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2024制限空域を侵犯した「ビジネスジェット機」に発砲し、撃墜した 2022ディープステートがクリスマスにGITMOを襲う 米国虚構新聞

2024-12-09 20:08:48 | カウンター・グレートリセット


グアンタナモ湾の米海軍部隊は昨日の午後、制限空域を侵犯した「ビジネスジェット機」に発砲し、撃墜したと、GITMOの情報筋がリアル・ロー・ニュースに語った。後にLearjet 35と確認されたこの航空機は、無線呼びかけに応答せず、アクティブなトランスポンダーも装備していなかった。午後2時30分頃、ジェット機がリーワード・ポイント飛行場の南2マイルの地点にいたとき、GITMOの指導部は破壊を命じた。沖合に停泊していたアーレイ・バーク級駆逐艦がファランクス近接武器システム(CIWS)を発射し、同機を粉々にして爆発させた。
リージェットが敵対的であったとしても、敵機がGITMOの防空識別圏に侵入するのは初めてではない。 2022年のクリスマスに、ディープ・ステートは海軍基地に奇襲攻撃を仕掛け、沖合の強襲揚陸艦から兵員輸送ヘリを展開した。ホワイトハットは勝利を収めたが、包囲網の失敗により多数の死傷者を出した。2023年2月、ホワイトハットは多数のレジオネラ兵を乗せたフランスの輸送機を撃墜せざるを得なくなり、全員が爆発で死亡または溺死した。 そして2023年3月、ロン・デサンティスを乗せたと思われるプライベートジェットがグアンタナモへの着陸を要求したが、ホワイトハットが空から攻撃すると脅したため引き返した。 デサンティスがなぜかつての縄張りに着陸しようとしたのかは依然として不明である。
同情報筋によると、レーザー機が基地に接近するにつれ、双眼鏡を持った監視員が機体のメーカーとモデルを視認し、識別登録コードや尾翼番号がないことに気づいた。 レーザー機が急速に降下し、基地に特攻するかのようだったにもかかわらず、標的を攻撃する命令は、レーザー機がアーレイ・バークから1,700ヤード(約1,524メートル)まで接近するまで出されなかった。20ミリ弾は事実上、機体と機内にいたであろう人々を粉々にした。
「捜索チームは遺体や切断された頭部や手足を見つけられなかったため、遠隔操作されていた可能性を排除できません。 あの場所にいた理由がなく、私たちの安全を考慮した慎重な対応でした」と、情報筋は語った。



White Hats Disable Amphibious Cruiser that Attacked GITMO


バーガー将軍とスミス将軍は、海上哨戒機が侵略者が2020年6月~2021年12月に大規模な近代化を行ったマンモス艦「U.S.S. Boxer」であると確認した後、ほぼ直ちに対応の計画を開始したと述べた。技術的にはホワイト・ハットの部隊である第13海兵遠征軍に所属しているが、BAE社が改修を終えた後、ボクサー号は連邦緊急事態管理庁の所有物となった。ホワイト・ハットは、政権に忠実な軍人がFEMAにボクサーの多くのシステムを動かすよう訓練したと考えている。GITMO包囲中に捕らえられた敵は、FEMAが1500人のエージェントを船に乗せ、ボクサー号はベネズエラの巨大石油産業の歯車であるグアンタとカベロの港の近くに配置されていたことを尋問で明らかにしている。



日後、将軍たちは米特殊作戦司令官エリック・T・オルソン提督と協議し、特にボクサー号がプエルト・カベロの北 1km に停泊していたことから、将軍の目的を果たすには海軍特殊部隊の方が適しているとの意見で一致した。12月27日、シールズ2部隊(約32人)がカベロの南にあるバレンシアに到着し、住民の中に潜り込んだ。1985年に11%だったインフレ率が2021年には2,000%になるこの国では、金がものを言う。シールズはすぐに地元の情報提供者を見つけ、地元のバーやレストランに多くのアメリカ人が常連になっていることを話した。酔っぱらっているアメリカ人の中には、アメリカの軍艦に所属していると話す者もいた。






(訪問回数67,367回、今日の訪問回数24,935回) 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。

White Hats on 1 January retaliated against the Wasp-class amphibious assault ship that staged a Christmas Day strike on Guantanamo Bay, crippling the 843-foot behemoth as it sat anchored off the coast of Venezuela and destroying the ship’s compliment of helicopters and landing craft, sources in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

Generals Berger and Smith, he said, began planning a response almost immediately after a maritime patrol plane identified the aggressor as the U.S.S. Boxer, a mammoth vessel that underwent extensive modernization between June 2020 – December 2021. Although technically assigned to the 13th Marine Expeditionary Force, a White Hat unit, the Boxer became property of the Federal Emergency Management Agency after BAE finished renovations. White Hats believe that military loyal to the regime trained FEMA to run many of the Boxer’s systems. Enemies captured during the siege of GITMO revealed under interrogation that FEMA had put 1,500 agents aboard the ship, and that the Boxer had been stationed near the Venezuelan Ports of Guanta and Cabello, industrial cogs in the country’s vast oil industry.

On 26 December, Generals Berger and Smith met to draft a response, but had differing opinions over what level of force to employ. Gen. Smith, our source said, recommended re-tasking two White Hat-controlled Arleigh Burke-class destroyers to bombard the Boxer with shells and cruise missiles until it and everyone aboard were sent to a watery grave. Gen. Berger, on the other hand, suggested what he called a “measured response”—disabling the Boxer so it could later be captured and repaired as an asset, while avoiding excessive loss of life. He said American ships sinking and American ship with a cruise missile bombardment would draw unwanted national scrutiny and risk proliferating an international crisis, since the Boxer was already back in Venezuelan territorial waters.

“Gen. Smith wanted to send that ship to Davey Jones’ Locker, but he deferred to Gen. Berger since he hadn’t yet taken official command,” our source said.

A day later, the generals conferred with Admiral Eric T. Olson, Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, and they unanimously agreed Navy SEALs were best suited to fulfill Gen. Berger’s goals, especially since the Boxer was anchored 1km north of Puerto Cabello. On 27 December, two SEAL units—approximately 32 men—arrived in Valencia, just south of Cabello, and insinuated themselves among the population. In a country whose inflation soared from 11% in 1985 to 2,000% in 2021, money spoke volumes; the SEALs quickly acquired local informants who spoke of a large number of Americans patronizing local bars and restaurants. Some “drunk” Americans talked of belonging to a United States warship.

SEALs quickly deduced that the majority of the Boxer’s crew had disembarked and were either somewhere in country or had been flown stateside. They figured the Boxer had a skeleton crew.

On the morning of 1 January, SEALS using underwater infiltration sleds penetrated the Boxer. They immediately engaged and killed 12 FEMA agents on deck, then pierced the bridge and Command-in-Control capsule. Navy SEALs, our source said, gunned down 27 FEMA operatives before planting explosives in the engine room. They also sabotaged the ship’s ordnance and placed satchel charges in the two Sea Stallion Helicopters and two AV8-B Harriers on the flight deck. They shot 6 more FEMA agents and 5 treasonous Navy personnel while engaged in a running firefight. No SEALs, our source said, were killed or wounded in the incursion.

Once clear, the SEALs remotely detonated explosives, disabling the Boxer’s engines and weapons to ensure it no longer posed a threat to White Hat forces.

“We’ve sent the Deep State a clear message: challenge us and face the consequences,” our source said.


(Visited 67,367 times, 24,935 visits today)







彼はもう一つ衝撃的な告白をした。FEMAが作戦を監督する水陸両用強襲揚陸艦を指揮し、FEMAの人員を増強するために軍人が乗船していたと主張したのである。FEMAの1500人の職員と350人の「軍事顧問」がワスプ級艦船に乗船していたという。 彼は、彼らの主要な任務はナンシー・ペロシを救うことであり、GITMOの防衛が不十分と思われる場合にのみ、大規模な攻撃を行うことだと、プレッシャーをかけながら明かした。





訂正 本記事の原文で、ヘリコプターをシーキングと誤って表記しておりました。最初の記事で述べたように、それはより大きなシースタリオンのことでした。本文は訂正してあります。

(訪問回数53,398回、本日訪問回数8,313回) 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。

Deep State Strikes GITMO on Christmas

By Michael Baxter - December 26, 20224562737

By Michael Baxter - 12月26日 20224562737






先頭のシー・スタリオンは、まだ海上にいたのだが、2発命中し、真紅の火球となって爆発した。金属片と吹き飛ばされた死体が海に落ちた。 機目のヘリは3発目のミサイルが排気口付近に当たり、ローターマストが機体から外れ、グアンタナモ湾の南側の海域に落下した。










「彼らの傷は手当てされた。彼らは戦争捕虜、敵性戦闘員として拘束されることになる。死者の数はまだわからない。他のシー・スタリオンが定員通りなら それぞれに55人の兵士がいたはずだ 今言えることは、障害船を含めて死者47名。7人が死亡し、14人が負傷した。全体として、我々は大成功だった」と語った。






Armed forces loyal to the criminal Biden regime staged a Christmas Day Bay of Pigs-style assault on Guantanamo Bay but were repelled by White Hats who had fortified the island stronghold in anticipation of a Deep State strike, sources at GITMO and in Gen. Berger’s office told Real Raw News.

As the sun set and twilight filled the sky, air traffic controllers (ATC) at Leeward Point Airfield made intermittent primary radar contact with an unknown aircraft 20 miles due south of the naval station. The bogey appeared, disappeared, and reappeared, and was not transmitting Mode C, meaning it had an inactive or disabled transponder, an electronic device that produces a response when it receives a radio-frequency interrogation. Aircraft have transponders to assist in identifying them on air traffic control radar. Air traffic control units use the term “squawk” when they are assigning an aircraft a transponder code, e.g., “Squawk 7421”.

ATC broadcasted on military and general aviation frequencies, asking the bogey to enable its transponder and identify itself, for it was approaching restricted airspace. One controller made a joke, saying Santa’s sleigh was making a GITMO pitstop, but his joviality faded when the contact split into two, then three, individual contacts. ATC received no digital or audio response to their queries. The contacts flew too slowly to be military jets or commercial aircraft; helicopters were attempting to evade radar by flying low on the horizon. ATC sounded the alarm and sirens wailed throughout the base.

Elsewhere, spotters on the southern beachhead saw three mechanized assault craft, each holding an unknown number of troops, speeding toward them. At the bow of each craft were twin .50 caliber machine guns. Their presence meant a mothership, most likely an Amphibious assault ship, 840-foot behemoths capable of carrying 2,500 men and a tremendous payload, loomed somewhere in the distance unseen.

By then GITMO’s deputy commanding officer, Lt. Gen. Andrew A. Croft, had learned of the impending invasion. He and what senior staff remained on base for the Christmas holiday retreated to an impregnable command-and-control center and planned a counterstrike. Four thousand, five hundred battle-hardened Marines took their posts, prepared for the onslaught. Also on base, on loan from U.S. Army White Hats, were two MANPADS platoons armed with Stinger surface-to-air shoulder-fired missiles. They were told to prepare to engage three CH-53 Sea Stallions, now only a few miles from the base, perhaps with orders to strafe GITMO or land troops on White Hat territory.

The lead Sea Stallion, still over water, was hit twice and exploded in a crimson fireball. Mangled metal and blown-to-bits bodies fell into the sea.  A third missile hit the second chopper, striking near the exhaust and causing the rotor mast to separate from the airframe; it plunged into waters south of Guantanamo Bay.

The third Sea Stallion got below and inside the Stingers’ engagement envelope. A door gunner opened fire and hit four Marines and MANPADS crewmembers who were seeking cover while engaging the helicopter with small arms fire. Bullets riddled their bodies, and they fell down dead.

When the bird tried to extend to make another pass, two Marine squads peppered it with rounds from their rifles and squad automatic weapons. The door gunner slumped forward and tumbled from the chopper as plumes of black smoke poured from the engine. It hit the ground intact.

Meanwhile, Marine platoons pinned down mechanized landing craft trying to land troops beside McCall Field, the base’s defunct airstrip, firing from behind steel barriers, rock walls, and sand berms. Two valiant Marines sacrificed themselves by rushing forward and lobbing grenades into one of the craft. They were cut down, but the grenades hit their mark; all gunfire emanating from the craft instantly ceased amid cries for help and the wailing sounds of death. The remaining craft reversed engines and began to retreat.

The general in command ordered all forces to cease fire, saying enough blood had been spilled.

As the smoke cleared, a V-22 Osprey lifted off from Leeward Point Airfield with orders to locate whatever vessel had deployed the mechanized landing craft. The pilots spotted their target, a Wasp-class Amphibious Assault ship heading southeast toward the coast of Venezuela. They put out warning on military frequencies, “Enemy warship, enemy warship, you are warned to egress the vicinity. We have two, I repeat two, Arleigh Burke-class destroyers at our disposal that will arrive in several hours,” and returned to base after loitering near the vessel for 30 minutes.

A GITMO source Monday told Real Raw News that despite the loss of life, the base’s forces performed admirably and were successful in repelling an armed incursion.

“I think they hoped to catch us sleeping, you know, since it was Christmas. That our bellies would be full and we’d be languishing around. Well, they were wrong. Our fortifications held.”

GITMO has spent months fortifying itself for an expected attack; personnel began bolstering defenses and increasing manpower after the feds illegally occupied President Donald J. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. They made other improvements in early December, following an ultimatum from the regime’s defense secretary demanding that White Hat officers surrender to him by December 22.

The source said “some” enemy forces survived the third chopper crash and have been taken prisoner.

“Their wounds got treated. They’ll be held as prisoners of war, enemy combatants. We don’t yet have a tally on their dead. If the other Sea Stallions were loaded to capacity, there could’ve been 55 troops on each. Right now, we can say 47 dead, including the disabled ship. We lost seven men, with 14 wounded. Overall, we were hugely successful,” he said

A source in Gen. David H. Berger’s office, however, had a different take: he said General Berger, having reviewed the after-action report, called the White Hats efforts an abject failure. The amphibious assault ship, the general said, should have been detected visually and on radar long before helicopters left its flight deck and landing craft emerged from its well deck. The loss of a single Marine was unacceptable.

As an aside, GITMO ought to review its defensibility, as a massive naval bombardment would obliterate it in minutes. The station’s personnel have only two means of escape, either by sea or fleeing north over the wall into cuba, which could incite an international incident.

In closing, Real Raw News wonders whether the limited attack was meant to free Nancy Pelosi, who is scheduled to hang tomorrow.

“Nancy Pelosi will hang tomorrow regardless,” a GITMO source said.

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