In a scathing bit of mockery
痛烈なあざとさの中でmockery名冷笑的な行為、嘲り、見せ掛けだけのごまかし・The mockery in his voice was insulting. : 彼の声に含まれる嘲りは、侮辱的だった。模倣、偽物、まがい物無駄な努力レベル8、発音[US] mɑ́kəri | [ . . . 本文を読む
Some COVID-19 survivors face another foe: PTSDAbout a third of very ill patients developed post-traumatic stress disorder in a small study By Laura SandersMARCH 12, 2021 AT 6:00 AMCOVID-19 . . . 本文を読む
In financial regulation, a politically exposed person(PEP) is one who has been entrusted with a prominent public function. A PEP generally presents a higher risk for potential involvement . . . 本文を読む