ドナルド・J・トランプ I
RealDonaldTrump - 15m
国防界と非国防界が一緒になって、こう言うのです。「あのね、私たちは取引をするつもりなんだ。そして、みんなでマイクに向かって アメリカ国民は大きな敗者となります。それが現実です。そうなることは分かっている。
規則委員会が法案を可決し議場に送るが 議場では何の議論もない
こんなことは続けられない。無駄遣いをやめる方法を考えるまで、私はここに座っているつもりだ。これ以上の空約束はいらない。これ以上いらない 心配するな 信じろ 俺たちならできる 私は、アメリカ国民のために立ち上がり、実際にこの国を修復するために、この団体のメンバーとしての権利を行使することができるようになることを知りたいのです。そして、制服組や防衛組の男性や女性を利用し、その周りにゴム製の自己を使用し、そして我々が持っていないより多くのお金を費やすとき、それは起こることはないでしょう。私たちはその防衛を手に入れているのです。私たちは、その過程で私たちの国を手に入れている。しかし、それは我々が今したことです。
ジムはその指名を望まず、ケビン指名に屈したが、私はそれを尊重する。ケビンへの恨みはない この2カ月間 ここを良くするための ルールを模索し前進してきた しかし、米国民を転覆させる沼を止める手段もリーダーシップもまだないのです。ジムはそれを行ってきた。彼にはその実績がある。そういうわけで、私はオハイオ出身のジム・ジョーダンを下院議長に指名する。
So this is what the chamber looks like when we're actually debating in the bodies or in the chairs.
How many times if we've been down here giving speeches and there's not a soul in the chamber, yet this is what it takes to get 440 435 People in the chamber and have an actual debate.
The American people are watching and that's a good thing.
What we're doing is exercising our rights to vote and have a debate and have a discussion about the future of this country through the decision of choosing a speaker.
This is not personal. It's not. This is about the future of the country.
This is about the direction of the country, American people who are looking at this body and wondering why we can pass $1.7 trillion bills that are unpaid for.
They can just slide in $45 billion for Ukraine but not pay for it $40 billion for emergency spending and not pay for a 10% increase in defense spending 6% increase in non defense spending and not pay for it and not do anything except put language in a bill that prohibits our ability to use the money to secure the border.
That bill gets rammed through and we know exactly how it gets rammed through because the defense world and the non defense world come together and say, You know what, we're gonna cut a deal. And we'll all go to the mics. We're all gonna give speeches and the American people are the big losers. That's what happens. We know that's what happens.
The Rules Committee sits up there and passes a bill sends it to the floor. And we have no debate on the floor of this body.
We haven't been able to offer an amendment on floor this body since May of 2016. The former leader and I've discussed this right here.
That's true.
But the fact is this place has to change.
It has to change. And the change comes by either adopting rules and procedures that will make us actually do our job, or it comes from leadership.
And people ask me, What do you want? I want the tools or I want the leadership to stop the swamp for running over the average American every single day.
We can't keep doing this. I'm gonna sit here until we figure out how to stop spending money we don't have. I don't want any more empty promises. I don't want any more. Oh, don't worry, trust us, we'll do it. I want to know that we're going to be able to exercise our rights as member of this body to stand up for the American people and actually fix this country. And it's not going to happen when we use our men and women in uniform and defense and rubber selves around that and then spend more money that we don't have. We're getting that defense. We're getting our country in the process. But that's what we just did.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am asking for us to come together and figure out how to solve these problems. And to do that, I'm going to do what I did my very first act as a member of Congress or as a congressman elect, and nominate Jim Jordan for speaker.
Now, Jim has said he doesn't want that nomination and Jim has been bent down here nominating Kevin and I respect that. And again, I have no personal animus towards Kevin, and I've worked for the last two months to try to figure out how to get the rules to make this place better and we've made progress. But we do not have the tools or the leadership yet to stop the swamp for rolling over the American people. Jim has been doing it. He has a track record of doing it. And for those reasons, I am nominating Jim Jordan from Ohio for Speaker of the House of Representatives.