公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


PD-100 Black Hornet

2019-06-20 07:39:07 | 捨て置けないニュース
PD-100 Black Hornet in a personal micro-UAV designed for close reconnaissance purposes. Its main task is to raise the level of operational awareness for a single operator or a small element, such as section, squad or platoon. PD-100 is the smallest solution of its kind on the market operated by several armies and uniformed services already.

Black Hornet UAV has been developed by the Norwegian Prox Dynamics company. It is currently offered by FLIR Systems that acquired the Prox Dynamics company back in 2016. It is estimated that more than 8 thousand Black Hornet miniaturized drones have been delivered to the users already.
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