I have directed that U.S. Cyber Command be elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command focused on....cont:
Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Elevation of Cyber Command
I have directed that United States Cyber Command be elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command focused on cyberspace operations.
This new Unified Combatant Command will strengthen our cyberspace operations and create more opportunities to improve our Nation’s defense. The elevation of United States Cyber Command demonstrates our increased resolve against cyberspace threats and will help reassure our allies and partners and deter our adversaries.
United States Cyber Command’s elevation will also help streamline command and control of time-sensitive cyberspace operations by consolidating them under a single commander with authorities commensurate with the importance of such operations. Elevation will also ensure that critical cyberspace operations are adequately funded.
In connection with this elevation, the Secretary of Defense is examining the possibility of separating United States Cyber Command from the National Security Agency. He will announce recommendations on this matter at a later date.
Through United States Cyber Command, we will tackle our cyberspace challenges in coordination with like-minded allies and partners as we strive to respond rapidly to evolving cyberspace security threats and opportunities globally.
ANTI "Let me guess... You have appointed Vladimir Putin to head up the U.S. Cyber Command."
米ニューヨークのトランプタワーを去るスティーブ・バノン氏(2016年12月10日撮影)。(c)AFP=時事/AFPBB News
【AFP=時事】(更新)米ホワイトハウス(White House)は18日、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)大統領の首席戦略官・上級顧問で、極右思想で批判を集めていたスティーブ・バノン(Steve Bannon)氏が、同日付で退任したと発表した。現地メディア各社はバノン氏が解任されたと報じている。
サラ・サンダース(Sarah Sanders)大統領報道官は声明で「ジョン・ケリー(John Kelly)大統領首席補佐官とスティーブ・バノン氏は、きょうをスティーブの最後の日とすることで互いに合意した。われわれは、彼の貢献に感謝しており、今後の健闘を祈っている」と発表。バノン氏が辞任したのか、解任されたのかは明言しなかった。
米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)はこれに先立ち、トランプ氏がバノン氏解任の決断を側近に伝えたものの、その時期や方法についてはホワイトハウス高官らと協議中だと伝えていた。
バノン氏は、超保守系ニュースサイト「ブライトバート・ニュース(Breitbart News)」の元会長で、反対勢力から白人至上主義者とのレッテルを貼られていた。政権入りしてからはホワイトハウス内で続く権力闘争の中心人物となったが、トランプ氏はバノン氏に集まる注目にいら立ちを募らせていたとされる。
【翻訳編集】AFPBB News
Ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News website on Friday and said he’ll be “going to war” for President Donald Trump, vowing to intensify the fight he has waged against opponents of his brand of populist conservatism.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg News Friday in his first public comments after his departure was announced.
Bannon led the evening editorial meeting at Breitbart, where he resumed his role as executive chairman, the website said in a statement. A person who was on the call said Bannon called on the group to "hunker down" and work like never before to advance conservative causes.
Statement by President Donald J. Trump on the Elevation of Cyber Command
I have directed that United States Cyber Command be elevated to the status of a Unified Combatant Command focused on cyberspace operations.
This new Unified Combatant Command will strengthen our cyberspace operations and create more opportunities to improve our Nation’s defense. The elevation of United States Cyber Command demonstrates our increased resolve against cyberspace threats and will help reassure our allies and partners and deter our adversaries.
United States Cyber Command’s elevation will also help streamline command and control of time-sensitive cyberspace operations by consolidating them under a single commander with authorities commensurate with the importance of such operations. Elevation will also ensure that critical cyberspace operations are adequately funded.
In connection with this elevation, the Secretary of Defense is examining the possibility of separating United States Cyber Command from the National Security Agency. He will announce recommendations on this matter at a later date.
Through United States Cyber Command, we will tackle our cyberspace challenges in coordination with like-minded allies and partners as we strive to respond rapidly to evolving cyberspace security threats and opportunities globally.
ANTI "Let me guess... You have appointed Vladimir Putin to head up the U.S. Cyber Command."
米ニューヨークのトランプタワーを去るスティーブ・バノン氏(2016年12月10日撮影)。(c)AFP=時事/AFPBB News
【AFP=時事】(更新)米ホワイトハウス(White House)は18日、ドナルド・トランプ(Donald Trump)大統領の首席戦略官・上級顧問で、極右思想で批判を集めていたスティーブ・バノン(Steve Bannon)氏が、同日付で退任したと発表した。現地メディア各社はバノン氏が解任されたと報じている。
サラ・サンダース(Sarah Sanders)大統領報道官は声明で「ジョン・ケリー(John Kelly)大統領首席補佐官とスティーブ・バノン氏は、きょうをスティーブの最後の日とすることで互いに合意した。われわれは、彼の貢献に感謝しており、今後の健闘を祈っている」と発表。バノン氏が辞任したのか、解任されたのかは明言しなかった。
米紙ニューヨーク・タイムズ(New York Times)はこれに先立ち、トランプ氏がバノン氏解任の決断を側近に伝えたものの、その時期や方法についてはホワイトハウス高官らと協議中だと伝えていた。
バノン氏は、超保守系ニュースサイト「ブライトバート・ニュース(Breitbart News)」の元会長で、反対勢力から白人至上主義者とのレッテルを貼られていた。政権入りしてからはホワイトハウス内で続く権力闘争の中心人物となったが、トランプ氏はバノン氏に集まる注目にいら立ちを募らせていたとされる。
【翻訳編集】AFPBB News
Ousted White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon returned to the conservative Breitbart News website on Friday and said he’ll be “going to war” for President Donald Trump, vowing to intensify the fight he has waged against opponents of his brand of populist conservatism.
“If there’s any confusion out there, let me clear it up: I’m leaving the White House and going to war for Trump against his opponents -- on Capitol Hill, in the media, and in corporate America,” Bannon told Bloomberg News Friday in his first public comments after his departure was announced.
Bannon led the evening editorial meeting at Breitbart, where he resumed his role as executive chairman, the website said in a statement. A person who was on the call said Bannon called on the group to "hunker down" and work like never before to advance conservative causes.