OPINION: この記事には筆者の意見を反映したコメントが含まれています。
ハニティ あなたは、2024年に再び出馬することを考えていますか?好きなように答えてもらいますが、元の質問に戻りますが、今、敵陣の後ろにいるアメリカ人たちがいる中で、あなたは残された45秒の間に、その具体的な状況を助けるために、今何をしますか?
「スパイサー氏は、近刊『Radical Nation』のプレビューインタビューで、「彼は出馬する」と述べました。"Radical Nation: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris's Dangerous Plan for America "のプレビューインタビューで、スパイサーは次のように述べました。
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今月初め、元ホワイトハウス首席補佐官のマーク・メドウズ氏は、トランプ氏とその同盟者たちは "本当の意味での前進 "を目指していると述べた。
メドウズ氏によると、"真の意味で前進する "という計画がなければ、この会議はまったく行われなかっただろうとのことです。
"Yes "とトランプ氏は答えた。
"もし前に進むなら、それがどれほど難しいことかわかっているはずだが、あなたはその戦いに再び参加する準備ができているようだ "とハニティはインタビューの後半で語った。
"私がそうしたいわけではありません。" トランプ氏はハニティー氏に言いました。"国がそれを必要としている。この国の面倒を見なければならない。私はそうしたいわけではない。これは楽しいか?常に戦うこと?常に戦うことが?つまり、この国は、私たちがやってきたことは、とても大切なことなんだ。"
Donald Trump Hints That He Is Gearing Up For 2024 Run
Donald Trump Hints That He Is Gearing Up For 2024 Run
Martin WalshAugust 18, 2021
OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author's opinion
Donald Trump dropped a major hint on Tuesday night about whether he will run for president in 2024.
During an interview on Fox News, anchor Sean Hannity asked Trump if he will be making another presidential run in three years.
Below is a transcript of the exchange:
Hannity: Will you, are you considering a run again in 2024, I will let you answer it any way you want, but go back to the original question, now that we have all of these Americans behind enemy lines, you have in the 45 seconds we have left, what would you do now to help with that specific situation?
Trump: Because the campaign finance laws are extremely complicated and unbelievably stupid, I’m actually not allowed to answer that question, can you believe that? But I will put it this way, I think you will be happy and a lot of our friends will be happy. But I’m not actually allowed to answer it. It makes it very difficult if I do, so people, you’re going to be happy, because I love this country and I hate to see what is happening.
Is Donald Trump running for president in 2024 or will he sit back and play kingmaker?
The Washington Examiner reported last week that former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer says Trump is gearing up to run.
“He’s in,” Spicer said during a preview interview of his upcoming book, “Radical Nation: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Dangerous Plan for America.”
Spicer said Trump is looking beyond 2022 but will play “kingmaker” in the crucial midterm elections next November.
“Spicer said that the last few months of bumbles by the Biden White House, especially on Trump issues such as immigration, have encouraged the former president to look beyond the 2022 midterm elections during which he plans to be a ‘kingmaker,'” the Examiner reported.
Spicer isn’t the only former Trump official saying this.
Earlier this month, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows said Trump and his allies are looking to “move forward in a real way.”
Meadows said that both he and Trump were meeting with “some of our Cabinet members” as recently as that day, but he added that he was not “authorized to speak” on behalf of the former president to divulge too many details about the meeting.
According to Meadows, the meeting would not have happened at all if there were no plans to “move forward in a real way.”
“We met with several of our Cabinet members tonight. We actually had a follow-up … meeting with some of our Cabinet members. And as we were looking at that, we were looking at what does come next,” Meadows said.
“I’m not authorized to speak on behalf of the president, but I can tell you this: We wouldn’t be meeting tonight if we weren’t making plans to move forward in a real way, with President Trump at the head of that ticket,” he added.
Trump previously told Fox News host Sean Hannity that he made a decision on 2024 but did not say exactly what it was.
Trump did hint at running for office again.
“You are not going to answer, but I have to ask, where are you in the process,” Hannity said to Trump on Wednesday, regarding his decision on whether to mount another White House bid. “Let me ask you this, without giving the answer, what the answer is, have you made up your mind?”
“Yes,” Trump responded.
“If you move forward, you know how difficult it is, but you seem ready to reengage in that battle,” Hannity said later in the interview.
“It’s not that I want to,” Trump said to Hannity. “The country needs it. We have to take care of this country. I don’t want to. Is this fun? Fighting constantly? Fighting always? I mean, the country, what we have done, is so important.”