President Biden is expected to deliver his first primetime address since taking office on Thursday to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdowns.
White House press secretary Jen Psaki previewed the president’s remarks during the press briefing on Monday.
"The president will deliver his first primetime address to commemorate the one year anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdown on Thursday," Psaki said. "He will discuss the many sacrifices the American people have made over the last year, and the grave loss communities and families across the country have suffered."
不明 0:02
不明 0:13
大統領と私が就任準備をしていた時 あなたが何に直面しているかを知っていました。初日から準備が必要なことも知っていました。だから私たちは、このパンデミックから私たちの国を救うために、あなた方と一緒に計画を立て始めたのです。
未知 0:30
8,000万本以上のワクチンが先週投与され、1,800万本が州の薬局や地域保健センターに送られました メルクとジョンソンとジョンソンの競合他社は製造をスピードアップするためにチームを組んでいます。5月の終わりまでに、そしてより迅速に腕の中のショットを得るために。私が生まれた場所では、カリフォルニア州オークランド、ロサンゼルス、ヒューストン、ダラス、アーリントン、タンパ、オーランド、ジャクソンビル、ブルックリン、クイーンズ、ニューヨーク州北部の多くの場所に、新しい予防接種センターがオープンしました。ご存知のように、私たちは皆忙しくしています。私たちはこれまで述べてきたように、アメリカの救済計画を進めています。この計画は大規模です 大胆なもので、このウイルスを倒し、経済を立て直すのに役立ちます この計画では、予防接種プログラムを拡大し、中小企業を救済し、学校を安全に再開します。多くの方が予算不足に悩んでいることは知っています。収入は減少し、もちろん費用は増加しています。その結果、重要なサービスが削減されています。望まないのは分かっています 過去1年間で130万人以上の州政府と地方政府の仕事が 失われました 大不況の余波で この手の削減は景気回復の足を大きく引っ張っています。
その一方で 移民解放で新たな危機を持ち込んでいる。
The number of migrants who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus after being released by the Border Patrol into Texas has nearly doubled, officials say.
Felipe Romero, a spokesperson for Brownsville, tells Fox News that 185 migrants dropped off and rapid-tested at the city’s main bus station have contracted the coronavirus – up from the 108 he disclosed last Wednesday.
As of Saturday, a total of 1,553 individuals since Jan. 25 have been tested for COVID-19 after coming across the U.S.-Mexico border there, Romero added.
未知 2:28
不明 2:31
未知 2:55
未知 3:11
未知 3:35
考えてみてください 共和党のマイアミ市長と民主党のセントピーターズバーグ市長の2人が、なぜこの計画を支持しているのかについての論文を書いていて、論文の中で引用しているのは、我々の国民は助けを必要としているということです。
未知 3:52
大統領が言うように 助けはすぐそこまで来ている。今日、アメリカの救済計画は、この国の法律になるのが非常に近づいています。そして今、私たちは救援が公平に公平に分配されるように支援する必要があります。そして、それは、私たちが認識する必要があることを意味し、私たちの多くがそうしています。私たちは、パンデミックが悪化したことを 認識する必要があります 我々のシステムや構造に既に存在していた 亀裂や欠陥、失敗を 認める必要があります 人種と場所が重要であることを 私たちは見てきました 人がどれだけウイルスから守られているか、そうでないか、 人種と場所がサービスへのアクセスに 役割を果たしていることを。そこで、私たちがこの問題に取り組んでいる一つの方法が、COVID-19健康公平性タスクフォースです。このタスクフォースは、私が米国上院で提出した法案に基づくもので、資源配分に存在する格差について報告する専門家の専門グループを設置することを目的としています。タスクフォースには、これらの問題を解決する方法を提案することが求められています。地域のリーダーは、その解決に不可欠です。そこで今日は大きな発表があります 実際にここで皆さんと一緒に発表します 地域社会に直接的な影響を与えるため、我々の政権は2億5千万ドルの助成金を提供します。地域社会の組織と提携してヘルスリテラシーを高めるために。
不明 5:29
未知 7:12
そして、これが私の最後のポイントです。アメリカ国民は、私や大統領と同じように、あなたに期待しています。なぜなら、あなたのたゆまぬ努力のおかげで、彼らはあなたを頼りにできると知っているからです。彼らは答えを求め続けるでしょう 行動を 慰めを そして希望を
未知 7:38
簡単な仕事ではないのは分かっています しかし、この危機的状況の中であなたがすることは、特別に、これ以上に重要なことはありえません。
未知 7:48
だから、あなたがしてくれたことに改めて感謝します。個人的な犠牲と眠れない夜が必要なのは分かっています しかし、大統領と私はあなた方の傍らで働いています
不明 8:00
あなたに神の祝福がありますように そしてアメリカにも神の祝福がありますように ありがとうございます
Unknown 0:02
On behalf of myself as President. What thank you all know both of us, served as local leaders. We thank you. We thank you.
Unknown 0:13
When the President and I were preparing to take office. We knew what you're up against. We know we needed to be ready to go on day one. So we started working with you to put a plan in place to rescue our nation from this pandemic.
Unknown 0:30
I'm proud to report that we've made incredible progress. more than 80. million vaccines have now been administered last week, 18 million doses were sent to states to pharmacies and community health centers Merck and Johnson and Johnson competitors before now are teaming up to speed up manufacturing, which means that we should have a full vaccine supply for adults. By the end of May, and to get shots in arms more quickly. We've opened new vaccination centers in a number of places in the place of my birth Oakland California in Los Angeles in Houston and Dallas and Arlington Tampa Orlando Jacksonville, Brooklyn, Queens and upstate New York, and one opened in Philadelphia last week, others will open in Chicago and Greensboro this week, and another two are coming to Atlanta and Cleveland soon. So as you know we've all been busy. And we're doing this all of this as I've mentioned as we advance our American rescue plan. This plan is big. And it is bold, and it will help us beat this virus and build back our economy. With this plan, we will scale up our vaccination program, get relief to the small businesses that fill your main streets and get your schools safely reopened the bill provides targeted support for as many as 19,000 cities, towns and villages. And we know many of you are dealing with budget shortfalls as revenues are down and of course expenses are up. As a result, vital services have been cut. And I know you didn't want to. And we've lost more than 1.3 million state and local government jobs in just the past year. In the aftermath of the Great Recession. These kinds of cuts put a significant drag on our economic recovery.
Unknown 2:28
And guys, we can't let that happen again.
Unknown 2:31
The American rescue plan will also get 14 $100 checks in the pockets of people who need the most, and a $3,000 tax credit, per child. Think about it. This plan will actually lift one in three black and Latino Americans who are living in poverty and lift them out of poverty.
Unknown 2:55
We will also lift, half of America's children who are living in poverty, out of poverty. I mean, just think about that half of the children in our country who are living in poverty won't be.
Unknown 3:11
So the American rescue plan for that and so many other reasons, is we are happy to say incredibly popular and the support for it is broad and it is bipartisan three and four Americans support the bill. Democratic and Republican mayors and local leaders have endorsed it. And of course, of course so has the National League of Cities, and thank you for that.
Unknown 3:35
And think about it. Two mayor's just most recently, a Republican from Miami, and a democrat from St Petersburg, wrote an op ed about why they support the plan, and they said in the op ed, quote, our people need help.
Unknown 3:52
And as the President would say. Help is on the way. Today the American rescue plan is very close to becoming the law of the land. And now we need to help ensure that relief is distributed equitably equitably. And that means we need to acknowledge and so many of us do. We need to acknowledge the pandemic has made worse. The fissures and the flaws and failures that already existed in our systems, and in our structures. We've seen that race and place matter a lot, and how well protected a person is from the virus or not, and race and place have played a role in access to services. So one way we're addressing this is with our COVID-19 Health Equity Task Force. This task force stemmed from a bill I introduced in the United States Senate, to have a dedicated group of experts who report on the disparities that exist in the allocation of resources. The task force is required to make recommendations on how to solve for those problems, and local leaders are vital, you are vital to the solution. So today we have a big announcement, and we're actually making it right here with you. Because it will have a direct impact on the communities that you serve our administration will offer $250 million dollars in grants for localities to partner with community organizations on health literacy.
Unknown 5:29
Our goal is to provide underserved communities with the information they need to stay safe and to get vaccinated. And remember information and education, of course, saves lives when folks have the information and the education they have the, the tools that equip them to take care of themselves and their family. We expect to fund 30 projects in urban communities, and 43 projects in rural communities for two years. And I'm going to give you some information on how you can can apply and and get more and that is to apply through April 20 and I'm gonna give you a website minority health.hhs.gov and we'll follow up and get it for you in writing. But, I asked the friends here, please do work with us to put equity at the center of our collective response to identify those individuals and communities who have been overlooked. And to connect them with the resources that are available, And to connect with them in a way that we renewed. And in some cases, establish trust between community, and those folks who are elected to serve those communities, and also we've got a child tax credit coming that they can take advantage of so please tell them about it and tell them about the paycheck Protection Program and the loans there for small businesses. Please tell you folks about how to get vaccinated at pharmacies and community health centers and mobile units. And please continue to tell everyone you know, to wear a mask.
Unknown 7:12
And this brings me to my final point. The American people will continue to look to you as much as they look to me, or the president. Because of your tireless efforts, because they know they can rely on you. They will continue to look to you for answers. And for action. And for comfort. And for hope.
Unknown 7:38
And I know it's not an easy job. But what you do, specially at this moment of crisis, couldn't be more important.
Unknown 7:48
So thank you again for all you do. I know it takes personal sacrifice and sleepless nights. But know that the President and I are working right alongside you.
Unknown 8:00
So may God bless you, and may God bless America. Thank you.
Unknown 8:14
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