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やっぱりやったな コロラド州の不法移民民主党に投票するために不正な州身分証明書を使用した

2022-11-11 15:10:50 | 選挙不正


米国には合法的な市民権を得るための道がある。(a) 過去3年または5年間合法的な永住者であること (b) 米国に継続して居住し、物理的に存在していること (c) 基本的な英語を読み、書き、話すことができること (d) 米国の歴史と政府について知識と理解を示していること。 (e) 米国憲法の原則に忠実であること (f) 忠誠の宣誓をする意思があること。

Illegal Immigrants Vote Democrat in Colorado
By Michael Baxter - November 10,

マイケル・バクスター著 - 11月10日。

















Illegal Immigrants in Colorado used fraudulent state identification cards to vote for Democrats in the 2022 midterm election, said a source at U.S. Army Cyber Command who has been analyzing suspicious election results.

Cyber Command, he said, reached this conclusion after reviewing voting station surveillance footage and enlisting the aid of local law enforcement sympathetic to the White Hat movement. On Wednesday Cyber Command reviewed videos taken at three polling stations in Pueblo County, Colorado. Each appeared to show the same conspicuously dressed Hispanic male in his mid-30s filling out ballots. In each instance, the man presented I.D. to election officials before being given a ballot.

“At first we didn’t know he’s an illegal and we guessed his race based on the video. He was wearing a cowboy hat, a very loud purple button-up shirt, jeans, and yellow sneakers. Only one of the videos was color, but it was the same guy, and he wasn’t very color coordinated. We used gait recognition software to confirm it,” our source said.

Cyber Command, he went on, reached out to a Pueblo County Sheriff’s deputy, a Marine who had fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and explained they had reason to believe voter fraud had taken place in his county. The video was emailed to the deputy, who lamented Colorado’s voter registration laws—Colorado is unusual in that it allows people to register to vote the day of an election—and said the county’s heavy Hispanic population would make it nearly impossible to find him. The footage, the deputy noted, was too grainy to ascertain names and addresses on the man’s identification cards. He told Cyber Command, however, he’d do his best to help.

Our source at Cyber Command would not name the deputy but said, “Make no mistake, we have allies in local law enforcement across the country.”

It was the deputy, he added, who considered the possibility that the unknown voter was an illegal immigrant, for many of the county’s homeless shelters were overflowing with illegals that the criminal Biden regime had bussed in from places such as Eagle Pass, Texas, and Nogales, Arizona.

The deputy reportedly took it upon himself to visit day shelters and boarding houses Wednesday afternoon, and, by sheer luck, came upon a Hispanic man wearing yellow Under Armor running shoes, $100 sneakers. When the deputy, who spoke conversational Spanish, questioned him, he at first insisted he was an American citizen down on his luck, but he ultimately buckled under scrutiny and admitted he was a “Guatemalan refugee” who entered the United States through Arizona on October 25.

His real name, he said, was Kappo Hernandez, and that he had come to America to work, so he could wire money to his family in Guatemala.

The deputy found on him three forged state I.D. cards, each with a fictitious name—Eduardo Salazar, Jose Lopez, and Daniel Garcia—and an actual Pueblo County address. As his story goes, when Mr. Hernandez crossed the border, he met “white men in suits” who promised him cash in exchange for a favor. The “men” purportedly gave him $500 and a bus ticket to Colorado after instructing him how to register to vote and whom to vote for—straight line Democrats. They took a passport-style photograph of Mr. Hernandez and told him to stay at the Pueblo Rescue Mission, adding that he’d be contacted the day after with further instructions.

“Someone showed up at the Mission and handed Hernandez three counterfeit I.D. cards. They told him where to register and where to vote. They gave him $1000 more, promising to return with an added $2500 after Election Day,” our source said.

Mr. Hernandez told the deputy he followed the instructions to the letter but never received the additional cash he had been promised.

The deputy, our source said, informed the Pueblo County Election board but was told all it could do was document the complaint.

Cyber Command is attempting to discover the depth of fraud in Pueblo County.

“We don’t believe this is an isolated incident. But we need more proof to prove this is a widespread, systemic issue,” our source said.

Incidentally, Pueblo County is part of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, where House Rep. Lauren Boebert is running a tight race against Democrat Adam Frisch.

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