ab Cuore 


5/27 Today I have any troble with my keybord in japanese.

2017-05-27 22:56:39 | 医療関係

5/27 Today I have any troble with my keybord in japanese.

I could'nt wite what I intened to write.

Desidely this vaio PC is a machine anormal,

when its instructions are valid

Tolera can touch my pc more easuly.

Everywhere I found everyone.

To avoid that, I have to set invalid instruction.

I don't write in Englihs very often recenty, and

write slowly, I need to think before making sentenses.

I concern about Tsukiji because of some poisons.

Dry cleaning uses petrole bur I don't think there is Hiso in the petorle.

Did Americans use something wrong by saying dry clening.

This dicovery in Tsukiji aria looks strange.

Is there only a company that is cheking the mud under the ground?

Strange story!

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5/27 enosima

2017-05-27 13:10:45 | 医療関係
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5/27 moritasan no enosima

2017-05-27 13:10:10 | 医療関係
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