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2022-11-22 17:18:47 | 選挙不正

Judge Denies Jen Psaki’s Attempt To Avoid Testifying About White House-Big Tech Collusion

A federal court denied former White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki’s request Monday to avoid deposition in a lawsuit alleging coordination between Biden administration authorities and social media companies to suppress free speech.



共和党のミズーリ州検事エリック・シュミットとルイジアナ州検事ジェフ・ランドリーによって5月に最初に起こされたこの訴訟は、ジョー・バイデン大統領と保健福祉省(HHS)および国土安全保障省(DHS)を含む政権関係者が、「不都合なスピーカー、視点、コンテンツ」をプラットフォーム上で「情報操作」「誤情報」「不正情報」というラベルで抑制するために企業と共謀、または強制していると非難しているものである。Psakiは先週、証言を求める召喚状の遵守を回避するために申し立てを行ったが、ルイジアナ州西部地方裁判所のTerry Doughty判事は月曜日にこの申し立てとPsakiの宣誓証言の延期という代替要求を却下することを決定した。


ルイジアナ州の裁判所は10月21日、プサキに宣誓証言の要求に協力するよう命じていた。原告側は、同日の裁判所のメモ命令によると、彼女がホワイトハウス報道官を務めている間に、「(1) ホワイトハウス高官がソーシャルメディアプラットフォームに圧力をかけていることを個人的に知っていると証明し、(2) 連邦政府高官が嫌う見解の検閲を強化しなければソーシャルメディアプラットフォームに法的悪影響を及ぼすという公的脅威を強めた」発言を行ったと主張してきた。(関連記事 共和党がジョー・バイデンに対する調査を発表、彼がハンターの取引に直接「関与」していたと主張)




Psakiの弁護士はDaily Caller News Foundationがコメントを求めたところ、すぐに反応しませんでした。



The lawsuit first filed by Republican Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry in May accuses President Joe Biden and administration parties, including the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS), of colluding with or coercing the companies to “suppress disfavored speakers, viewpoints, and content” on their platforms with “dis-information,” “mis-information” and “mal-information” labels. Psaki filed a motion last week in a bid to avoid complying with the subpoena requiring her to testify, but Judge Terry Doughty of the Western District Court of Louisiana decided Monday to reject the motion and Psaki’s alternative request to stay her deposition.

The Republican attorneys general are suing Biden administration officials for allegedly colluding with social media and technology platforms to censor speech, particularly relating to COVID-19 and election “misinformation.”

The Louisiana court had ordered Psaki on Oct. 21 to cooperate with the request to depose her. The plaintiffs have argued that she made statements while serving as White House press secretary that “(1) attested to her personal knowledge of the participation of high- level White House officials in pressuring social-media platforms, and (2) reinforced the public threats of adverse legal consequences to social-media platforms if they do not increase censorship of views disfavored by federal officials,” according to the court’s memorandum order that day. (RELATED: Republicans Announce Investigation Into Joe Biden, Allege He Was Directly ‘Involved’ With Hunter’s Dealings)

The Oct. 21 order also granted plaintiffs’ request to depose individuals including National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan and Surgeon General Vivek Murphy, despite their opposition.

The Louisiana court’s Monday memorandum said Psaki and the lawsuit’s federal defendants “were making an ‘end-run'” around its previous ruling by presenting arguments for quashing the subpoena. It argued that Psaki’s reasons for having to prepare and give deposition were not “undue burdens” that justified exempting her, so she would not suffer irreparable harm.

“The public interest lies in determining whether First Amendment free speech rights have been suppressed,” presiding Judge Terry Doughty stated in the memorandum.

Psaki’s attorney did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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