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Comey had no right heading the FBI at any time

2018-12-12 10:07:55 | カウンター・グレートリセット
James Comey just totally exposed his partisan stance by urging his fellow Democrats to take back the White House in 2020. In other words, he is and has been a Democrat. Comey had no right heading the FBI at any time, but especially after his mind exploded!

“I don’t care what you think of the President...it cannot bleed over to the FBI...Comey is confirming there is bias in the FBI...”
-Chris Swecker



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In an effort to understand how Google search algorithms work, a Democratic congresswoman asked the tech company’s chief executive a simple question: “If you Google the word ‘idiot' under images, a picture of Donald Trump comes up. How would that happen? How does search work so that that would occur?”

In the middle of a congressional hearing ostensibly about privacy and data collection, Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) seemed to perform that search from the dais. As it turns out, the image results for “idiot” does reveal a page of mostly Trump photos.

Google chief executive Sundar Pichai, who was testifying Tuesday morning before the House Judiciary Committee, tried to explain to the roomful of mostly tech novices how the algorithms take into account some 200 factors — such as relevance, popularity, how others are using the search term — to determine how to best match a query with results

ウサマ・ビンラーデンの殺害で名を残すオバマ大統領だが、テロリズムの専門家のリチャード・ミンター氏によれば、バレリー・ジャレットの強い要請により、オバマ大統領は計画を3回も延期し、バレリーは2011年5月2日についに殺害することを承認したという。一方クリントン政権内の故Sandy Bergerも反対したことはミンスター著書In 2003, Miniter's Losing bin Laden, was published. にある。民主党はおかしい。まさにコメディアンにムスリム同胞団と揶揄されてもおかしくない。シカゴ時代からオバマ政権の終わりまで居座り続けた謎の権力者バレリー・ジャレットに関する秘密はまもなく白日の下に曝され米国国民がオバマ政権の幻想(自分たち以外は差別主義者)を知るだろう。
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