公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


The Aitken Bible アメリカ独立の聖書

2023-01-04 07:24:00 | 偏向マスメディア


この建物とその背後にある勝利が歴史的である一方、共和党知事が2期目の就任を宣誓した聖書もまた歴史的である。全国放送のラジオ司会者でBlaze Mediaの共同設立者であるグレン・ベックから借り受けたエイトケン聖書は、偉大な愛国者たちが使っていたものと同じものであった。

Gov. Ron DeSantis took his oath of office Tuesday afternoon on the steps of the state Capitol building in Tallahassee. His inauguration came months after a landslide reelection win with nearly 60% of the vote.

While the building and the victory behind him are historic, so was the Bible on which the Republican governor was sworn in for his second term. The Aitken Bible, on loan from nationally syndicated radio host and co-founder of Blaze Media Glenn Beck, was the same on which great patriots

The Aitken Bible


"アメリカ独立の聖書 "としても知られています。
P. Marion Simmsの著書、The Bible In Americaによると、「アメリカで英語の聖書を出版しようとした3つの試みは失敗に終わった......」とあります。これは、イングランドが英語で聖書を印刷することを独占していたことが一因でした。イギリス王室は、アメリカがイギリス植民地の集まりである間は、聖書を印刷することを許さなかったのである。聖書はイギリスやオランダから自由に輸入されていた。しかし、植民地が独立を宣言すると、聖書の輸入は制限された。1777年9月11日、聖書の不足は、大陸議会のチャプレン、パトリック・アリソン博士によって注目されることになった。彼は報告書の中で、聖書が緊急に必要である理由として、"聖書の使用は非常に普遍的であり、その重要性は非常に大きい... "と述べている。議会は、「オランダ、スコットランド、またはその他の地域から、連邦のさまざまな地域に、英語で書かれた2万冊の聖書を輸入する」という決議を1票差で可決したが、それは実現しなかった。

ここで、アメリカの愛国者ロバート・エイトケンが登場する。エイトケンはスコットランド出身で、1769年にアメリカに渡っている。彼はクエーカー教徒で、フィラデルフィアに定住し、マーケット・ストリートの「ポープス・ヘッド」の看板の下で、独立運動を信じる人々の非公式な集会所だったコーヒーハウスの3軒先で、書籍販売と出版業を営んでいた。ロバート・エイトケンは、ベン・フランクリンの義理の息子であるリチャード・バチェとともに「フィラデルフィア・マガジン」を発行していた。革命派の小冊子作家トマス・ペインが頻繁に寄稿していた。第1回連邦議会で、エイトケンに「議会誌」の発行を依頼。彼は、イギリス軍による逮捕と投獄を辛うじて免れた。神の手が働いたのだろう。そのかわり、彼は逃亡を続け、"アメリカ革命の聖書 "を作ることができたのだ。




また、上記の報告書から、エイトケン氏の仕事の実行における注意と正確さに満足し、この版の聖書を米国の住民に推薦し、この推薦状を彼が適切と考える方法で発表することをここに許可する。CHA.THOMSON, Secy."




The Aitken Bible

Also Known As "The Bible of the American Revolution"
The Only Bible Ever Printed with Congressional Approval &
The First English Bible Printed in America
Pastor David L. Brown, Ph.D.
Curator of the Christian Heritage Archives
According to P. Marion Simms book, The Bible In America, "three efforts to publish English Bibles in America failed…." This was due in part, because of the monopoly England held on printing the Bible in English. The Crown allowed no Bibles to be printed while America remained a collection of English Colonies. Bibles were imported freely from England and Holland. But, when the colonies declared their independence, Bible imports were curtailed. On September 11, 1777 the shortage of Bibles was brought to the attention of the Continental Congress by its chaplain, Dr. Patrick Allison. He said in his report that Bibles were urgently needed because, "The use of the Bible is so universal and its importance so great…" While Congress passed a resolution, by one vote, to import 20,000 Bibles in English "from Holland, Scotland, or elsewhere, into the different parts of the Union…" it was never done.

This is where American patriot Robert Aitken enters the picture. Aitken was a native of Scotland, but came to America in 1769. He was a Quaker and he settled in Philadelphia and went into business as a bookseller and publisher, under the sign of the "Pope's Head" in Market Street, just three doors away from the Coffee House which was the unofficial gathering place of those who believed in the Revolutionary cause. Robert Aitken, with Richard Bache, Ben Franklin's son-in-law, published the "Philadelphia Magazine." Thomas Paine, the Revolutionary pamphleteer, was a frequent contributor. The first Congress engaged Aitken to publish the Journals of Congress. He narrowly escaped arrest and imprisonment by the British. I believe the hand of God was on him and instead, he remained at large, and was able to produce the "Bible of the American Revolution."

In 1777, by his own initiative Aitken managed to obtain both type and paper and produced a "small twelvemo" New Testament. Three more editions were printed in 1778, 1779 and 1781, the one in 1779 being for school purposes. Though his New Testaments filled an important need, on January 21, 1781, he asked Congress for both sanction and support for the production of a complete Bible.

A committee including Rev. John Witherspoon, and Thomas McKean received his petition and the Chaplains of Congress went to investigate Aitken's accuracy and performance to date, while the work was in process; they were favorably impressed, so a Resolution of Congress was adopted which states…


That the United States in Congress assembled highly approve the pious and laudable undertaking of Mr. Aitken, as subservient to the interest of religion, as well as an instance of the progress of arts in this country, and being satisfied from the above report of his care and accuracy in the execution of the work, they recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States, and hereby authorize him to publish this recommendation in the manner he shall think proper. CHA. THOMSON, Secy."

The Aitken Bible was printed with the approval of Congress. This was the first and only Bible ever to receive the formal blessing of Congress! The 1782 small duodecimo Aitken Bible (KJV) was a wholly American production; the type was that used for the previous Aitken New Testaments; the paper, tough and hard, was made in Pennsylvania. A writer in Freeman's Journal, published in Philadelphia, in 1780's, had this to say about this Bible: "Under all these disadvantages, a complete, and an accurate, and elegant edition of the Bible was published in this very city…."

Though 10,000 copies of Aitken's Bible were printed, today there are fewer remaining copies than existing copies of the Gutenberg Bible! It is one of the world's rarest books. It is not uncommon for one page of this Bible to sell for $400 or more.

I praise the Lord for the courage, initiative, tenacity and resourcefulness of Robert Aitken. He provided the first English New Testaments and Bibles for a new nation that desperately needed them!

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