TUCKER CARLSON: Thanks to Biden's religious war in Ukraine, the US is about to run out of diesel fuel
The United States has less than a month to fix the energy crisis
そんなことをする正当な理由があるのだろうか?私たちは不思議に思っていた。注意して見ている人なら誰でも疑問に思うことでしょう 今週、メリーランド州ベセスダのジェイミー・ラスキン下院議員は、その疑問に答えました。ロシアは伝統的な社会的価値を持つ正統派キリスト教国であり、そのため、我々にどんな犠牲を払おうとも、破壊しなければならないのです。これは通常の戦争ではありません。これはジハードである。ジェイミー・ラスキンは声を大にしてそう言ったが、ワシントンでは両党とも彼に同調する者が多い。彼らはすぐにでもトランス世界大戦を見たいと思っているのです。
JACQUI HEINRICH: エネルギー情報局によると、10月14日現在、米国ではディーゼルの供給が約25日分しかないということですが、私たちはディーゼルの供給を増やすために何をしているのでしょうか?北東部やニューヨークではすでに家庭用暖房油が配給制になっていますね。冬に備え、ディーゼルの供給量を増やすために、私たちは何をしているのでしょうか?
JOHN KIRBY: ディーゼル油に関する質問は、私の前にデータがないので、私が受け持ちます。もちろん価格は下がっていますし、それは重要なことだと思いますが、ヨーロッパの友人やパートナーたちが長く寒い冬を迎えるのを助けるためにできることもしています。私たちは、3月に発表した欧州への天然ガス輸出の公約を2倍にしました。 また、天然ガスや石油の海外供給業者と協力し、ヨーロッパのパートナーが貯蔵や供給を多様化するのを助けられないか考えています。
ちょっと立ち止まって、この皮肉を味わってみてください。今、すべてが皮肉になっているのですから。アル・ゴアがホワイトハウスを去ってから何十年も 世界にとって唯一最大の脅威は温暖化だと 言い続けてきました そして温暖化対策の努力のために 凍結の危険にさらされています 温暖化と違って凍結は実際に人を殺します 毎年、多くの人を殺します 今年も西部で人を殺すでしょう 彼らの温暖化対策の努力のおかげです.
There are a lot of faraway places in this world—Namibia for example— but Europe is not one of them. Europe is where your kids spent junior year abroad. Europe is an easy flight from the east coast of the United States to pretty much anywhere on the continent and you know this. You've been on vacation in Europe, as millions of Americans have. For the most part, they speak English in Europe. They've got Starbucks and Taco Bell and air conditioning and modern hospitals. It is not another world.
Given how closely related the United States is to Europe and has always been, you would imagine our leaders would notice when Europe began to fall apart, especially when the signs were not subtle at all – and they weren't. This summer, Germans began clear-cutting ancient forests to heat their homes. In Poland, families queued up for hours to buy coal, just like they did 150 years ago. In the U.K., the government projected that more than 10,000 Britons will freeze to death, will die, this winter for lack of heating fuel—freeze to death in England! That is not supposed to happen in a first world country.
Europe is moving backward at high speed and it's not clear where it will end. The question is: why is this happening? The answer for once is a very simple one: the war in Ukraine. That's why it's happening. A huge percentage of Europe's energy came from Russia. Those imports have now been banned, supposedly to punish Vladimir Putin. What's the result of this punishment? Well, the Russian ruble is now far stronger than it was a year ago. The European economy, meanwhile, is collapsing. Europeans are much poorer than they were when the war in Ukraine started.
How is that a victory for Europe, the West and democracy? Well, that's a fair question. It's an obvious question, but no one in Washington appears to be asking that question. Instead, the Biden administration is doubling down on the self-destructive mistakes that are destroying the European Union.
The White House banned Russian oil, natural gas and coal. It was our moral duty. Then at the same time, the Biden administration crushed domestic oil production here by canceling oil and gas leases and then, as if that wasn't enough, the Biden administration sold a piece of our Strategic Petroleum Reserve, maybe this country's most important resource, to China. None of this hurt Putin in any way. All of it impoverishes the United States.
The second thing to notice is the White House spokesman's totally uninterested, blasé response to the most basic question anyone could ask, which is "What are we doing about the fact we're running out of diesel fuel?" He has no idea and he's not embarrassed that he has no idea. The problem is at this point, there may not be an answer because there may not be a way to avoid a disaster. Diesel fuel is not just low in this country. It's low in every Western nation that is aligned itself with Ukraine. All these nations preparing for World War Trans are running out of diesel fuel. As New York Magazine has reported, "The last time there was this little supply (of diesel), there were about 3.5 billion fewer people on the planet." Well, that puts it into perspective.
The Biden administration responded, as you know, earlier this year to rising gas prices, which they feared above all, because the midterms are coming in two weeks by tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserves, but that will not work here. The Northeast home heating oil reserve contains a million barrels of diesel in case of emergencies. The problem is that demand is so high across the board that, according to The Washington Post, even if the Biden administration used every single barrel in that stockpile, that stockpile would be empty in less than six hours.
And of course, it's not just diesel that's running out. Jet fuel is up about 23% in just the last month. Kerosene, which if you don't live in New York City, you know perfectly well, is used to heat people's homes and keep them from dying, is now close to $7 a gallon. Who heats with kerosene, by the way? Poor people heat with kerosene, and they're the ones who can't get it. $7 a gallon! In New England, people are worried about freezing to death this winter. Here's a local Fox report.