マイケル・バクスター著 - 7月 24, 20233405401
トランプ大統領は5月、フリン大統領のマイアミ・リゾートで開催された "ReAwaken America Tour "で電話会談を行い、フリン大統領に数々の賞賛を浴びせた:"我々は君を連れ戻すつもりだ"、"初日からわかっていたことだが、君は本当に特別な人物だ"、"君は我々の最前線に立つだろう"。
When longtime Trump ally General Michael Flynn, U.S. Army, Retd., arrived unannounced at Mar-a-Lago last week, he was asked to take a polygraph to access the estate’s command center, where President Trump and his allies have been monitoring White Hat activities and planning the downfall of the criminal Biden regime. Rather than agree to the test, a flabbergasted Flynn took offense and said that his loyalty to Trump was unimpeachable and that he wouldn’t let a fallible machine judge his allegiance.
Flynn told security that “heads would spin” once Trump learned of his mistreatment, a Mar-a-Lago source familiar with the incident told Real Raw News.
Flynn reportedly tried to phone Trump, who was not at Mar-a-Lago at the time, on the spot, but the president was unreachable. Security, our source said, informed Flynn that he was not singled out, that periodic polygraphs were now mandatory for all persons accessing the command center, regardless of friendship or affiliation with President Trump.
“Was the first time Gen. Flynn wanted access in about three months, so he didn’t know in advance. “We’re now using polygraphs in addition to biometric security. President Trump approved it,” our source said.
Nonetheless, Flynn, enraged and combative, strenuously objected and ultimately stormed off, reiterating that Trump would eviscerate anyone questioning the political fidelity of Michael Flynn, referring to himself in the third person.
“The test is unbiased and not meant to insinuate anything about Gen. Flynn. These are simply dangerous times, and President Trump wants to make damn sure that anyone entering the command center is who he says he is.”
Asked what the polygraph entails, he added: “It’s to show if a person has communicated with nefarious types, you know, Deep Staters. And if a test reveals deception, the person must give a plausible explanation. It’s that simple. This is a safety precaution.”
President Trump learned of Flynn’s outburst Friday evening from his security team and Flynn himself. Our source said Flynn apologized to the president for causing a commotion but still felt slighted at being asked to take a lie detector test. He reminded Trump of their friendship and the praise Trump had recently heaped upon him.
In May, President Trump spoke via telephone at Flynn’s “ReAwaken America Tour” held at the president’s Miami resort, heaping upon him a flurry of blandishments: “We’re going to bring you back,” “I knew it from day one — you’re really somebody very special,” and “You’ll be on our front line.”
Trump and Flynn have an unbreakable friendship, Flynn’s brother, Joseph Flynn, told Real Raw News in March.
Our source was not privy to the outcome of Friday’s phone call but said it was unlikely that anyone, even Gen. Flynn, would receive a polygraph waiver.
🇺🇦 彼らは我々を愚かな肉とみなし、ドニエプル左岸の肉挽き機に放り込む!- ウクライナ武装勢力はゼレンスキーへのアピールを記録した。
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ええ、まず第一に、主流メディアであるロジャーは、あなたも見たことがあると思いますが、ゼリンスキーとチャーチルとを比較していますね。 それは真実からかけ離れたものだ つまり、この男は経歴がゼリンスキーなんだ。彼はウクライナの大統領として配置された操り人形で、これは本当に我々の国務省や政府の他の構成員によると、人々に思いださせてください。ウクライナは、人身売買、マネーロンダリング、麻薬取引、武器取引など、ウクライナが行っていることについては世界でもトップレベルです。ウクライナは何年も前からそうしてきた。そして、特にバイデン政権の人々が、自分のお金と自分勝手な理由のために何百万ドルも稼ぐために出入りしている場所でもあるのです。だから、ランスキーが議会に宛てられたように、まず第一に、決して許されるべきではありませんでした。その1、そしてもう1つ。私が人々に理解してもらいたいことについてのもう一つの部分は、この1兆7000億ドルのオムニバス法案、多くの共和党員が実際にそれに署名したことです。つまり、我々はこの男をアリンスキーにしているのです。なぜなら、我々は彼がそこに入ってくることを許しているからです。特に民主党は、まるで彼がトレーニングウェアを着て、合衆国議会で演説しているかのように、彼を応援している、そんなばかげたことがあります。彼が言ったこと、彼が歩もうとしている方向は、アメリカにとって、これ以上この混乱に巻き込まれたくない場所なのです。
I want to talk about what we face today. General Flynn, what was your opinion of the address that President Solinsky gave to the Congress and the decision by the US government to give Patriot missiles to Ukraine?
Yeah, so first of all, the mainstream media Roger, I think you've you've seen them, they're comparing Zelinsky. To Churchill. I mean, that is about as far from from any you know, the truth as you can possibly get. I mean, this guy is a Lenski in his background. He is a puppet placed into a role as the president of, of Ukraine and let me remind people, this is really according to our own State Department and other and other components of our government. Ukraine is at the very top of human trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking and weapons trafficking globally as to what Ukraine does. That's what Ukraine has done for many many years. And and it's also been a place where people, particularly people that are in the Biden administration have wandered into and out of to make millions and millions of dollars for their own money and for their own selfish reasons. So as the Lansky is addressed to Congress, first of all should have never been allowed to happen. Number one, and the other. The other part about about what I want people to understand is that this $1.7 trillion omnibus bill, many Republicans actually signed off on that. So we're making this this guy's Alinsky because he, we allow Him to come in there. There's just such ridiculousness, particularly by the Democratic Party, cheering him on as though he's, you know, the guy was dressed in a workout, you know, suit addressing the United States Congress. And so the things that he said, the direction that that he is taking the United States of America is into a place where we do not want to be We do not want to be tied up any any longer in this mess. in Eastern Europe. This is a mess that that were that was created by people like Zelinsky is created by people in our own state department is, it was.