Fauci is wrong. The “real danger” isn’t unvaccinated ppl - it's his continued lie claiming vaccines & cloth/paper masks prevent catching & spreading COVID (only tightly-fitted N95/KN95 respirators work) & ongoing taxpayer funding for dangerous ‘Gain of function’ experiments. pic.twitter.com/i1E91YV2uP
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) November 23, 2022
50 Groups Target Bill Gates on Farming and Technology: ‘You Are Part of Creating the Very Problem You Name’
Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues signed an open letter calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty and asking the media to do a better job of covering the issue.
この書簡の主執筆者であるCommunity Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA WatchとAlliance for Food Sovereignty in Africaは、次のように書いています。
https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/bill-gates-farming-technology-food-sovereignty/ 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。
Fifty organizations dedicated to food sovereignty and food justice issues are calling out Bill Gates over his latest claim that technology is the solution to world hunger and food sovereignty.
In an “open letter” published earlier this month, the groups addressed comments Gates made, during interviews with The New York Times and The Associated Press, about The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2022 Report.
The letter’s lead authors, Community Alliance for Global Justice/AGRA Watch and the Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa, wrote:
“In both articles, you make a number of claims that are inaccurate and need to be challenged. Both pieces admit that the world currently produces enough food to adequately feed all the earth’s inhabitants, yet you continue to fundamentally misdiagnose the problem as relating to low productivity; we do not need to increase production as much as to assure more equitable access to food.”
The authors also criticized Gates’ claims that we’ve “underinvested in agricultural innovation” and that the Green Revolution was “one of the greatest things that ever happened.”
Gates told The New York Times:
“Helping farmers has got to be the very top of the climate adaptation agenda. And within that, you have a lot of things like credit for fertilizer, cheap fertilizer, better seeds that we should be very intent on –– funding those things and setting ambitious goals for.”
But the authors of the open letter disagreed:
“There are already many tangible, ongoing proposals and projects that work to boost productivity and food security –– from biofertilizer and biopesticide manufacturing facilities, to agroecological farmer training programs, to experimentation with new water and soil management techniques, low-input farming systems, and pest-deterring plant species.”
They also disagreed with Gates’ claim that the Green Revolution was a “resounding success”:
“While [the Green Revolution] did play some role in increasing the yields of cereal crops in Mexico, India, and elsewhere from the 1940s to the 1960s, it did very little to reduce the number of hungry people in the world or to ensure equitable and su!cient access to food.”
The authors reminded Gates that with the Green Revolution came “a host of other problems, from ecological issues like long-term soil degradation to socio-economic ones like increased inequality and indebtedness (which has been a major contributor to the epidemic of farmer suicides in India).”
They also criticized Gates’ push for genetically modi"ed seeds, stating that “climate-resilient seeds are already in existence and being developed by farmers and traded through informal
seed markets.”
国民の35%以上が飢餓地域 | |
アフリカ | マダガスカル 旧宗主国 フランス |
ウガンダ 旧宗主国 イギリス ドイツ | |
ザンビア 旧宗主国 イギリス(イギリス連邦) | |
ジンバブエ 旧宗主国 イギリス(ローデシア) | |
ルワンダ 旧宗主国 ドイツ ベルギー | |
中央アフリカ 旧宗主国 フランス | |
チャド 旧宗主国 フランス | |
コンゴ共和国 旧宗主国 ベルギー フランス ポルトガル | |
リベリア 旧宗主国 アメリカ | |
北アメリカ | ハイチ 旧宗主国 フランス |