

「使える英語表現」(No.7/Part 2)

2005-08-30 | Weblog
表現7)What does it have to do with it?


What has it got to do with it?(has → has got)*かなりくだけた言い方です。
What has it got to do with that?(it → that)*that が強調されるので、かなり攻撃的?

(at a club meeting)
A: Guys, we have to make a serious decision on this issue.
B: Right. Why don't we have a meeting tomorrow too?
C: Tomorrow is Saturday, isn't it?
B: Yeah, what about it? Ah, tomorrow is your girl friend's birthday, isn't it?
C: So? What does it have to do with it?
B: Nothing, of course. Let's have a meeting on Sunday?
C: Good idea.

わかりましたか?友達のことは考えてあげなきゃね。たとえ「それがどうした」って格好つけててもね。え?「It (date) has nothing to do with you any more, does it?」ですって?Wrong! It has got a lot to do with me still. In fact…See you in the next story. (N.N.)(C)2005