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2017-08-27 14:36:31 | 意見スクラップ集

追補 その後のマクロン支持急落。バカだねフランス国民は。

グローバリズムは国際金融の利益最大化という構想から始まった。運用できる資産が増えないければ利益は大きくならない。これが金融の宿命であり、預貯金でこつこつなんていう19世紀のスピードではとても満足できないので言い始めた金融の自由化がグローバリズムのコアであり、DELLのような国際水平分業はこうしたビジネスを最大化するための経営上の発明、これにインターネットの普及が重なって親の名前を忘れているかのようであるが、グローバリズムは国際金融の強欲とおなじこと。これに反旗をかかげているのがルペンらの非欧州政治。トランプとてトランピズムは以下の様なSelfsufficient manを理想とすることにある。
中野剛志 柴山桂太 対談本 『グローバリズム その先の悲劇に備えよ』(集英社新書)ポチっとな。

The thirty-nine-year-old leader of the centrist En Marche! movement, Macron won in the second round with over 66 percent of votes, beating his far-right National Front rival Marine Le Pen, who ended up with almost 34 percent.

Emmanuel Macron studied at the prestigious Institute of Political Studies, Science-Po in Paris, where he obtained a master's degree in public affairs before training for a senior civil service career at the national School of Administration (ENA), graduating in 2004.

After studying philosophy at Paris Nanterre University, Macron went on to earn a master’s in public affairs. He spent his formative years as an investment banker at Rothschild & Cie Bank where he eventually rose to the position of a managing partner.

Several years and 3 million euros later, he moved into politics and in 2012 became deputy secretary-general of the Elysee, a senior role in President Hollande’s staff. Two years later he was appointed Minister of Economy.

In August 2015, Macron stated that he was no longer a member of the Socialist Party and was now an Independent.

In spring 2016, Emmanuel Macron founded the En Marche! movement, and in November he announced his bid to run for president. In a matter of just one year Macron did the impossible topping the list of France’s most popular politicians.

中道派の「En Marche!」運動のリーダーである39歳のマクロンは、第2ラウンドで66%以上の得票率で、34%近くに終わった極右のライバル、国民戦線のマリーヌ・ルペンを破って勝利を収めたのである。





2016年春、エマニュエル・マクロンは「En Marche!」運動を創設し、11月には大統領選への出馬を表明した。マクロンはわずか1年の間に、フランスで最も人気のある政治家のリストのトップに立つという不可能をやってのけたのである。

結局マクロンはロスチャイルド銀行の使いか。毎度言っているが、国際主義者は主権国家の共通の敵だ。思い出してみよう、今のフランスの政治情勢(既存政治不信)の発端は「カユザック事件」だ。2012年 5月にフランソワ・オランド大統領(1999年~社会主義インターナショナルの副議長)が当選し、10年ぶりに社会党(FMの残滓)政権が誕生したが、その予算担 当大臣に就任したジェローム・カユザック氏がスイスに隠し口座を保有している事実をメディア パートが暴露(これがいわゆるカユザック事件)したが、このメディアパートという新聞が怪しい。銀行家の内部情報を受け取って秘密口座を暴露したというお手柄だが、誰の筋書きだったかは事件の性質から、生まれた政治情勢から、その結果から明白だろう。フランス国民はまんまと国際銀行家に踊らされ、國の主権を再び失った。我が国もメディアの政治不信スクラムにはきおつけたほうがいい。フランスのように壊されたくなければ、予防薬=一般意味論を飲んでから新聞を読もう。
コージブスキーが「意味反応」(Semantic Reactions)として研究していたものから来ている。意味反応とは、単に人間の作ったシンボル(言語)だけでなく、周囲の環境におけるあらゆる事象の意味に対する人体全体の反応を指す(訳注:たとえば、梅干を見て唾液が分泌されるような反応、すなわち条件反射も含む)。コージブスキーが人類の生存にとって最も有益であるとした意味反応のシステムを「一般意味論」と呼ぶ。wiki
Mediapart révèle que l’eurodéputé Jean-Marie Le Pen a utilisé une partie des fonds alloués à sa communication pour se faire livrer une centaine de bouteilles de grands crus dans son manoir de Saint-Cloud. Coût de l’opération : plus de 8 500 euros.

Mediapart reveals that the MEP Jean-Marie Le Pen has used part of the funds allocated to its communication to deliver a hundred bottles of wines in his Manor of St. cloud. Cost of the operation: most of 8,500 euros.

日銀が消費税を財源とする特別会計の外国為替資金特別会計から搬出した102兆円6000億円の資金を財務省の公開統計データに記載せず、委託先の日銀が「円のキャリートレード」として米国ユダヤ系投資銀行(ゴールドマン・サックス、シティグループ、モルガン・スタンレー、メリル・リンチ、JPモルガン)に表向き低金利で貸す。現在では200兆円を超える特金が運用されているはずだが、融通証券及び繰替金の限度額は平成25年度当初予算において195兆円となっている(平成25年度特別会計予算 予算総則第8条)。

ジャパンハンドラーズJHSはイエズス会IHSのシンクタンクCSIS出身者の中にいる。マイケル グリーンの本名を調べて見れば良い。

マイケル・グリーン 氏経歴




Michael J. Green is the Japan Chair and a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS),[1] as well as an associate professor and Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy at Georgetown University. He served as special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) from January 2004 to December 2005 under George W. Bush. He joined the NSC in April 2001 as director of Asian affairs with responsibility for Japan, Korea, and Australia/New Zealand. From 1997 to 2000, he was senior fellow for Asian security at the Council on Foreign Relations, where he directed the Independent Task Force on Korea and study groups on Japan and security policy in Asia. He served as senior adviser to the Office of Asia Pacific Affairs at the Department of Defense in 1997 and as consultant to the same office until 2000.

In August 2016, Green was one of fifty senior G.O.P. national security officials who signed a letter saying they will not vote for Donald Trump, the Republican nominee for president.[2]

From 1995 to 1997, he was a research staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, and from 1994 to 1995, he was an assistant professor of Asian studies at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), where he remained a professorial lecturer until 2001. At SAIS, he was also associate executive director of the Foreign Policy Institute (1992–1994) and acting director of the Reischauer Center for East Asian Studies (1999–2000).

Green speaks fluent Japanese and spent over five years in Japan working as an Assistant Language Teacher on a precursor to the JET Programme,[3] as a staff member of the Diet of Japan, as a journalist for Japanese and American newspapers, and as a consultant for U.S. business. His major publications include By More Than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific Since 1783 (Columbia University Press, 2017), Japan's Reluctant Realism (Palgrave/St. Martin's, 2001), The U.S.-Japan Alliance (Council on Foreign Relations, 1999), and Arming Japan (Columbia University Press, 1995).

Green graduated from Kenyon College with highest honors in history in 1983 and received his M.A. from Johns Hopkins SAIS in 1987 and his Ph.D. in 1994. He also did graduate work at Tokyo University as a Fulbright fellow and with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a research associate of the MIT-Japan Program. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Institute for International Security Studies.

Michael Green is Chair in Modern and Contemporary Japanese Politics and Foreign Policy at Georgetown University. He is also a senior vice president for Asia and Japan Chair at CSIS. He previously served as special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Asian affairs at the National Security Council His current research and writing is focused on Asian regional architecture, Japanese politics, U.S. foreign policy history, the Korean peninsula, Tibet, Burma, and U.S.-India relations. His most recent book is By More than Providence: Grand Strategy and American Power in the Asia Pacific since 1783 (Columbia University Press, 2017) Dr. Green speaks fluent Japanese and spent over five years in Japan working as a staff member of the National Diet, as a journalist for Japanese and American newspapers, and as a consultant for U.S. business. He has also been on the faculty of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a staff member at the Institute for Defense Analyses, and a senior adviser to the Office of Asia-Pacific Affairs in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. He graduated from Kenyon College with highest honors in history in 1983 and received his M.A. from Johns Hopkins SAIS in 1987 and his Ph.D. in 1994. He also did graduate work at Tokyo University as a Fulbright fellow and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a research associate of the MIT-Japan Program. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the International Institute for Strategic Studies, and the Aspen Strategy Group. He is also vice chair of the congressionally mandated Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission and serves on the advisory boards of the Center for a New American Security and Australian American Leadership Dialogue and the editorial board of The Washington Quarterly.


Tradition and Creation: Political Challenges for Japan
Wednesday, Sep 30, 2015
The Hon. Tomomi Inada
Chairperson, Policy Research Council, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
Moderated by :
Michael J. Green
Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair, CSIS
Mrs. Tomomi Inada is Chairperson of the Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan. Appointed to the post in 2014, she is widely considered a rising star among Prime Minister Abe’s close allies. She is a fourth-term member of House of Representatives from Fukui Prefecture and also serves as Chairperson of the Group of Tradition and Creation of LDP. Among other posts, she has served as Minister of State for Regulatory Reform (2012-1014). She is a graduate of Waseda University, Faculty of Law.

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