米国の連邦議会がまた一つの国内法を可決した。それは「アジア再保証イニシアチブ法案」(ARIA:Asia Reassurance Initiative Act)で、上院は12月4日、下院は12月12日にそれぞれ全会一致で可決したと報じられている。
On Dec 7, Senator Gardner said: "Aria provides a whole-of-government, long-term strategy in Asia that advances American national security interests, promotes American businesses and creates jobs through trade opportunities, and projects American values of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."
(a) In General.—The United States Government—
(1) expresses grave concerns with Chinese actions that seek—
(A) to further constrain space for civil society and religion within China; and
(B) to undermine a rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region;
(2) encourages China to play a constructive role in world affairs by demonstrating consistent respect for the rule of law and international norms;
(3) seeks to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship with China—
(A) by expanding areas of cooperation; and
(B) by addressing areas of disagreement, including over human rights, economic policies, and maritime security; and
(4) is committed to working with China on shared regional and global challenges, especially—
(A) upholding and strengthening the rules-based international system; and
(B) the denuclearization of North Korea.
(b) Sense Of Congress.—It is the sense of Congress that the United States should—
(1) welcome a decision by China to change course and pursue a responsible results-oriented relationship with the United States and engagement on global issues;
(2) encourage China to play a constructive role in the Indo-Pacific region and globally; and
(3) continue to call out Chinese actions that undermine the rules-based international system.
対米外国投資委員会(英語: Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States、CFIUS(シフィウス))は米国政府の省庁間委員会であり、米国の企業や事業への外国の直接投資の国家安全保障への影響を検討する。財務長官が議長を務めるCFIUSには、国防総省、国務省、商務省などの16の米国の省庁の代表者と(最近では)国土安全保障省が含まれている。CFIUSは、1975年にジェラルド・フォード大統領の大統領令11858により設立された。レーガン大統領は、この評価プロセスを1988年の大統領令12661でCFIUSに委任した。これは、米国議会がエクソン・フロリオ改正条項で外国投資を審査する権限を大統領に与えることに対応したものである。