公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ


A liar is a liar.

2021-03-17 05:38:00 | I support Attorney L. Lin Wood.



2. ある人があることについて嘘をついた場合、その人が話すことは何も信用できない(嘘つきは嘘つきだから-上記のルール1を参照)。
3. ある人が嘘を認めた場合、その人は嘘つきです(その人の言うことは何も信用できません-上記のルール1と2を参照)。




ラッセル『幸福論』第1部「不幸の原因」:第8章「被害妄想」 (Persecution Mania) 

be at odds (with)

To be in conflict (with). They are at odds over the best way to lead the committee.Our fact-checker found that the witness's story was completely at odds with what the reporter had written.

And since, moreover, they involve the belief that you are the object of wide-spread hostility, they will only safeguard your self-esteem by inflicting the very painful feeling that you are at odds with the world. No satisfaction based upon self-deception is solid, and, however unpleasant the truth may be, it is better to face it once for all, to get used to it, and to proceed to build your life in accordance with it.


Simple truths are simple truth. Here are some pertinent examples of simple truths about liars:

1. A liar is a liar.

2. If a person lies to you about one thing, you cannot trust anything that person tells you (because a liar is a liar - see Rule 1 above).

3. If a person validates a lie, that person is a liar (and you cannot trust anything that person tells you - see Rules 1 & 2 above). 

Now apply those simple truths to Georgia Deputy Secretary of State Jordan “Jordy” Fuchs and Georgia Secretary of State Brad “Jordy” Raffensperger.

The question for Georgia citizens is whether you want two liars running the office of the Secretary of State?

And never forget Georgia Governor Brian “CCP” Kemp. Birds of a feather flock together (another simple truth!).

birds of a feather flock together

said about people who have similar characters or interestsespecially ones of which you disapprove, and who often spend time with each other

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