Service is so bad compared to Japan, and you have to tip.
We stayed at a nice hotel in Boston, and the workers went on strike. This meant our rooms didn't get cleaned, etc., and they banged on drums outside the window. My wife couldn't believe people would do that.
I get it. From the Japanese perspective, it's like, how could the people we were paying to provide us with service not provide the service? Furthermore, not only did they not offer the service, but they harassed us.
In contrast, while we were in Japan, my wife got gifts for about eight people at her workplace, including her boss, to thank them for letting her take time off.
The culture and respect for work are just so different... basically, different planets.
Everything is so expensive. To my surprise, it's dramatically cheaper living in Japan than most of the US. Waikiki was especially nuts.
There is a sense of danger walking around US cities that doesn't exist in Japan.
We had two homeless people harass us; one ran in front of us like a zombie, and it freaked my wife out.
And on two different occasions, we saw large men threatening women.
One was very bizarre. In a mall dining court in Waikiki, a man threatened his girlfriend who was running from him that he would "bash her fucking brains in if she didn't come back".
Then, when we returned to Japan... I felt a sense of relief. Here you never have any sense of danger anywhere you go, at any time.
I have a feeling a lot of people are living with anxiety from those kinds of encounters, and they don't even realize it.
Homeless people in the US sometimes insult you if you don't give them money.
Happened twice in Waikiki.
In Japan, homeless people are rare. And when you do see them, they are almost always very respectful and don't bother people.
There are more car accidents than in Japan. I got stuck in traffic twice due to accidents.
I asked Perplexity and apparently on a per capita basis, there are 2.5x more car fatalities in the USA than Japan.
Flights get delayed way more often. Perhaps this is another quality control issue?
In America, the TSA is very rude and threatening. In Japan, they're extremely polite and helpful. They're so different.
So many things are locked up in stores in the USA. My wife asked me what that was, but she didn't understand. And when I told her, she couldn't believe how bad it was. It scared her to know that was an issue.
Immigration in the US is slow, and they ask you tons of questions, which is wild considering our current border issue and how easy it is to get into the country illegally.
In contrast, they asked one question in Japan, smiled, and let me in.
Public toilets are so disgusting. In Japan, you don't have this problem at all.
Oh, and of course, now, USA toilets feel incredibly primitive after living in Japan.
ボストンのいいホテルに泊まったんだけど、従業員がストライキをやったんだ。 そのため、部屋の掃除などはされず、窓の外で太鼓を叩かれました。 妻は、そんなことをする人たちがいるなんて信じられなかった。
分かるよ。 日本人の感覚からすると、お金を払ってサービスを提供してもらっている人たちが、どうしてサービスを提供しないのか、という感じだ。 しかも、彼らはサービスを提供しないだけでなく、私たちに嫌がらせをした。
何もかもが高い。 驚いたことに、日本の物価はアメリカのほとんどの地域よりも劇的に安い。 ワイキキは特にすごかった。
ひとつはとても異様なものだった。 ワイキキのショッピングモールのダイニングコートで、男が自分から逃げているガールフレンドに「戻ってこなかったら、脳みそをぶちまけるぞ」と脅したのだ。
そして日本に戻ると...。 ホッとした。 ここでは、いつどこに行っても危険という感覚はない。
日本ではホームレスは珍しい。 見かけたとしても、ほとんどの場合、彼らはとても礼儀正しく、人に迷惑をかけない。
日本よりも交通事故が多い。 事故で2回渋滞に巻き込まれた。
飛行機はもっと頻繁に遅れている。 これも品質管理の問題なのだろうか?
アメリカでは、TSAは非常に無礼で威嚇的だ。 日本では、彼らは非常に礼儀正しく、親切だ。 彼らはとても変わっている。
アメリカでは、多くのものが店に閉じ込められている。 妻はそれが何なのか私に尋ねたが、理解できなかった。 そして、私が彼女に話したとき、彼女はそのひどさを信じられなかった。 それが問題だと知って、彼女は怖くなった。
公衆トイレはとても気持ち悪い。 日本ではこのような問題はまったくない。
真実だと思うよ😤 pic.twitter.com/hW2nrPUGbc
— 花幸🌸 (@GyTOGf3RTanlp98) October 30, 2024