- アメリカでは8月8日夜(現地時間)、トランプ前大統領の支持者らが前大統領の別荘「マール・ア・ラーゴ」や連邦捜査局(FBI)本部の近くに集まり、抗議の声の上げた。
- FBIはマール・ア・ラーゴを家宅捜索し、文書を回収したという。
- 今回の家宅捜索はトランプ前大統領がホワイトハウスから持ち出したとされる機密文書に関連したものだとABC Newsは伝えている。
当初、家宅捜索が具体的に何の捜査に関連して行われたものなのかは不明だったが、ABC Newsは関係者の情報をもとに、トランプ前大統領がホワイトハウスを去る際に持ち出したとされる15箱の機密文書に関連するものだと伝えている。
スティーブン・ミラー(Stephen Miller、1985年8月23日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の政治顧問。第45代大統領ドナルド・トランプの大統領上級顧問・スピーチライターを務めた[1]。以前はアラバマ州選出の上院議員ジェフ・セッションズの秘書をしていた。
トランプが非難された割には、バイデンは体現することに熱心なようですね。 ドナルド・トランプが彼女を監禁すると引用すると言われていました。しかし、それは実現しませんでした。あなたが今指摘したように、ヒラリー・クリントンには、彼女の機密事項であるドーキンスはありませんでしたが、ジョー・バイデンの下では、まさにその追求があり、彼の政敵を追うために法執行機関を利用するのです。
我々は、何が終わったか終わらなかったか知っている、それらの疑惑のすべてとロシアのドナルド・トランプへの調査のすべての結論で、しかし、その調査の力、その疑惑の力は、4年間の大半のためにアメリカと大統領職を人質として捕らえられたのです。今、あなたは新しい調査を持っています。新しい疑惑があるのです。スティーブン どうなる?どうなるんだ?短期的には、2025年に下院の大掃除をしなければならないでしょう。近い将来、下院で多数派が選出される必要があります。その結果、現在および過去の不正行為に関与したあらゆる政府関係者を召喚するだけでなく弾劾し、スキャンダルや誤報に関与したのが誰なのか、最終的に真実を明らかにすることができるようになるのです。今、歩いたのは、あなたが言ったように、偽の調査が与えるダメージと調査は想像を超えるものであり、こうした偽の調査のために何年も雲の下で暮らすことは、単にドナルド・J・トランプに対する攻撃ではなく、彼を大統領にするために民主主義に参加したアメリカ人一人ひとりに対する攻撃なのですから。
ドナルド・トランプに対するこの疑惑の捜査について、司法省の立証責任は、法廷での立証責任よりも重くなると思いますよ。アメリカ国民は、機関、メディア、科学、医療、FBIの情報機関に対する信頼を失っています。あなたはどう思いますか?その裏側で、スティーブンは、何十年も信頼性を継承してきた機関に対するアメリカ国民の態度に出るでしょう。スティーブ・バノンが刑務所に入ったナバロと エリック・ホルダーが自由に歩いているのを見て 人々は二重の司法制度が存在することを知った 政権を支持する人と 政権に反対する人のためのものだ 8万7千人の国税庁職員について話していますね。中産階級の経済的福祉に対する暴力的な攻撃ですが、アメリカの言論を取り締まる能力も持っているのです。誰が非営利団体なのか、税金の控除をどうするのか。誰が政治団体で、誰が慈善団体で、誰が選挙に関与できて、誰ができないかを決める。これは、終身雇用で選挙によらない官僚が政治システムを管理するために、今IRSに与えられている大きな力です。とても恐ろしいことです。これは、前大統領以上の問題です。これは前大統領以上の問題です。アメリカ国民に関わることです。スティーブン・ミラー、あなたはいつも 視野に入れてくれますね タッカー・カールソンに ご出演いただき 有難うございます
You know I can’t help but notice that for all that Trump was accused, it seems that Biden is intent on embodying It was said that Donald Trump would quote lock her up. That did not happen. As you just pointed out with Hillary Clinton, there was no rate of Hillary Clinton her classified Dawkins but here now under Joe Biden, there is exactly that pursuit, there is the use of law enforcement to go after his political opponent.
Let's talk about the security state that has been after President Trump for six years when he declared his candidacy. And then when he became the nominee, they began pushing the Russian collusion hoax collusion hoax, let's not forget for years of our national life, the official position of the government of the beltway class of the media was that he had conspired illegally with the Government of Russia. Until that was completely and wholly debunked. Let us not forget the security state leak that was used to improperly and scandalously impeach him for simply trying to get to the bottom of well known corruption in Ukraine. Let's not forget the completely fabricated story. About Russian bounties that was dropped right before the election. Let's not forget the assertion that the Hunter Biden scandals well documented on video were Russian disinformation. And let's not also forget that the sitting President of the United States is completely as far as we know being held harmless for how he benefited from his son's business dealings. Where's the special counsel to look into how every penny of that income was handled by the Biden family was handled by Biden reported by Biden and classified by Biden is not happening because again, we have a branch a division of government that has decided, throwing back to the eons before in the Roman Empire, that they can decide that they are the guardians of the empire, they can decide who leaves us and who doesn't. This is an unprecedented development for this country. And I would say nothing like this has happened as far as I'm aware in any other of our developed peers. And what therefore, do you think Steven will be the fallout you just laid out? Beautifully, the power of allegation you laid out beautifully the power of investigation, what occurred over the last four years amounted to nothing? We know the facts. We know what ended up what did not ended up, in conclusion with all of those allegations and all of that investigation to Donald Trump in Russia, but the power of that investigation and that power of that allegation, captured held hostage America and a presidency for the better part of four years. Now you have a new investigation. You have a new allegation. Stephen. What happens? What's the fallout? The only recourse that I can see in the near term, they'll obviously have to be a cleaning house in 2025. In the near term, there needs to be such a large majority elected in the house. That they will have unquestioned ability to not only subpoena, but to impeach any and every official who was involved in wrongdoing, both current and past and to ensure that we finally uncovered the truth about who was involved in each and every one of the scandals and misinformation campaigns. I just walked through, because as you said, the damage and investigation a false investigation can do is beyond imagination and to live under the clouds for years of these fake investigations is not merely an attack on Donald J. Trump, but an attack on every single American who participated in democracy to make him president. Steven, I want to ask you this as as we end our conversation. I can't help but note that this is a day as well, when Congress has passed a bill to expand the IRS enforcement agency by 87,000 new agents, you know, I think the burden of proof for the DOJ on this allegation this investigation into Donald Trump is going to be more than the burden of proof in a court of law. The American people have lost trust in institutions, media, science, medical, FBI intelligence agencies. What do you think? On the back end of this, Stephen will be the attitude of the American people towards institutions that have been granted inherited credibility for decades. Look, people looked at Steve Bannon appeared in Navarro facing jail Eric Holder walking free, and they see that there is a double justice system, one for people that support the regime and one that are opposed to it. You talk about the 87,000 IRS agents. Yes, it's a violent attack on the economic welfare of our middle class, but it's also an ability to police speech in America because what does the IRS do? They decide who's a nonprofit, they decide tax deductibility. They decide who is a political organization who is a charity who can be involved in our elections who can't be this is an enormous power that is now being given to the IRS to further put a bureaucracy that is lifetime appointed and unelected in charge of our political system. It's very frightening. I will tell you, yeah, and it just highlights. This is about more than a former president. This is about the American people. Stephen Miller, you always put into perspective. Well, I appreciate you being with us on Tucker Carlson thank you so much.
unprecedented action by the Department of Justice was talking about exactly what you the viewer what you the American should be taking away from this was Stephen Miller. He's a former senior Trump advisor, and he joins us with his reaction, Stephen. What a day in American history. Your reaction.
This is an abomination. You have the sitting President of the United States Joe Biden, through His justice department through his FBI, conducting a raid on the person who is presumed to be his opponent in the next election, and also the 45th President of the United States as President Trump pointed out in his statement, it is rise level that this would be purportedly done in the name of document preservation from the leaks we've seen when Hillary Clinton use an off book server for years to conduct classified state business and at the same time, money being funneled by the millions into the Clinton Foundation with the very people she was doing business with that to this day, has never been investigated not by the FBI, not by the IRS, not by anybody. We are truly living in a situation where the FBI has become a Praetorian Guard from Rome, where they take it unto themselves to decide who wields power in this country.