2014年と2015年の電子メールは、ワシントンの会社Blue Star Strategiesの共同設立者兼CEOであるカレン・トラモンターノが議会に提出した宣誓供述書に疑問を投げかけているとDaily Mail紙は報じています。
しかし、Daily Mail紙によると、ハンター・バイデンが放棄したラップトップからの電子メールが、この証言に新たな光を当てており、ハンター・バイデンがブルースターのブリズマへの雇用に関与していたことを示しているという。
"彼らと最後の電話をして、彼らが範囲を理解していることをもう一度確認させてください。そうすれば、リテーナーが必要とされる仕事に沿っていると全員が感じることができます。" ハンターは2015年11月2日にブリスマの幹部であるヴァディム・ポジャルスキーイに宛てて書いた。
"親愛なるハンターへ、私はちょうどエストニアでの1週間の滞在から戻ってきたところで、この騒動について聞きました。報道機関は最悪だ。あなたとご家族には大変申し訳なく思っていますが、気を落とさないでください。あなたは優れた仕事をしている偉大なプロです。そして、素晴らしい友人です ...心より、サリー」。
Emails reportedly suggest a possibly closer relationship between Hunter Biden and a Washington, D.C. firm under federal investigation for allegedly illegally lobbying on behalf of the Ukrainian company that counted Biden as a board member.
The emails from 2014 and 2015 bring into question sworn statements given to Congress by the Washington firm Blue Star Strategies co-founder and CEO Karen Tramontano, the Daily Mail reports.
Blue Star was drawn into the political firestorm around Hunter Biden’s involvement with Burisma in 2019 when it emerged it hired the lobbyist to improve the image of Mykola Zlochevsky, who’s been accused of corruption in Ukraine.
According to Politico, the Department of Justice is investigating Blue Star for allegedly failing to file under the Foreign Agents Registration Act while lobbying U.S. officials for Burisma.
Tramontano also has testified that Hunter Biden did not direct any of the firm’s work for Burisma, Politico noted.
But according to the Daily Mail, emails from Hunter Biden’s s abandoned laptop shed new light on that testimony, showing Hunter Biden was involved with Blue Star's hiring by Burisma.
They also refute claims that Tramontano didn’t know Hunter Biden was on the Burisma board and that she didn’t intend to influence policy through her meetings with U.S. officials, the Daily Mail reported.
In emails from November 2015, before Blue Star signed with Burisma, Hunter Biden talked about calling Tramontano and her co-founder Sally Painter to convey the gas company executives' lobbying goals.
“Let me have one final call with them and verify once more that they understand the scope so we can all feel that the retainer is in line with the work required,” Hunter wrote to Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi on Nov. 2, 2015.
“I trust Sally and Karen implicitly so I believe we are all aligned but I want to have one last conversation with them to confirm before we proceed.”
Three days later he wrote he felt “comfortable with BS [Blue Star] and the ability of Sally & Karen to deliver. You should go ahead and sign. Looking forward to getting started on this.”
Emails from March 2014 show Tramontano even discussed registering her investment banking license with Hunter's firm, and four months later it appeared she followed through.
Hunter Biden emailed Tramontano in July that year: “just heard you passed… congrats and welcome officially to the team,” an email showed, the news outlet reported.
Other emails also cast doubt on Tramontano's testimony of a distant relationship with the president's son, the Daily Mail reported.
In an October 2014 email, Tramontano's co-founder called Hunter “my friend,” and offered her condolences that the media had discovered he had been kicked out of the Navy following a positive cocaine test, the news outlet reported.
“Dear Hunter, I am just back from a week in Estonia and heard about the dust-up. The press sucks. So sorry for you and your family but don't let them get you down. You are a great professional doing excellent work. And a super friend! ...Warmest, Sally.”
The Daily Mail reported it obtained a copy of Hunter's laptop hard drive from former Steve Bannon podcast co-host Jack Maxey.
GTV, a Chinese dissident billionaire’s Taiwan-based media outlet, is releasing sordid, depressing videos and photographs of a person purported to be Hunter Biden engaging in sex and seemingly smoking crack. That’s not the big news. The big news is that the same outlet claims that (a) Communist China owns Joe Biden; (b) Joe Biden sold out CIA assets in China who were then executed or imprisoned; and (c) GTV has millionsof images showing other presumably influential people in comprising positions. If all this is true, we may see a complete realignment in Western politics.
The Hunter Biden videos and images are at GTV’s video site. I won’t give the link here because the material is pornographic. However, the following are two cropped pictures. In both, the person appearng to be Hunter is naked and with a woman. In the second picture, Hunter appears to be lighting a crack pipe while engaged in sexual activity with the woman:
中国の反体制派億万長者の台湾メディアGTVが ハンター・バイデンとされる人物が セックスをしていて コカインを吸っているように見える 鬱陶しい動画や写真を公開しています それは大きなニュースではありません 大きなニュースは、(a)共産主義の中国がジョー・バイデンを所有している、(b)ジョー・バイデンは中国のCIAの資産を売却して、処刑または投獄された、(c)GTVは、他のおそらく影響力のある人々が構成された地位にあることを示す何百万もの画像を持っている、と同じ報道機関が主張していることです。 これらがすべて真実であれば、西欧政治の完全な再編を見ることができるかもしれない。
ハンター・バイデンのビデオと画像はGTVのビデオサイトにあります。 素材がポルノなので、ここではリンクを貼らない。 しかし、以下の写真は2枚の写真をトリミングしたものである。 どちらもハンターと思われる人物が裸で女性と一緒に写っています。 2枚目の写真では、ハンターと思われる人物が女性と性行為をしながらクラックパイプに火をつけているように見えます。
What’s more interesting than the images themselves is the story behind them and the allegations included with them. Taiwan-based GTV and GNews, which published the material, are owned by Guo Wengui, a dissent Chinese billionaire.
Guo was born in mainland China and gained his wealth doing construction work. Eventually, he ran into trouble, and the Chinese government accused him of corruption. (The reality, of course, is that anyone who has become wealthy in China was corrupt.)
Guo escaped with his wealth to America. He is a fervent enemy of the Chinese Communist Party and has made it his mission to bring it down. One of his friends is Steve Bannon, with whose help he founded GTV and GNews. In June, Bannon joined with Guo to declare a “New Federal State of China” they hope will overthrow China’s communist government.
画像そのものよりも興味深いのは、画像の背景にあるストーリーと、それに含まれる疑惑である。 素材を公開した台湾のGTVとGNewsは、反体制派の中国の億万長者である郭文桂氏が所有している。
郭氏は中国大陸で生まれ、建設業で富を得た。 やがて彼はトラブルに巻き込まれ、中国政府から汚職の疑いをかけられた。 もちろん、中国で大金持ちになった人は誰でも汚職していたというのが現実ですが)。
郭は富を持ってアメリカに逃げた。 彼は中国共産党の熱烈な敵であり、中国共産党を倒すことを使命としている。 彼の友人の一人にスティーブ・バノンがいますが、彼は彼の助けを借りてGTVとGNewsを設立しました。 6月、バノンは郭氏と一緒に「中国の新連邦国家」を宣言し、中国共産党政権の転覆を目指している。
When the New York Post, on October 14, published its first report about Hunter Biden’s hard drive, that wasn’t the first time Hunter’s computer made the news. According to the Daily Beast, on September 25, a Guo-affiliated YouTube station uploaded a Chinese-language video announcing that Guo and Bannon had sent “sent three hard disks of evidence” to both the Justice Department and Nancy Pelosi.
Three days later, Himalaya Global, a movement that Guo and Bannon started, published a tweet making the same announcement, only adding that the disks created a “big money and sex scandal.” Twitter has since suspended the account, but the Daily Beast captured the contents: