ライアン前下院議長、24年にGOPがトランプ氏を選ばないと発言 「当選不可能性が伝わる」。
関連記事 トランプ氏、「笑いもの」1月6日委員会を非難 全会一致で召喚に賛成したため
Conservative Voicesを応援しています
この世論調査は、有権者に "ドナルド・トランプは2024年の大統領選に再出馬すべきだと思うか?"と尋ねたものだ。調査対象者のうち、57%が「出馬すべきでない」、43%が「出馬すべき」と答えた。
しかし、ライアンは他の世論調査の数字を省いている。その同じ世論調査で、共和党の有権者にも "2024年の選挙の共和党大統領予備選が今日行われるとしたら、誰に投票しますか?"と尋ねているのだ。
関連記事 ユート・インディアン部族、バイデンの国定公園奉納を「恥ずべきこと」と呼ぶ
ライスの選挙運動中、ライアンは、"トムのように投票したくても、その度胸がない人がたくさんいた "と述べた。サウスカロライナ州民はそう思わなかった。
7月、ライアンはマーク・リーボビッチ著『Thank You for Your Servitude』という本の中で、2021年1月6日の出来事を見ながら、ライアンが「気がつくと、すすり泣いてた」と引用されている。
The Political Insiderは、Feedspotの "100 Best Political Blogs and Websites "で3位にランクインしている。 無料版のDeepL翻訳(www.DeepL.com/Translator)で翻訳しました。
Former House Speaker Ryan Says GOP Will Not Pick Trump In ’24, ‘Unelectability Will Be Palpable’
Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) revealed his true feelings on Thursday during an interview. Ryan was talking about former President Donald Trump and the 2024 presidential election when he said this:
“I think Trump’s unelectability will be palpable by then. We all know that he will lose. … We all know that he is so much more likely to lose the White House than anybody else running for president on our side of the aisle, so why would we want to go with that?”
Interestingly enough, the Ryan-types said the same thing in 2016.
Ryan continued with his assessment of Trump, Republicans, and a possible 2024 candidacy: “The only reason he stays where he is is because everybody’s afraid of him. They’re afraid of him going after them, hurting their own ambition. But as soon as you get the herd mentality going, it’s unstoppable.”
He also talked about poll numbers that show many Americans don’t want him to run again in 2024. But he may have given those numbers a bit of anti-Trump spin.
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Polls Say A Lot Of Things
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The poll Paul Ryan cited was a recent Harvard CAPS/Harris poll conducted at the beginning of September. The sentiment he is citing is, technically, correct.
The poll asked voters, “Do you think Donald Trump should run again for President in 2024?” Of those surveyed, 57% said no, he should not run and 43% said he should.
But Ryan left out some other poll numbers. That same poll also asked GOP voters, “If the Republican Presidential primary for the 2024 election was held today, who would you vote for?”
Donald Trump ran away with the field with 59% of GOP voters saying they would vote for him. The next closest was Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis at 17%. No other name that has been mentioned as a possible 2024 GOP candidate got above 10%.
Ryan pointed out that a GOP primary will be populated by other candidates. If he doesn’t recall, there were 17 Republican candidates in 2016. All fell to Trump.
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Bumbling Post-Congressional Record Of Paul Ryan
Paul Ryans’s anti-Trump tendencies have been known for some time.
In June, Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC), one of 10 GOP Representatives to vote to impeach Trump, soundly lost his primary, ironically after Ryan endorsed him.
Ryan also backed rabid anti-Trumper Rep. Liz Cheney in her failed reelection. Perhaps a pattern is emerging that those who run for office in the future and are looking for endorsements should pay attention to.
While campaigning for Rice, Ryan stated that, “There were a lot of people who wanted to vote like Tom but who just didn’t have the guts to do it.” South Carolinians disagreed.
In July, Ryan was quoted in a book called, “Thank You for Your Servitude” by Mark Leibovich, that Ryan “found himself sobbing,” as he watched the events of January 6, 2021 take place.
Donald Trump appears to have drained many different kinds of swamps.
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