公開メモ DXM 1977 ヒストリエ



2022-05-01 08:13:00 | カウンター・グレートリセット


or whackadoodle [wak-uh-dood-l]


Wackadoodle describes someone or something as eccentricwrongheaded, bizarre, or foolish, generally in an amusing way and with a mildly dismissive tone.







で、これは一体何なんだ?バイデンは検閲を担当する変人を置いたということです。私が "変人 "と言ったら それを証明しますよ 証明せずに人の名前を呼ぶことはしない。そして、彼女が民主主義を危うくするから名前を呼んでいるだけだ。


この女性は全能力を発揮しているようには見えないしね。自分で判断してほしい。いずれにせよ 共産主義者に近いのは確かだ そして彼女は、自分が抱いている憎しみについて、できる限り明確にするつもりです。






彼女はオーウェルのディストピア小説「1984」の真実の部門に属しているのかもしれない。 しかし、偽情報の部門には属さない。


お姉ちゃんがいる 何が偽情報で、何が偽情報でないかを決めるのはお姉ちゃんだよ。


それをどう呼ぶか知ってる?まあ、私はそれを呼び出すつもりはありません。しかし、あなたはそれが何であるか知っていますか、彼は破壊している?おそらく我々の最も貴重な権利だ ちょっと脱線します。

Unknown 0:00
I'm kind of in a state of shock. But I might tell you that because some time as you know, I've been predicting, we're on an express train to communism, socialism, Marxism.

Unknown 0:18
I think we may have gotten there and I'll tell you why.

Unknown 0:24
I'm going to show you something

Unknown 0:32
Well, this is a this is a picture of our new minister of truth. Well, actually, she's the Minister of disinformation. But it is like an hour we'll put up a picture of the Minister of truth in George Orwell's novel 1984.

Unknown 1:05
Now, we have done podcasts on George Orwell's novel to try to show you Oh, I think it must have been six months or a year ago, how we're headed for socialism and communism. I know there are people who reject that I know there are people who think that's some form of return of McCarthyism. But the reality is it's happening.

Unknown 1:32
It was happening when I was telling you that it may have just happened.

Unknown 1:40
So what's this all about? What this is all about is that Biden has put a wackadoodle in charge of censorship. When I say a wackadoodle, I'm gonna prove it to you. I don't call people names without proving it to you. And I'm only call her names because she jeopardizes our democracy.

Unknown 2:02
She removes our freedom of speech. This isn't a crime. This is a sin.

Unknown 2:09
And this woman does not look like she's working with all her faculties. I'm gonna let you judge for yourself. But in any event, she sure as hell is about as close to a communist as you're gonna get. And she's going to be as she's going to be as clear as she can be on the hatred that she has

Unknown 2:33
for Republicans, for our economy.

Unknown 2:41
And by goodness, our form of government.

Unknown 2:46
Biden, appointed on the extreme pressure of the New York Times, a minister of this information in the Department of Homeland Security, and when you see this woman if you think she should be in the Department of Homeland Security. Wow. Please talk to me. Let me help you.

Unknown 3:09
I know about security.

Unknown 3:12
This woman does not belong in the department of security.

Unknown 3:16
Maybe she belongs in the department of truth in Orwell's dystopian novel 1984 But not the Department of disinformation.

Unknown 3:30

Unknown 3:35
big sister here. Well, big sister is going to decide what is and is not disinformation.

Unknown 3:45
Now I am firmly convinced that the United States Constitution does not allow the government of the United States to decide what is true and what is not true. I believe we were founded as a free country to prevent fat and I believe that Biden is subverting it.

Unknown 4:12
Do you know what to call that? Well, I'm not gonna call it that. But you know what that is, he is subverting? Probably our most precious right. Let me digress for a moment. 

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