may be planar or have a convex curvature. The lip-relief angle ^LR measures the clearance behind the bore-cutting edge 364. Smaller lip-relief angles ^LR may result in larger thrust forces, and consequently higher heat generation and increased wear. Excessively large lip-relief angles, on the other hand, may weaken the bore-cutting edge 364, increasing the likelihood that the bore-cutting edge 364 will chip during use.


[0002] The present invention relates to a rotary tool, and more particularly to a drilling tool, which extends along a longitudinal axis and has a front end surface with a brad point, with a first major cutting edge extending outward up to an outer edge corner; and with a first free surface segment adjoining the major cutting edge; and with a second free surface segment adjoining said first free surface segment. The present invention also relates to a method of making a rotary tool.

[0003] 2. Background Information

[0004] A rotary tool upon which embodiments of the present invention improves is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,759,667, for example. Furthermore, a drilling tool having what is known as a four-surface ground section is also disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,983,079.


[0005] The end surface of such drills having a multi-surface ground section typically has a first free surface segment adjoining the respective major cutting edge in the direction of rotation, said first free surface segment being oriented at a first clearance angle. Adjoining this is the second free surface segment which is oriented at a larger clearance angle. In the twist drill disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,983,079, the first free surface segment runs along the entire major cutting edge. Two major cutting edges are thereby connected to one another via a chisel edge. To improve the cutting properties, according to U.S. Pat. No. 4,759,667 the first free surface segment is fashioned to be approximately triangular, with increasing width towards the circumference of the drilling tool. The first free surface segment begins not at the brad point, as is the case with conventional four-surface grinding, but rather radially distant from this point at the end of the chisel edge.



The present invention relates to a drill including a tip cutting edge provided at a tip end thereof and a main cutting edge continuous to a rearward of the tip cutting edge.



Conventionally, there is known a drill in which a point angle of a cutting edge decreases from a tip end toward a rear end of the cutting edge (e.g., refer to Patent Literature 1 and 2). In the drill in Patent Literature 1, the point angle of the cutting edge is an acute angle and decreases in two steps. The point angle on the tip end side is approximately 70° while the point angle on the rear end side is approximately 20°.


According to Patent Literature 1, when a drilled hole penetrating a wall material is to be provided, a large part of the drilled hole is efficiently drilled by the tip end side of the cutting edge having the larger point angle, and at the last step, the hole is cut and broadened by the rear end side of the cutting edge having the smaller point angle without causing breakage, enabling to provide an accurate through hole.


Also, in the drill in Patent Literature 2, the point angle of the cutting edge continuously (smoothly) decreases from the tip end (center position) toward the rear end (maximum diameter position) of the cutting edge, and a clearance angle of the cutting edge continuously decreases from the center position toward the maximum diameter position. According to Patent Literature 2, while abrasion resistance of the cutting edge is improved, the part at the maximum diameter position forms a cutting edge portion for reaming, which enables to conduct reaming by means of the cutting edge.


Also, for a flank 16 of the main cutting edge 10, a second clearance angle in the radial direction is 20°, a third clearance angle in the radial direction is 40°, a second clearance angle in the axial direction is 10°, and a third clearance angle in the axial direction is 15°. As a rake angle of the main cutting edge 10, an angle such as around 0° is selected. However, the clearance angles and the rake angle are not limited to these values and are arbitrarily determined in consideration of the drilling efficiency, the operability, the drilling accuracy, and the like.



逃げ:relief, clearance

逃げ角:angle of relief, clearance angle

逃げ面:flank, clearance face

ねじれ角:helix angle

先端角:point angle

A Bit about Twist Drills, Canadian Woodworking and Home Improvement

Drill Terminology and Cutting Characteristics, Mitsubishi Materials

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2020-04-27 11:45:31 | 英語特許散策

25. An apparatus for curing ink, comprising:
a chamber having:
an electron beam emitter adapted to emit an electron beam;
an electron beam emitter positioning device, wherein the electron beam emitter positioning device is adapted to support the electron beam emitter at a distance above a surface of a substrate containing ink and move the electron beam emitter so as to scan an electron beam over the surface of the substrate and cure ink present on the substrate.
an ozone detector adapted to detect a level of ozone in the ink curing chamber;
a controller coupled to the ozone detector and adapted to receive a signal from the ozone detector, determine if the level of ozone is above a predetermined level, and if so activate at least one of purging the ink curing chamber and turning off the electron beam;
an x-ray detector coupled to the controller and adapted to detect a level of x-ray leakage from the ink curing chamber, wherein the controller is adapted to receive a signal from the x-ray detector, determine if the level of x-ray leakage is above a predetermined level, and if so initiate turning off the electron beam;
an interlock system coupled to the controller and adapted to detect an open or unlocked condition of a door of the ink curing chamber, wherein the controller is adapted to receive a signal indicating whether the door of the ink curing chamber is open or unlocked and, if so, initiate turning off the electron beam; and
a purging system coupled to the controller and adapted to purge the ink curing chamber with an inert gas in response to an activation signal from the controller,
wherein the electron beam emitter positioning device is adapted to remain at a constant z-axis position during substrate load/unload operations,
wherein the apparatus further includes a stage adapted to support the substrate, and
wherein the stage is adapted to be lowered so as to allow stationary lift pins to protrude through the stage, support the substrate, and provide clearance above and below the substrate when the stage is lowered.


The chamber body 302 may be manufactured from a material suitable to withstand temperatures of up to about 300° C. For example, the chamber body 302 may be formed from aluminum, alloys thereof, stainless steel, and other suitable metallic materials. A slit valve opening 360 is formed in the chamber body 302 to allow for ingress and egress of a substrate to and from the process volume 310. A slit valve door 358 is coupled to the chamber body 302 and may be moveable to seal and unseal the slit valve opening 360. In one embodiment, the slit valve door 358 is formed from the same materials as the chamber body 302. Alternatively, the slit valve door 358 may be formed from materials different form the chamber body 302.


Continuing to refer to FIG. 1, the processing chambers 108, the rotation module 106, the transfer chambers 104a, 104b, and the load lock chamber 110 are connected to form a vacuum tight platform 116. One or more pump systems 118 are coupled to the load lock chamber 110, the transfer chambers 104a, 104b, the rotation module 106, and the processing chambers 108. In FIG. 1, a single pump system 118 is shown coupled to the load lock chamber 110 to avoid drawing clutter. The pump system 118 controls the pressure within the processing system 100. The pump system 118 may be utilized to pump down and vent the load lock chamber 110 as needed to facilitate entry and removal of substrates from the vacuum tight platform 116.

  [0022]  図1の参照を続けると、処理チャンバ108、回転モジュール106、移送チャンバ104a、104b、及びロードロックチャンバ110が接続されて、真空気密プラットフォーム116を形成する。1つ以上のポンプシステム118が、ロードロックチャンバ110、移送チャンバ104a、104b、回転モジュール106、及び処理チャンバ108に連結される。図1において、図面が乱雑になるのを回避するため、1つのポンプシステム118だけが、ロードロックチャンバ110に連結されているのが示される。ポンプシステム118は、処理システム100内の圧力を制御する。ポンプシステム118は、真空気密プラットフォーム116への基板の搬入及び搬出を容易にするため、必要に応じて、ロードロックチャンバ110をポンプダウンし通気するために利用され得る。

 [120] The processing apparatus described herein may also be configured to allow entry/exit of substrates to/from the processing apparatus in more than one location in the processing apparatus. For example, referring to Fig. 23A, an EFEM 2060A, 2060B may be connected to both ends of the transport tunnel formed by the vacuum modules 2040A, 2040B, 2040C, the vacuum tunnel 2010 and the automation modules 2030A, 2030B. Here, in one aspect, substrates may enter the processing apparatus through EFEM 2060A and exit through EFEM 2060B or vice versa. In other aspects the substrates may enter and exit through any one or more of EFEM 2060A and 2060B. Referring also to Fig. 23B an entry/exit point for adding/removing substrates to/from the processing apparatus may also be located between the ends of the transport tunnel. For example, vacuum modules, such as vacuum module 2040', may be added to the transport tunnel to allow connection of an EFEM 2060C at a midpoint, or at any other point between the ends of the transport tunnel. Here, in one aspect, substrates may enter the processing apparatus through EFEM 2060A and exit through EFEM 2060B and/or EFEM 2060C; enter the processing apparatus through EFEM 2060B and exit through EFEM 2060A and/or EFEM 2060C; enter the processing apparatus through EFEM 2060C and exit through EFEM 2060A and/or EFEM 2060B. In other aspects the substrates may enter or exit through any one or more of EFEM 2060A, 2060B and 2060C to form any suitable process flow through the processing apparatus .


Substrates are typically transferred into and out of the process chamber 104 as the substrate moves through a desired fabrication sequence. For example, a transfer chamber 102 may be coupled to the process chamber 104 to facilitate placing a substrate on, or removing the substrate from, the substrate support 118. An opening 106 is disposed in respective adjacent walls of the transfer chamber 102 and the process chamber 104 to facilitate transfer of a substrate into and out of the process chamber 104. A valve assembly 108 is disposed proximate the opening 106 to facilitate selectively sealing the opening 106.


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本ブログの「特許英語散策」等題した部分では、英語の例文を管理人の独断と偏見で収集し、適宜訳文・訳語を記載しています。 訳文等は原則として対応日本語公報をそのまま写したものです。私個人のコメント部分は(大抵)”*”を付しています。 訳語は多数の翻訳者の長年の努力の結晶ですが、誤訳、転記ミスもあると思いますのでご注意ください。